沃克斯豪尔花园 ( 展览 )
沃克斯豪尔花园 ( 展览 )# Arts - 艺术殿堂
Date: 11 May 2012 - 09 September 2012
" In 1729 and 1739 two London institutions changed the face of British
art forever, Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens under the management of Jonathan
Tyers and the Foundling Hospital for abandoned babies and England’s first
public art gallery established by Thomas Coram. To ensure the success of the
two institutions both men enlisted the help of two great artists of the age
, painter and engraver William Hogarth and composer George Frideric Handel.
" The Foundling Hospital became the premier venue for London’s polite
society to combine socialising and culture with philanthropy whereas
Vauxhall Gardens was a place to enjoy contemporary music and art,
spectacular design, al fresco dining, beautiful gardens and supper boxes
from which to see and be seen. The Triumph of Pleasure: Vauxhall Gardens
1729 – 1786 will explore the Gardens, which for its visitors was an escape
from daily realities and a re-affirmation of all the good things that life
had to offer. "
" Drawing from the collections of major museums and galleries across the
country The Triumph of Pleasure: Vauxhall Gardens 1729 – 1786, will
display works by Hogarth, Canaletto, Hayman, Rowlandson and Gainsborough.
Visitors can view original manuscripts and song sheets which will be
supported by a series of specially commissioned concerts. One of the last
surviving supper box paintings will be on display alongside objects
associated with the Gardens and the Foundling Hospital. This will include an
identifying token left by a mother with the baby she left at the Foundling
Hospital. This token is a copper 1737 Vauxhall Garden season ticket,
attributed to Hogarth. The exhibition will also be the first time Franç
ois Roubiliac’s three terracotta portrait busts of William Hogarth, George
Frideric Handel and Jonathan Tyers have been seen together. "
更多 vauxhall gardens 历史介绍:


【在 y*****g 的大作中提到】
: Date: 11 May 2012 - 09 September 2012
: " In 1729 and 1739 two London institutions changed the face of British
: art forever, Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens under the management of Jonathan
: Tyers and the Foundling Hospital for abandoned babies and England’s first
: public art gallery established by Thomas Coram. To ensure the success of the
: two institutions both men enlisted the help of two great artists of the age
: , painter and engraver William Hogarth and composer George Frideric Handel.
: " The Foundling Hospital became the premier venue for London’s polite
: society to combine socialising and culture with philanthropy whereas
