Google hiring process (just in case this hasn't been posted)
Google hiring process (just in case this hasn't been posted)# JobHunting - 待字闺中
The Google hiring process is designed to hire the most talented, creative,
and articulate people in the world who will be the best fit for Google. The
Google culture is different. You notice it the moment you walk on campus. It
isn’t for everyone, but it works amazingly well for Google. That is why
cultural fit is so important. There is a lot of mystery and misinformation
about the Google hiring process so I would like to give you my perspective
on how it works, and more importantly, why it works.
Google receives over one million resumes per year, and hires about 1,000 to
4,000 people each year, depending on economic conditions. So, in any given
year, less than one half of one percent of all applicants actually get hired
. That means a lot of people who are very successful in their current jobs,
and others who are very talented, will not be be hired at Google this year.
That is just the reality of the numbers. As Google continues to grow there
will be more opportunities. As of this writing there are about 1,000 job
The Process - In some ways the hiring process is pretty standard, it is the
evaluation that is different. This video explains the steps and what to
expect. All open jobs are listed on Browse for a job that fits
you and submit your resume online. Every resume submitted online gets
Recruiter screen - In the first step of the process the recruiter screens
every resume for technical requirements, education, and experience to make
sure there is a potential fit. If there is no fit you will get a polite “no
fit at this time” response, but your resume will be kept on file. The
recruiter really does look at existing resumes on file when a new job req
opens up. If there is a fit, a recruiter will contact you to set up a phone
screen interview.
Phone screen - A recruiter will contact you, explain the process, and let
you know what to expect. The recruiter may ask for your SAT scores and
college GPA, if this is a technical engineering role. Yes, even though I
have over 20 years of experience...they still asked for my numbers. The
phone screen is usually done by an employee in a similar role, and usually
takes 30 minutes. There could be two or more phone screens, and you may even
be asked to write code in a shared Google Doc during the phone screen if
this is a technical role. The goal is to further assess your technical
skills, past experience, and motivation for this new role.
On Site Interview - The first on site interview will be with four or five
people for 45 minutes each. The interviewers may include the manager and
other employees with similar roles. This interview will go deeper into your
technical skills or domain specific knowledge. If this is a technical role
you will be asked to solve technical problems in real time, which may
include coding a solution or white-boarding a design. This can get pretty
intense for the unprepared candidate, or incredibly fun and stimulating if
you are into it.
Non-engineering roles will have different evaluations. Marketing and PR
people might be asked for writing samples, or asked how they would handle a
delicate PR issue. Business people might be asked how to position one
product versus another, or how to evaluate competing offers. Others might be
asked how they would handle a hypothetical problem and how they would
measure success.
Balance scale You may also be asked some questions like “How many golf
balls can fit in a school bus?” or “There are 8 balls. Seven of them weigh
the same, but one is heavier. Using a balance scale, how do you find the
heavier ball with just two weighings?” I was asked both of these questions
in my interviews. There are lots of puzzling questions like this. Sometimes
the precise answer doesn’t matter. The purpose is to 1)observe your thought
process, 2)test your quick thinking ability under pressure in real time,
and 3)see how you articulate your thoughts and ideas.
Interview feedback - Every interviewer submits their feedback in a standard
format about the candidate and assigns a numerical ranking to the candidate.
The feedback is reviewed by the recruiter and compared to feedback on other
candidates for this job and similar roles. There is also a process to
collect feedback from former colleagues. All existing employees resumes are
in a database. A search is done to match the candidates resume to employees
resumes to find matches for schools or companies for the years specified. An
email is sent to the Google employee asking their opinion on the candidate.
If the consensus is that there is a good fit, and they want to make an
offer, it goes to the hiring committee.
Hiring Committee - There are hiring committees for each major job
classification. The committee consists of senior managers and directors, and
experienced employees from this domain. They see all the potential
candidates for all open jobs in this area so they have a very good feeling
for the required capabilities and availability of highly qualified people.
The committee reviews every piece of feedback as well as the resume and work
experience. If there is consensus agreement from the committee to recommend
an offer it then goes to the next level of review.
Executive Review - Senior level management reviews every offer. Hiring is
taken very seriously at Google. Hiring great people is the most important
thing we do. It has lasting impact on the future of the company. If the
Executive Review comes out favorable it goes to the compensation committee
for that part of the offer.
Compensation Committee - As you might expect the compensation committee
determines the appropriate total compensation for the offer. They have the
advantage of reviewing all the offers in a specific domain so they have a
very good handle on what is fair and appropriate, and the competitive
salaries from other companies.
Final Executive Review - Yes, it is true, one of the top execs looks at all
employment offers before they are extended to the candidate. This sends a
