Re: 大家说说IC design方向哪些学校比较牛。
Re: 大家说说IC design方向哪些学校比较牛。# EE - 电子工程
Both in analog and digital,Stanford and Berkeley are the foremost class two.
UCLA is the third in analog/RF
Sodini's MIT is pretty good in analog but that group is not so large
so MIT is not very strong in this area compared to Stanford and Berkeley
UCSD is also strong in this area,
Dr.Song and Dr.Ian Galton is good at A/D,D/A
and Drs Larry Larson and Walter Ku is good at high speed compound RF IC.
CalTech is good especically after Dr.Ali Hijimiri joined its faculty in 1998.
Gatech is good but n
you are really an expert at RF/Analog IC
Oregon state's many professors(4 or 5) in this area are all PhDs of
famous universities such as Berkeley and UIUC...
so they will be stronger and stronger.
And also they tend to be good to chinese students.
TAMU's analog/mixed signal lab is very strong , for the money by TI.
Hijimiri is bull, but he is too lonely at Caltech without his advisor
Thomas Lee.
UCLA is ranked first to my experience,
Abidi and Razavi are famous and good at modeling and

【在 B*******s 的大作中提到】
: Both in analog and digital,Stanford and Berkeley are the foremost class two.
: UCLA is the third in analog/RF
: Sodini's MIT is pretty good in analog but that group is not so large
: so MIT is not very strong in this area compared to Stanford and Berkeley
: UCSD is also strong in this area,
: Dr.Song and Dr.Ian Galton is good at A/D,D/A
: and Drs Larry Larson and Walter Ku is good at high speed compound RF IC.
: CalTech is good especically after Dr.Ali Hijimiri joined its faculty in 1998.
: Gatech is good but n
