dealsea好欢乐 (转载)# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: zhizunbao123 (至尊宝), 信区: Joke
标 题: dealsea好欢乐
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 30 17:31:13 2013, 美东)
Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G Tablet $169, Nov 30
Amazon.com has Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G on sale for $169 with free shipping. [
›Comments (11) ›Add Comments
11/30/2013 04:09pm By Anonymous
A 2009 technology?
11/30/2013 04:17pm By Anonymous
It does not have wi-fi, am I right?
11/30/2013 04:26pm By Anonymous
It has free 3G. Why do u need wifi?
11/30/2013 04:31pm By Anonymous
It has wifi and free 3G. But it is ONLY designed for reading, so don't
expect you can browse web like other tablets.
come from a Kindle DX user.
11/30/2013 04:31pm By Anonymous
Useless junk. Mine got collecting dust always. Function is heavily limited.
11/30/2013 04:31pm By Anonymous
Useless junk. Mine got collecting dust always. Function is heavily limited.
11/30/2013 04:36pm By Anonymous
11/30/2013 04:31pm
Mei Wen Hua, Zhen Ke Pa.
11/30/2013 04:43pm By Anonymous
LOL nicely said!
11/30/2013 04:53pm By Anonymous
Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk
11/30/2013 05:09pm By Anonymous
I read a lot with mine. Many of my friends, the poorly educated ones, prefer
iPads, but that is only because they waste shameful amounts of time
watching movies, playing games, and taking "selfies". This is a great gift
for an intelligent person.
11/30/2013 05:26pm By Anonymous
Average IQ of active Kindle DX users: 116
Average IQ of active IPad users: 83
Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk?


【在 z**********3 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
: 发信人: zhizunbao123 (至尊宝), 信区: Joke
: 标 题: dealsea好欢乐
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 30 17:31:13 2013, 美东)
: Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G Tablet $169, Nov 30
: Amazon.com has Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G on sale for $169 with free shipping. [
: pricechart]
: ›Comments (11) ›Add Comments
: 11/30/2013 04:09pm By Anonymous
: A 2009 technology?



【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk?
: [


Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk?

【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk?
: [


【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: zhizunbao123 (至尊宝), 信区: Joke
标 题: dealsea好欢乐
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 30 17:31:13 2013, 美东)
Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G Tablet $169, Nov 30
Amazon.com has Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G on sale for $169 with free shipping. [
›Comments (11) ›Add Comments
11/30/2013 04:09pm By Anonymous
A 2009 technology?
11/30/2013 04:17pm By Anonymous
It does not have wi-fi, am I right?
11/30/2013 04:26pm By Anonymous
It has free 3G. Why do u need wifi?
11/30/2013 04:31pm By Anonymous
It has wifi and free 3G. But it is ONLY designed for reading, so don't
expect you can browse web like other tablets.
come from a Kindle DX user.
11/30/2013 04:31pm By Anonymous
Useless junk. Mine got collecting dust always. Function is heavily limited.
11/30/2013 04:31pm By Anonymous
Useless junk. Mine got collecting dust always. Function is heavily limited.
11/30/2013 04:36pm By Anonymous
11/30/2013 04:31pm
Mei Wen Hua, Zhen Ke Pa.
11/30/2013 04:43pm By Anonymous
LOL nicely said!
11/30/2013 04:53pm By Anonymous
Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk
11/30/2013 05:09pm By Anonymous
I read a lot with mine. Many of my friends, the poorly educated ones, prefer
iPads, but that is only because they waste shameful amounts of time
watching movies, playing games, and taking "selfies". This is a great gift
for an intelligent person.
11/30/2013 05:26pm By Anonymous
Average IQ of active Kindle DX users: 116
Average IQ of active IPad users: 83

【在 z**********3 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
: 发信人: zhizunbao123 (至尊宝), 信区: Joke
: 标 题: dealsea好欢乐
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 30 17:31:13 2013, 美东)
: Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G Tablet $169, Nov 30
: Amazon.com has Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G on sale for $169 with free shipping. [
: pricechart]
: ›Comments (11) ›Add Comments
: 11/30/2013 04:09pm By Anonymous
: A 2009 technology?



