Last night, I went to the Bill Cosby show. Before the show started, he said
he had to take a minute and pay attribute to Whitney. I wasn't paying full
attention yet and was trying to adjust my sitting angle from the back of the
theater for the most comfort and best view. The name he spelled missed me
or it just simply didn't make sense. I just mumbled (or shouted?) out "who?
what?". The guy sitting next to me said "didn't you know, Whitney Houston
died today". Even with the 2 hours' humor followed, I can't shake away the
immense sadness for the whole night.
She is one of my favorite singers, not only because of her voice. She is one
of the few singers sang with her heart and the emotion is contagious. I
have always hoped she will be as strong as Tina Turner and turn her life
around. Actually, I read in one gossip magazine in the gym last week that
she was working hard on a new film. I remember myself thinking that I really
didn't like the two films from her I had watched other than the title songs
she sang. But if this film's title song would be as good, good for her.
I will always love you.
one of the most beautuful voices ever.


【在 w*********o 的大作中提到】
: Last night, I went to the Bill Cosby show. Before the show started, he said
: he had to take a minute and pay attribute to Whitney. I wasn't paying full
: attention yet and was trying to adjust my sitting angle from the back of the
: theater for the most comfort and best view. The name he spelled missed me
: or it just simply didn't make sense. I just mumbled (or shouted?) out "who?
: what?". The guy sitting next to me said "didn't you know, Whitney Houston
: died today". Even with the 2 hours' humor followed, I can't shake away the
: immense sadness for the whole night.
: She is one of my favorite singers, not only because of her voice. She is one
: of the few singers sang with her heart and the emotion is contagious. I


【在 z*i 的大作中提到】
: re
: one of the most beautuful voices ever.
: said
: the
: ?
: one

here is a beautifully written, moving tribute
"We don't yet know the circumstances surrounding Houston's death. And we
aren't going to dwell on whatever personal trials accumulated over the years
and their cumulative effects. There's plenty of time for that -- and a lot
of dreary tell-all books to come. We'd rather not think about it. We have a
simpler need: To remember when there was literally no one else like Whitney
Houston in this world -- and how much poorer the world would have been
without her."


【在 w*********o 的大作中提到】
: Last night, I went to the Bill Cosby show. Before the show started, he said
: he had to take a minute and pay attribute to Whitney. I wasn't paying full
: attention yet and was trying to adjust my sitting angle from the back of the
: theater for the most comfort and best view. The name he spelled missed me
: or it just simply didn't make sense. I just mumbled (or shouted?) out "who?
: what?". The guy sitting next to me said "didn't you know, Whitney Houston
: died today". Even with the 2 hours' humor followed, I can't shake away the
: immense sadness for the whole night.
: She is one of my favorite singers, not only because of her voice. She is one
: of the few singers sang with her heart and the emotion is contagious. I

Last night, I went to the Bill Cosby show. Before the show started, he said
he had to take a minute and pay attribute to Whitney. I wasn't paying full
attention yet and was trying to adjust my sitting angle from the back of the
theater for the most comfort and best view. The name he spelled missed me
or it just simply didn't make sense. I just mumbled (or shouted?) out "who?
what?". The guy sitting next to me said "didn't you know, Whitney Houston
died today". Even with the 2 hours' humor followed, I can't shake away the
immense sadness for the whole night.
She is one of my favorite singers, not only because of her voice. She is one
of the few singers sang with her heart and the emotion is contagious. I
have always hoped she will be as strong as Tina Turner and turn her life
around. Actually, I read in one gossip magazine in the gym last week that
she was working hard on a new film. I remember myself thinking that I really
didn't like the two films from her I had watched other than the title songs
she sang. But if this film's title song would be as good, good for her.
I will always love you.
One of the greatest singer of all time. It was a shame and tragedy that she
died so young. So was the case for her only child.
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