在小组赛半数晋级半数淘汰之后,32部影片进入首轮淘汰赛 赛制采取的是最常见的playoff tournament形式 简要说明如何产生排阵: 八个小组各组夺得首位的影片占据了八个种子席位: 除了八个种子以外其他24部影片全部随机(没有加权)产生最终的对阵表 对阵表可看以下连接: http://www.bracketmaker.com/tmenu.cfm?tid=376043&tclass=MITBBS%20Movie%20FS 首轮将从八个1/8区进行每次放出四场对决,为期三天。 比如今天开放的首轮1/8的四场对决,将截至周一晚6:00pm 今天至周一 鬼子来了 vs The Shawshank's Redemption 活着 vs Sin city Memento vs The good, the bad and the ugly 甜蜜蜜 vs 英雄本色 请在随后发出的各自对战贴中跟贴选择支持哪部影片
http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2010_05_21/caredit.a10000 52 Late one evening in November of 1985, Fenyong Liu and a group of friends arrived in Shanghai after a 10- hour train trip from Hefei in China's Anhui Province, where they all attended the University of Science and Technology of China. They had come to take the Graduate Record Examination ( GRE). "There were only two testing centers in China, in Beijing and Shanghai," Liu says. "You have to p