(1) 'Root' (2) 'hello' folder (3) 'good' folder --- I want to capture Root, hello, good in these cases, any other string like (1) 'Root' folder (2) ' bad' -- shouldn't match. ^'(Root(?:')|(?!Root).*(?:' folder))$ seems to capture extra ' and extra folder
Ask B to schedule a meeting with you, A and B to present results, findings and analysis. You can tell B about your concern that your investigation may hurt your relationship with A. B should understand that. Have an open discussion with A before the meeting to go over your findings and logics. A may point out some flaws in your analysis as well. During presentation, you should mention that you have discussed with A already.
Is it because it may not embed non-capturing group inside capturing group? (Root(?:')) Not an expert in regex, but I never see a usage like that. (Root)' or (Root)(?:') would be more correct.
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : Ask B to schedule a meeting with you, A and B to present results, findings : and analysis. You can tell B about your concern that your investigation may : hurt your relationship with A. B should understand that. : Have an open discussion with A before the meeting to go over your findings : and logics. A may point out some flaws in your analysis as well. : During presentation, you should mention that you have discussed with A : already.
Depends on how A deal with it. If he take it seriously, it is better to be careful. Nevertheless, it is better to have discussion with A before talking to B if you want to maintain good relationship with him.
【在 B******e 的大作中提到】 : B 的领导风格有问题,有点像是喜欢捡软柿子捏的那种 : 这种老板的坏处是,只看对他好的结果,不管谁解决的, : 也就是即使是LZ解决了问题 : B 不一定会把 credit 记到LZ头上。 : 我觉得是应该和 B 面对面(没有A的场合)谈,到底 B 指定谁为主要解决者? : 如果B 还是要A负主要责任,LZ 没必要跳出来,有可能这不是什么大问题 : 没必要花那么大的功夫。有可能 B 和 A 有矛盾,又不便明着和他闹翻, : 如果LZ跳出来解决,B解决了问题,又有了扳倒A的理由,而坏人有 LZ 扮演, : 对B 是太好的结果了。LZ 有什么好处呢? : 如果真是很重要的问题,B 会 push A 解决的
82 楼
你老板后来问你和A的话是正道。当A说不是那个原因并且不想再查的时候,你应该首先 问下一步应该怎么办。 In terms of how to do it, if I were you, I would replay the email to both A and B something like "This is interesting. Please let me know what I can do help.". This way you show your boss you are willing to help. Meanwhile, you hint that this issue is not over yet. You would be positioned well no matter in which direction this thing goes. If A asks you to do something, he shot himself right in the foot. If he didn't and later on you guys found out he was wrong, you have something in writing at least to show that you have offered to help.
Let me reply myself to add one more comment. In this kind situation, you are copied and only asked to help. You need to stay relaxed and let things play out by themselves. Just keep things warm on your side. You will be fine.
A do you matter shot
【在 u**e 的大作中提到】 : 你老板后来问你和A的话是正道。当A说不是那个原因并且不想再查的时候,你应该首先 : 问下一步应该怎么办。 : In terms of how to do it, if I were you, I would replay the email to both A : and B something like "This is interesting. Please let me know what I can do : help.". This way you show your boss you are willing to help. Meanwhile, you : hint that this issue is not over yet. You would be positioned well no matter : in which direction this thing goes. If A asks you to do something, he shot : himself right in the foot. If he didn't and later on you guys found out he : was wrong, you have something in writing at least to show that you have : offered to help.
