2 楼
3 楼
This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
scientific) audience.
请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
欢迎站短哈 ^_^
This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
scientific) audience.
请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
欢迎站短哈 ^_^
4 楼
no. 这款太弱了
【在 f*********e 的大作中提到】
: http://www.jr.com/pogoplug/pe/PGG_POGOB01/
: 是不是整archlinux那一款?thanks.
【在 f*********e 的大作中提到】
: http://www.jr.com/pogoplug/pe/PGG_POGOB01/
: 是不是整archlinux那一款?thanks.
5 楼
后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
7 楼
我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
eye opening,这个好!
?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
【在 p*****m 的大作中提到】
: 这个没必要严格遵守吧。我觉得重点是强调你们研究的话题多么多么fundamental,然
: 后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
: misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
: nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
: 浅显越震撼越好。
: the
我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
eye opening,这个好!
?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
【在 p*****m 的大作中提到】
: 这个没必要严格遵守吧。我觉得重点是强调你们研究的话题多么多么fundamental,然
: 后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
: misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
: nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
: 浅显越震撼越好。
: the
9 楼
那倒也不用,打个比方,你要是投免疫的文章,就把cover letter写到能让任何一个学
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢!
: 看来他们是要基础研究是吧,那就是说不能提什么theropy了?
: 我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
: eye opening,这个好!
: 囧,他们审稿把关的不是科学家?有多半吊子啊?那要把letter写成科学美国人水平么
: ?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢!
: 看来他们是要基础研究是吧,那就是说不能提什么theropy了?
: 我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
: eye opening,这个好!
: 囧,他们审稿把关的不是科学家?有多半吊子啊?那要把letter写成科学美国人水平么
: ?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
11 楼
12 楼
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
13 楼
14 楼
the better way is focused on hot topics likes "2012 sea water covered NY big
apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 再顶顶~
apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 再顶顶~
15 楼
interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 l**********1 的大作中提到】
: the better way is focused on hot topics likes "2012 sea water covered NY big
: apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
: likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
: NB:
: Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 l**********1 的大作中提到】
: the better way is focused on hot topics likes "2012 sea water covered NY big
: apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
: likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
: NB:
: Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
19 楼
22 楼
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
27 楼
从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 你有经验么?能不能说说~
这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 你有经验么?能不能说说~
28 楼
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
30 楼
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
31 楼
投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
以再投回来,所以你们要是投Nature的话,最好把图片做得busy 一些看起来数据很多
Science 比较看重数据的新颖程度,对于数据量图片量倒不是那么重视,
我们和Cell 打交道的经验非常不好,每次都是直接被他们的主编锯,所以
投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
以再投回来,所以你们要是投Nature的话,最好把图片做得busy 一些看起来数据很多
Science 比较看重数据的新颖程度,对于数据量图片量倒不是那么重视,
我们和Cell 打交道的经验非常不好,每次都是直接被他们的主编锯,所以
32 楼
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】
: 一直不敢回你的帖子,因为怕被人说又来卖弄。
: 但是既然你都追上门来问我了,那我就随便讲讲吧。
: 就我投稿的经验来说,
: 投稿的时候,要注意几点:
: 投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
: discussion.
: 在投稿信里的introduction要列出几片相关文章的档次,比方说是不是大部分
: 都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
: 发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
: 另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】
: 一直不敢回你的帖子,因为怕被人说又来卖弄。
: 但是既然你都追上门来问我了,那我就随便讲讲吧。
: 就我投稿的经验来说,
: 投稿的时候,要注意几点:
: 投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
: discussion.
