Re: 一大早就在实验室受了气
Re: 一大早就在实验室受了气# Biology - 生物学
Fucking Germeny is just like that.
I know some germony professors here always try to involve everything. And my
friend from another university also told me similar experience.
I think this may come from Germeny's race theory. Most of them, if not all,
think they are suprior that any other race.
Some germeny-americans, even though they were born in american and grow up,
and receive education here, still claim they are germeny.
Some gemeny professors here have clearly told me they think american s
Please, do not say things like that.
My friend in the lab is a American born German, in fact, she grew up speaking
German. She is totally nice. I also have a friend from Germany who married a
Chinese girl, he speaks English, Spanish, French, Chinese plus German.
Individuals are just different. You do not want to be labelled something
bad just because you come from somewhere or graduated from somewhere, do not
do that to others:)

【在 n****c 的大作中提到】
: Fucking Germeny is just like that.
: I know some germony professors here always try to involve everything. And my
: friend from another university also told me similar experience.
: I think this may come from Germeny's race theory. Most of them, if not all,
: think they are suprior that any other race.
: Some germeny-americans, even though they were born in american and grow up,
: and receive education here, still claim they are germeny.
: Some gemeny professors here have clearly told me they think american s
