I don't buy a lot online. Even so, it is so hard to report this tax, since I don't have such a list. Do people at CA actually record and report this tax?
then mf would have the same issue. in addition, if there's run, it's even better as it must be a panic time when u should be greedy instead of fearful. for those big etf's ivv or iwm in fidelity, the spread is very small. fidelity's free etf's are even better. they are from ishare, one of the biggest etf players. schwab and vanguard etf are not that popular.
【在 n******n 的大作中提到】 : then mf would have the same issue. : in addition, if there's run, it's even better as it must be a panic time : when u should be greedy instead of fearful. : for those big etf's ivv or iwm in fidelity, the spread is very small. : fidelity's free etf's are even better. they are from ishare, one of the : biggest etf players. schwab and vanguard etf are not that popular.
这个解释会否有点偏颇? 既然是父母+子(瑗)三人的故事,其他全是枝节,如何取舍,全看作者喜好了。不是 说其他人不重要,只不过beyond the scope of the paper 不过这本书我只扫过片羽,估计以后也不会读,不好说。anyway,我的阈值很低,只要 有趣,作者怎么写都好,我也不期待作者的道德水平如何。我也不觉得我有能力评价, 完全是囫囵吞枣排遣寻乐而已。
【在 S***n 的大作中提到】 : 这个解释会否有点偏颇? : 既然是父母+子(瑗)三人的故事,其他全是枝节,如何取舍,全看作者喜好了。不是 : 说其他人不重要,只不过beyond the scope of the paper : 不过这本书我只扫过片羽,估计以后也不会读,不好说。anyway,我的阈值很低,只要 : 有趣,作者怎么写都好,我也不期待作者的道德水平如何。我也不觉得我有能力评价, : 完全是囫囵吞枣排遣寻乐而已。
78 楼
I do not need any terrific experience to buy and sell MF. To be able to have free trade with low minimum institutional class funds is far more important to me.
【在 n******n 的大作中提到】 : it's wells fargo, with balance requirement, and user experience of : wellstrade is awful. : fidelity is much better.
【在 S**C 的大作中提到】 : I do not need any terrific experience to buy and sell MF. To be able to have : free trade with low minimum institutional class funds is far more important : to me.
Well I will give you an example. At Vanguard I could buy PTTRX for $25,000 or more. If I want to invest in PIMCO total return with that amount, I will buy PTTRX at Vanguard and pay the transaction fee, rather than buy PTTDX which is NTF.
【在 n******n 的大作中提到】 : who's trading mf's with fee? : : have : important
83 楼
有一部分在读自己我赞同,不过很多其他时候未必。。。(民科一下)儿童有个阶段是 没有自我意识的,比如看到镜中人却不能理解是自己,这个自我意识的能力是逐渐发展 的。。。我可能没发育完整,经常读书读到一半就忘掉自己了,不是置身书中,或者与 书中人同感了,就是似乎不仅肉身无关紧要,连灵魂也没什么特别珍贵。。。 与其说书在涤荡灵魂,不如书提供一间休憩室,教我可以无忧发呆。。。同时也不会太 寂寞,可以旁观无数人间戏剧。 hmm... 暂时想不出什么好的书作例子说明“读自己”和“空无一物的发呆”的区别,不过音乐 作品我有现成的。brahms/shostackovchy的作品一前一后,但每次听都忍不住 置身期 间,经历他们的痛苦;vivaldi/ravel也是一古一今,不过常常无法发现作者的踪影 。 哈哈。ravel曾说:could not it ever occur to people that I can be artificial by nature?请注意ravel生前被批评因作品冷谈没有热诚。如今显学的vivaldi,我忘记 出处, 看到一则非常趁我意的评价说他的作品:好像一座城市,其中有许
【在 S**C 的大作中提到】 : Well I will give you an example. : At Vanguard I could buy PTTRX for $25,000 or more. If I want to invest in : PIMCO total return with that amount, I will buy PTTRX at Vanguard and pay : the transaction fee, rather than buy PTTDX which is NTF.
【在 S***n 的大作中提到】 : 这个解释会否有点偏颇? : 既然是父母+子(瑗)三人的故事,其他全是枝节,如何取舍,全看作者喜好了。不是 : 说其他人不重要,只不过beyond the scope of the paper : 不过这本书我只扫过片羽,估计以后也不会读,不好说。anyway,我的阈值很低,只要 : 有趣,作者怎么写都好,我也不期待作者的道德水平如何。我也不觉得我有能力评价, : 完全是囫囵吞枣排遣寻乐而已。