: 在投稿信里的introduction要列出几片相关文章的档次,比方说是不是大部分
: 都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
: 发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
: 另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
33 楼
50 ways to write a (cover) letter
16 Apr 2007 | 12:39 BST | Posted by Joshua Finkelstein | Category: Other
Kyle’s blog entry on writing scientific papers got me thinking about an
important – and underappreciated – part of submitting your work to a
journal. So I thought I’d write down a few of my thoughts about cover
letters. A caveat, of course, is that these are just my opinions – maybe
other NPG editors can chime in and let me know if they agree/disagree with
the items on this list…
1. You don’t need to discuss much, but always submit a cover letter (unless
the journal doesn’t allow it) – I obviously can’t speak for editors at
other journals, but I always read the cover letter. It’s often the first
thing an editor reads, so don’t miss out on a chance to make a good
2. You don’t need to be coy, Roy – the cover letter should contain a brief
summary of the work, but be careful not to over- or underplay the discovery
. If there are other key papers that have been recently published (i.e.,
this work refutes the model proposed in that paper), then point them out in
the cover letter too – this part of the letter can be used to put your work
into a broader context and highlight certain aspects that were unexpected/
3. Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation – it’s fine to assume the
reader is a Ph.D.-level scientist, but I think it’s worth remembering that
they may not be intimately familiar with every detail of your particular
system. For this reason, I think it’s worth taking the time to highlight
the main points/the major implications of the work (see #2, though) without
getting too bogged down in the technical details. If it’s the first time
anyone’s shown X, then that’s worth highlighting – just don’t forget to
explain why X is so important…
4. Eats, Shoots & Leaves – Microsoft Word’s spell-check can be very
helpful, but I think it’s worth asking someone outside of your immediate
field to read through your cover letter (and paper) to see if they notice
any spelling/grammatical errors or confusing sentences/paragraphs. (But don
’t get too worried – you don’t need to buy a Chicago Manual of Style to
write a good cover letter…)
5. If you’ve talked with an editor about the work (at a meeting, for
example), definitely mention this in your cover letter. This is less
important if the team of editors is fairly small (but I think it’s still
worth doing) – at Nature, there’s a fairly large editorial team and your
paper may not be assigned to the person you talked with (this is especially
true for multidisciplinary work). Though we circulate new submissions to
editors who handle papers in related areas, it’s always good to know if you
’ve talked with someone else on the team, as this will ensure that they see
the paper before any editorial decision is made.
6. Always suggest referees – most journals let you list a few potential
referees that you feel are particularly qualified to review the work. But
don’t put down your old Ph.D./post-doc advisor or someone who you’ve
recently published with (as many editors check PubMed or other databases
before contacting referees) – even if there is no actual conflict of
interest, many editors avoid a situation where there could be a perceived
conflict of interest. These lists tend to be useful starting places when
contacting referees (especially if there is a special technique involved or
if the paper involves a discovery in a relatively small field).
7. Nature allows authors to submit a short list (usually two or three names)
of people working on related work (or people who the authors feel may not
be able to act as an impartial referee). This is very useful information, as
(unfortunately) competition and bias exist, and it’s best to know this
before we start contacting referees. But please keep the list short – I’ve
seen entire departments or schools listed in this section – or you may get
an email from the editor asking you to revise your list.
Hmm – I think that’s it. I guess I’m a few shy of 50 – any other NPG
editors want to add their thoughts?
Joshua Finkelstein (Senior Editor, Nature)
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
16 Apr 2007 | 12:39 BST | Posted by Joshua Finkelstein | Category: Other
Kyle’s blog entry on writing scientific papers got me thinking about an
important – and underappreciated – part of submitting your work to a
journal. So I thought I’d write down a few of my thoughts about cover
letters. A caveat, of course, is that these are just my opinions – maybe
other NPG editors can chime in and let me know if they agree/disagree with
the items on this list…
1. You don’t need to discuss much, but always submit a cover letter (unless
the journal doesn’t allow it) – I obviously can’t speak for editors at
other journals, but I always read the cover letter. It’s often the first
thing an editor reads, so don’t miss out on a chance to make a good
2. You don’t need to be coy, Roy – the cover letter should contain a brief
summary of the work, but be careful not to over- or underplay the discovery
. If there are other key papers that have been recently published (i.e.,
this work refutes the model proposed in that paper), then point them out in
the cover letter too – this part of the letter can be used to put your work
into a broader context and highlight certain aspects that were unexpected/
3. Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation – it’s fine to assume the
reader is a Ph.D.-level scientist, but I think it’s worth remembering that
they may not be intimately familiar with every detail of your particular
system. For this reason, I think it’s worth taking the time to highlight
the main points/the major implications of the work (see #2, though) without
getting too bogged down in the technical details. If it’s the first time
anyone’s shown X, then that’s worth highlighting – just don’t forget to
explain why X is so important…
4. Eats, Shoots & Leaves – Microsoft Word’s spell-check can be very
helpful, but I think it’s worth asking someone outside of your immediate
field to read through your cover letter (and paper) to see if they notice
any spelling/grammatical errors or confusing sentences/paragraphs. (But don
’t get too worried – you don’t need to buy a Chicago Manual of Style to
write a good cover letter…)
5. If you’ve talked with an editor about the work (at a meeting, for
example), definitely mention this in your cover letter. This is less
important if the team of editors is fairly small (but I think it’s still
worth doing) – at Nature, there’s a fairly large editorial team and your
paper may not be assigned to the person you talked with (this is especially
true for multidisciplinary work). Though we circulate new submissions to
editors who handle papers in related areas, it’s always good to know if you
’ve talked with someone else on the team, as this will ensure that they see
the paper before any editorial decision is made.
