2L job search# Law - 律师事务所
1 楼
Just a few words on the job search process for those interested in doing
1. Participate in minority job fairs, e.g. the Dupont job fair in Delaware,
LA, etc, the Cook County job fair in Chicago, Northwest BLSA, and the Boston
Lawyers Group job fairs in Boston and DC. I'm from a non-14 school, and the
big firm offers I have all come from the minority job fairs.
2. Practice interviewing skills. This is definitely more important than grades
when you get a screening or callback interview
1. Participate in minority job fairs, e.g. the Dupont job fair in Delaware,
LA, etc, the Cook County job fair in Chicago, Northwest BLSA, and the Boston
Lawyers Group job fairs in Boston and DC. I'm from a non-14 school, and the
big firm offers I have all come from the minority job fairs.
2. Practice interviewing skills. This is definitely more important than grades
when you get a screening or callback interview