【在 b*s 的大作中提到】
: 那个评论是不是我酥写的?
: 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
: 发信人: zhizunbao123 (至尊宝), 信区: Joke
: 标 题: dealsea好欢乐
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 30 17:31:13 2013, 美东)
: Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G Tablet $169, Nov 30
: Amazon.com has Kindle DX 9.7" Free 3G on sale for $169 with free shipping. [
: pricechart]
: ›Comments (11) ›Add Comments


【在 a******m 的大作中提到】
: ???
: 这是传说中的吴哝软语?
: 这个至尊宝是不是蓝妹妹写个那个至尊宝?


【在 b*s 的大作中提到】
: 你咋一张嘴就骂人呢?
: Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk?
: [


【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Lo Ho Lee Fuk?
: [


Sum Ting Wong - Something Wrong
Wi Tu Lo - Way Too Low
Ho Lee Fuk - Holy Fuck
It was read out during a plane crash, which I found @inet

【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 这是他贴的评论里的一句啊,看上去像粤语但我读不懂是什么。
: 不知道lanmeimei写过哪个至尊宝。这个至尊宝好像和素问认识。

Personally, I don't find these made-up names to be all that
offensive in and by themselves. After all, who doesn't make
fun of foreign-sounding names? If I had a penny every time
someone makes up an English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, or
whatever kind of name that sounds funny and silly in Chinese...
So let's not get too uptight and PC about it.
But of course, this stupid prank was pulled right after—and in
association with—the tragic crash of the Korean airliner, and
that definitely makes it offensive, juvenile, and crude

【在 d********e 的大作中提到】
: 发现中国人真是对种族歧视的东西太不敏感了。这么赤裸裸的嘲笑朝鲜人姓名(其实中
: 国人的姓名也差不多)的语句,居然也能笑得出来??
: 这个来源应该知道吧,就是上次韩亚航空事后的一则电视台假新闻。

meet the fockers

Personally, I don't find these made-up names to be all that
offensive in and by themselves. After all, who doesn't make
fun of foreign-sounding names? If I had a penny every time
someone makes up an English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, or
whatever kind of name that sounds funny and silly in Chinese...
So let's not get too uptight and PC about it.
But of course, this stupid prank was pulled right after—and in
association with—the tragic crash of the Korean airliner, and
that definitely makes it offensive, juvenile, and crude

【在 N****f 的大作中提到】
: Personally, I don't find these made-up names to be all that
: offensive in and by themselves. After all, who doesn't make
: fun of foreign-sounding names? If I had a penny every time
: someone makes up an English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, or
: whatever kind of name that sounds funny and silly in Chinese...
: So let's not get too uptight and PC about it.
: But of course, this stupid prank was pulled right after—and in
: association with—the tragic crash of the Korean airliner, and
: that definitely makes it offensive, juvenile, and crude

My point, as you will see if you re-read my comment above, was that
immigrants (who have access to another identity and culture) may have a
different emotional reaction to racist “jokes” than people of the same
ethnicity who lived in the USA for their entire lives. I suppose that more
broadly, what I was trying to point out that the way that people react
emotionally to an insensitive “joke” is shaped by their own lived
experiences. So, the fact that you (who are not a member of the target
population, despite your multiple-minority status) didn’t feel hurt by this
particular “joke” doesn’t mean that someone else is wrong to feel hurt.
Keiko showed very clearly that this “joke” isn’t an isolated incident,
but rather part of a pattern of mockery of Asians that is broadly tolerated
in the USA. Whether that upsets you is up to you.

【在 N****f 的大作中提到】
: Personally, I don't find these made-up names to be all that
: offensive in and by themselves. After all, who doesn't make
: fun of foreign-sounding names? If I had a penny every time
: someone makes up an English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, or
: whatever kind of name that sounds funny and silly in Chinese...
: So let's not get too uptight and PC about it.
: But of course, this stupid prank was pulled right after—and in
: association with—the tragic crash of the Korean airliner, and
: that definitely makes it offensive, juvenile, and crude

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