当然有问题一开始要客观指出,lz也已经这样做了,并反馈给AB,不存在掩盖。如果A 客气接受意见就没后面这么多事了(假设B跟lz是对的)。但事实是A已经强硬拒绝了, 这种情况下B跟A要先解决他俩之间的问题,平级的lz不应轻举妄动越俎代庖。你的组和 老板都好,不代表所有的组和老板都这样。有的时候事情要越变越差,这种情况就可以 是起点。 Not everything is about you. 要学会顺其自然,给别人空间。
【在 u**e 的大作中提到】 : 你老板后来问你和A的话是正道。当A说不是那个原因并且不想再查的时候,你应该首先 : 问下一步应该怎么办。 : In terms of how to do it, if I were you, I would replay the email to both A : and B something like "This is interesting. Please let me know what I can do : help.". This way you show your boss you are willing to help. Meanwhile, you : hint that this issue is not over yet. You would be positioned well no matter : in which direction this thing goes. If A asks you to do something, he shot : himself right in the foot. If he didn't and later on you guys found out he : was wrong, you have something in writing at least to show that you have : offered to help.
我也碰到过,只不过我是另外一端。一个特别愚蠢的错误,但是凑巧结果显得挺合理, 我自己没发现,检查的人没看出来,review的人也没看出来,已经发给客户之后,非常 偶然被另外一个同事看到。老板立刻写信道歉,基本是说,we are embarrassed about the mistake. We have fixed the error. We will not charge you for xx hours 我宁可是同事发现,我们自己更正;而不是被客户发现,虽然有很大的可能客户其实永 远发现不了。我对那个同事心存感激,也希望自己以后的同事和老板都是这样能够帮助 我把关的有用的人。
听起来很精彩,但是你这样的做法只能是在楼主和这个 A 不共戴天,你死我活的情况 下的决战策略。 虽然楼主确实说了“对付" 这个词,但是我们不了解楼主是不是要置 A 于死地,把 A 扫地出门永无反手之力。从另外一个角度谈,我们不知道这个 A 的其 它背景,比如和更高层的关系(楼主的老板可能也不过是个中低层领导), 这么一个 技术失误加上解决不力,是否足够打倒 A, 我们也不得而知。
【在 B********d 的大作中提到】 : 听起来很精彩,但是你这样的做法只能是在楼主和这个 A 不共戴天,你死我活的情况 : 下的决战策略。 虽然楼主确实说了“对付" 这个词,但是我们不了解楼主是不是要置 : A 于死地,把 A 扫地出门永无反手之力。从另外一个角度谈,我们不知道这个 A 的其 : 它背景,比如和更高层的关系(楼主的老板可能也不过是个中低层领导), 这么一个 : 技术失误加上解决不力,是否足够打倒 A, 我们也不得而知。
【在 u**e 的大作中提到】 : 你老板后来问你和A的话是正道。当A说不是那个原因并且不想再查的时候,你应该首先 : 问下一步应该怎么办。 : In terms of how to do it, if I were you, I would replay the email to both A : and B something like "This is interesting. Please let me know what I can do : help.". This way you show your boss you are willing to help. Meanwhile, you : hint that this issue is not over yet. You would be positioned well no matter : in which direction this thing goes. If A asks you to do something, he shot : himself right in the foot. If he didn't and later on you guys found out he : was wrong, you have something in writing at least to show that you have : offered to help.
120 楼
你有一个重要信息没有透露给我们: A 的这个错误到底有多严重,老板让他和你一起 调查的目的是什么,是一般的总结研发中的失败原因,还是客户端的投诉 ? A 如果承 认了错误,是会被一般地批评,是影响奖金,是影响他提升,还是会丢饭碗 ? 这个严重性不同对处理方式影响很大。比如 A 如果会因此走人,平素又和我没有很大 矛盾的话,我会多少对他有些恻隐之心。
【在 u**e 的大作中提到】 : 你老板后来问你和A的话是正道。当A说不是那个原因并且不想再查的时候,你应该首先 : 问下一步应该怎么办。 : In terms of how to do it, if I were you, I would replay the email to both A : and B something like "This is interesting. Please let me know what I can do : help.". This way you show your boss you are willing to help. Meanwhile, you : hint that this issue is not over yet. You would be positioned well no matter : in which direction this thing goes. If A asks you to do something, he shot : himself right in the foot. If he didn't and later on you guys found out he : was wrong, you have something in writing at least to show that you have : offered to help.