6. Always suggest referees – most journals let you list a few potential
referees that you feel are particularly qualified to review the work. But
don’t put down your old Ph.D./post-doc advisor or someone who you’ve
recently published with (as many editors check PubMed or other databases
before contacting referees) – even if there is no actual conflict of
interest, many editors avoid a situation where there could be a perceived
conflict of interest. These lists tend to be useful starting places when
contacting referees (especially if there is a special technique involved or
if the paper involves a discovery in a relatively small field).
7. Nature allows authors to submit a short list (usually two or three names)
of people working on related work (or people who the authors feel may not
be able to act as an impartial referee). This is very useful information, as
(unfortunately) competition and bias exist, and it’s best to know this
before we start contacting referees. But please keep the list short – I’ve
seen entire departments or schools listed in this section – or you may get
an email from the editor asking you to revise your list.
Hmm – I think that’s it. I guess I’m a few shy of 50 – any other NPG
editors want to add their thoughts?
Joshua Finkelstein (Senior Editor, Nature)
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
34 楼
The most important thing is your first founding and also this/these result/s
and relative discussion is/are different to that field almost PI' already
known truth, i mean without your manuscript published human academic field
will lose one change for better understood that field.
Otherwise without one second last author holds your manuscript authorship
and he/she is always belong to CNS authors' list before, you never think
about that you can pass through first selection round to outside reviewers
before you or your PI already hold EMBO J or similar IF level papers annually/biannually records for at least
one decade.
反倒是wendell lim这两年势
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢多谢哈~
and relative discussion is/are different to that field almost PI' already
known truth, i mean without your manuscript published human academic field
will lose one change for better understood that field.
Otherwise without one second last author holds your manuscript authorship
and he/she is always belong to CNS authors' list before, you never think
about that you can pass through first selection round to outside reviewers
before you or your PI already hold EMBO J or similar IF level papers annually/biannually records for at least
one decade.
反倒是wendell lim这两年势
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢多谢哈~
35 楼
36 楼
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
41 楼
This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
scientific) audience.
请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
欢迎站短哈 ^_^
This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
scientific) audience.
请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
欢迎站短哈 ^_^
42 楼
后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
43 楼
我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
eye opening,这个好!
?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
【在 p*****m 的大作中提到】
: 这个没必要严格遵守吧。我觉得重点是强调你们研究的话题多么多么fundamental,然
: 后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
: misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
: nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
: 浅显越震撼越好。
: the
我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
eye opening,这个好!
?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
【在 p*****m 的大作中提到】
: 这个没必要严格遵守吧。我觉得重点是强调你们研究的话题多么多么fundamental,然
: 后你们的进展在big picture上有什么重要性。或者也可以强调之前的研究多么多么
: misleading,你们的进展是多么的eye opening。之类的。
: nature editor都是半吊子科学家反正,而且一个人负责好大一个领域,所以你说的越
: 浅显越震撼越好。
: the
44 楼
那倒也不用,打个比方,你要是投免疫的文章,就把cover letter写到能让任何一个学
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢!
: 看来他们是要基础研究是吧,那就是说不能提什么theropy了?
: 我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
: eye opening,这个好!
: 囧,他们审稿把关的不是科学家?有多半吊子啊?那要把letter写成科学美国人水平么
: ?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢!
: 看来他们是要基础研究是吧,那就是说不能提什么theropy了?
: 我就是摸不准这个big picture要有多大呢,直接到最大的领域(热坑)么?
: eye opening,这个好!
: 囧,他们审稿把关的不是科学家?有多半吊子啊?那要把letter写成科学美国人水平么
: ?难道那个给popular (non-scientific) audience的summary才是他们看的?。。。
45 楼
46 楼
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
47 楼
48 楼
the better way is focused on hot topics likes "2012 sea water covered NY big
apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 再顶顶~
apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 再顶顶~
49 楼
interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 l**********1 的大作中提到】
: the better way is focused on hot topics likes "2012 sea water covered NY big
: apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
: likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
: NB:
: Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
【在 l**********1 的大作中提到】
: the better way is focused on hot topics likes "2012 sea water covered NY big
: apple prediction" or "2022 global warming let sea water cover Sydney" jokes
: likes but CNS those editors prefer these.
: NB:
: Only for your request for for what can be called a topical, interdisciplinary contents to CNS...
