Tell the CA Senate Why You Support Uber!
Tell the CA Senate Why You Support Uber!# JobHunting - 待字闺中
The affordable, reliable rides you love are under threat once again:
tomorrow, the CA Senate Insurance Committee is voting on two bills that
would disrupt ridesharing in the state of California and we need your voice
to send one powerful message: #CAlovesUber!
These bills (AB 2293 & AB 612) are backed by Big Taxi, the insurance
industry and trial attorneys who want to use the regulatory system to their
advantage and undermine the benefits that ridesharing brings to both riders
and drivers across the Golden State.
The stakes have never been higher. Big Taxi and their allies in Sacramento
are scared of losing out to ridesharing platforms that ultimately produce
higher wages and better working conditions for drivers, and they’ll spread
whatever untruths are necessary to protect their bottom lines.
Take a stand for better transportation and consumer choice in California --
contact your Senator on the Insurance Committee and tell them you don’t
want special interests deciding the future of ridesharing:

Click here to tweet Senator Lieu and tell him to Vote NO on AB 2293 & AB 612!
Then, click here to email Senator Lieu (we wrote a message you can use) or
call him at 916-651-4028.
California needs your voice right now to help ensure access to the safest
and most affordable rides on the road that support thousands of small
business entrepreneurs and boost our economy. It’s time to email, call and
tweet your State Senators and tell them #CAlovesUber.
Keep Fighting,
Uber California
Email template to Senator Lieu
Sent to “s**********[email protected]
Dear Senator Lieu,
As one of your constituents, I urge you to vote no on bills AB 612 & AB 2293
at tomorrow’s Senate Insurance Committee hearing. These bills ignore the
incredible impact ridesharing has on consumer transportation options and the
economic opportunity that ridesharing unlocks for drivers across the state.
Uber supports requiring insurance coverage while a driver is engaged in
ridesharing (‘App On’ to ‘App Off’) as outlined in AB 2293 - but
regulations must be smart. Colorado was able to find a solution that
adequately protects riders and drivers without ignoring the distinctions of
ridesharing technology. The Insurance Committee proposal would add
unnecessary state insurance requirements to the bill over and above what is
currently required for any car on the road.
AB 612 forces duplicative and potentially harassing background checks and
drug testing when the California Public Utilities Commission has already put
such protections in place. It would prevent anyone with criminal charges at
any point in their life from being able to improve their circumstances with
the economic opportunity of becoming a driver.
This is a critical issue for voters like myself, and I hope you will
consider the best interests of consumers in California over the blatant
untruths being propagated by Big Taxi, the insurance industry and trial
Thank you.


【在 f*****d 的大作中提到】
: 大家支持一下Uber!
: The affordable, reliable rides you love are under threat once again:
: tomorrow, the CA Senate Insurance Committee is voting on two bills that
: would disrupt ridesharing in the state of California and we need your voice
: to send one powerful message: #CAlovesUber!
: These bills (AB 2293 & AB 612) are backed by Big Taxi, the insurance
: industry and trial attorneys who want to use the regulatory system to their
: advantage and undermine the benefits that ridesharing brings to both riders
: and drivers across the Golden State.
: The stakes have never been higher. Big Taxi and their allies in Sacramento