clear message to everyone how serious we are about hiring great people.
The Offer - The recruiter will notify you of an offer, and will explain all
the details of the offer. Google offers are very competitive, some might say
generous, and very thorough. Google wants you to be happy, motivated, and
totally focused.
Why it works - How it works is interesting, but why it works is more
important. Communication, no compromises, and consensus are the key
ingredients. Communication means the candidate is acknowledged soon after
submitting a resume, and is updated when status changes during the process.
Given the huge number of resumes, the process sometimes takes longer than we
would like, or the communication is less informative than desired, but we
strive to keep candidates informed. Maintaining the highest standards with
no compromises is essential. Gaining consensus through committees ensures
the standards remain high, avoids “blind spots”, and many mistakes.
Hiring is everyone’s job - Nearly every employee at Google has recruiting,
interviewing, and hiring as part of their job responsibilities. It is part
of the job, and it is measured. Employees get bonuses for referrals that get
hired. Most employees do several interviews each month, and all are
required to submit written feedback based on standard categories and
criteria. The hiring committee looks at every piece of feedback during the
decision process.
Feedback on your feedback - Interviewing and feedback is taken very
seriously at Google. Employees are coached on how to do better interviews,
and how to write more insightful interview feedback. The system keeps track
of how many interviews we do, what ratings we gave, if the person was hired,
and how our interview feedback was rated by the hiring committee. That’s
right, our feedback is rated for quality by the hiring committee. Over time
it becomes clear who the best interviewers are, and their best practices are
shared with the rest of the team. That is one indication of how serious
Google is about getting the hiring experience right.
No Single Hiring Manager - Hiring decisions are made by hiring committees.
This means that no single hiring manager can make a potentially bad decision
by themselves. This doesn't guarantee 100% success, but it does reduce bad
decisions. There must be consensus that the candidate is a great hire. Doesn
’t this slow down the process? Not really, in fact the process insures that
candidate status is reviewed by the committee every week. There is no
opportunity for the hiring decision to get delayed by personal deadlines for
other work. The consensus approach avoids "blind spots" or biases by an
individual hiring manager, and results in better hiring decisions.
Candidates are compared across several groups to make sure the acceptance
criteria remain high.
Compensation fairness - It is important to note that compensation is decided
by a separate committee, not the hiring manager or hiring committee. This
ensures that compensation is fair across groups and within similar job roles
. Again, the consensus approach avoids potential blind spots or biases of an
individual manager.
Only hire the best fit - There are lots of job openings at Google. Some have
been open for a long time. Google would rather leave a job unfilled than
hire a sub-optimal candidate. The hiring committee will not allow a less
than great hire just because the hiring manager is anxious to fill a slot.
Google also has a very different approach to setting goals and rewarding
achievement. We set goals and measure progress every quarter, not once a
year. We set impossible goals and achieve many of them. Even when we fall
short the results are impressive. Achieving 60% of the impossible is better
than 100% of the ordinary. Read “How Google Sets Goals And Measures Success
” for more details.
Google has a very different culture than most companies. You notice it as
soon as you walk on campus. You see it in the employees you talk to. You
feel it when you attend internal meetings or TGIF company meetings. It
starts with Larry, Sergey, Eric, and the senior management team. The culture
remains strong and true because the hiring process requires hiring only the
best fit, the people who have that unique “Googley” character. The secret
to Google’s success is its people. That is why hiring is everyone’s job
at Google. See if Google is right for you. Check out open jobs here.


【在 r*********u 的大作中提到】
: The Google hiring process is designed to hire the most talented, creative,
: and articulate people in the world who will be the best fit for Google. The
: Google culture is different. You notice it the moment you walk on campus. It
: isn’t for everyone, but it works amazingly well for Google. That is why
: cultural fit is so important. There is a lot of mystery and misinformation
: about the Google hiring process so I would like to give you my perspective
: on how it works, and more importantly, why it works.
: Google receives over one million resumes per year, and hires about 1,000 to
: 4,000 people each year, depending on economic conditions. So, in any given
: year, less than one half of one percent of all applicants actually get hired

google interview experience:

Google. The
campus. It
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【在 r*********u 的大作中提到】
: The Google hiring process is designed to hire the most talented, creative,
: and articulate people in the world who will be the best fit for Google. The
: Google culture is different. You notice it the moment you walk on campus. It
: isn’t for everyone, but it works amazingly well for Google. That is why
: cultural fit is so important. There is a lot of mystery and misinformation
: about the Google hiring process so I would like to give you my perspective
: on how it works, and more importantly, why it works.
: Google receives over one million resumes per year, and hires about 1,000 to
: 4,000 people each year, depending on economic conditions. So, in any given
: year, less than one half of one percent of all applicants actually get hired
