6 楼
thanks. how about now?
r【 在 ldbd (一个爱上浪漫的蚂蚱) 的大作中提到: 】
r【 在 ldbd (一个爱上浪漫的蚂蚱) 的大作中提到: 】
8 楼
guess it's because this is part of the lyric of my favorite song..
probably in poems, this kind of grammar doesnn't work either
It's so smooth *that* it even feels like skin.
or you can break the sentence into two like your previous qmd, without adding
【在 or 的大作中提到】
: It's so smooth *that* it even feels like skin.
: or you can break the sentence into two like your previous qmd, without adding
: "that".
probably in poems, this kind of grammar doesnn't work either
It's so smooth *that* it even feels like skin.
or you can break the sentence into two like your previous qmd, without adding
【在 or 的大作中提到】
: It's so smooth *that* it even feels like skin.
: or you can break the sentence into two like your previous qmd, without adding
: "that".
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