53 楼
56 楼
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
61 楼
从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 你有经验么?能不能说说~
这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 你有经验么?能不能说说~
62 楼
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
63 楼
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
【在 g*****p 的大作中提到】
: 从来不需要刻意去写你这个东西有general interest
: 这种杂志的科技论文也从来不是给大众看的,即使他们这么标榜也没用。 因为不是行
: 业出身的大众没人看得懂,只有他们板块里政论性的文章和新闻才是
: 你只需要用简明扼要的话把你的significance和background写好就行了
: general interests只需要说明xx方向是大家关心的热点,你的工作解决了一个什么样
: 的重要问题,将会对某些方向的基础/应用研究有多大影响就行了(当然绝大多数cns文
: 章根本没有解决这些问题,你只需要和editor,reviewer之间互相骗,大家把谎话当真
: 理写下来相互认可就行了)
64 楼
投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
以再投回来,所以你们要是投Nature的话,最好把图片做得busy 一些看起来数据很多
Science 比较看重数据的新颖程度,对于数据量图片量倒不是那么重视,
我们和Cell 打交道的经验非常不好,每次都是直接被他们的主编锯,所以
投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
以再投回来,所以你们要是投Nature的话,最好把图片做得busy 一些看起来数据很多
Science 比较看重数据的新颖程度,对于数据量图片量倒不是那么重视,
我们和Cell 打交道的经验非常不好,每次都是直接被他们的主编锯,所以
65 楼
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】
: 一直不敢回你的帖子,因为怕被人说又来卖弄。
: 但是既然你都追上门来问我了,那我就随便讲讲吧。
: 就我投稿的经验来说,
: 投稿的时候,要注意几点:
: 投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
: discussion.
: 在投稿信里的introduction要列出几片相关文章的档次,比方说是不是大部分
: 都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
: 发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
: 另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】
: 一直不敢回你的帖子,因为怕被人说又来卖弄。
: 但是既然你都追上门来问我了,那我就随便讲讲吧。
: 就我投稿的经验来说,
: 投稿的时候,要注意几点:
: 投稿信大概就是类似一个abstract 的写法,要有introduction, data, and
: discussion.
: 在投稿信里的introduction要列出几片相关文章的档次,比方说是不是大部分
: 都发在CNS上. 对于你们的数据,不要说的太technical, 而是要大概说说你们
: 发现了什么,填补了什么空白。 最后指出这些数据对于什么领域会有意义。
: 另外, Nature editor 对细胞,老鼠和生化貌似相当内行,但是她们貌似比较
66 楼
50 ways to write a (cover) letter
16 Apr 2007 | 12:39 BST | Posted by Joshua Finkelstein | Category: Other
Kyle’s blog entry on writing scientific papers got me thinking about an
important – and underappreciated – part of submitting your work to a
journal. So I thought I’d write down a few of my thoughts about cover
letters. A caveat, of course, is that these are just my opinions – maybe
other NPG editors can chime in and let me know if they agree/disagree with
the items on this list…
1. You don’t need to discuss much, but always submit a cover letter (unless
the journal doesn’t allow it) – I obviously can’t speak for editors at
other journals, but I always read the cover letter. It’s often the first
thing an editor reads, so don’t miss out on a chance to make a good
2. You don’t need to be coy, Roy – the cover letter should contain a brief
summary of the work, but be careful not to over- or underplay the discovery
. If there are other key papers that have been recently published (i.e.,
this work refutes the model proposed in that paper), then point them out in
the cover letter too – this part of the letter can be used to put your work
into a broader context and highlight certain aspects that were unexpected/
3. Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation – it’s fine to assume the
reader is a Ph.D.-level scientist, but I think it’s worth remembering that
they may not be intimately familiar with every detail of your particular
system. For this reason, I think it’s worth taking the time to highlight
the main points/the major implications of the work (see #2, though) without
getting too bogged down in the technical details. If it’s the first time
anyone’s shown X, then that’s worth highlighting – just don’t forget to
explain why X is so important…
4. Eats, Shoots & Leaves – Microsoft Word’s spell-check can be very
helpful, but I think it’s worth asking someone outside of your immediate
field to read through your cover letter (and paper) to see if they notice
any spelling/grammatical errors or confusing sentences/paragraphs. (But don
’t get too worried – you don’t need to buy a Chicago Manual of Style to
write a good cover letter…)
5. If you’ve talked with an editor about the work (at a meeting, for
example), definitely mention this in your cover letter. This is less
important if the team of editors is fairly small (but I think it’s still
worth doing) – at Nature, there’s a fairly large editorial team and your
paper may not be assigned to the person you talked with (this is especially
true for multidisciplinary work). Though we circulate new submissions to
editors who handle papers in related areas, it’s always good to know if you
’ve talked with someone else on the team, as this will ensure that they see
the paper before any editorial decision is made.
6. Always suggest referees – most journals let you list a few potential
referees that you feel are particularly qualified to review the work. But
don’t put down your old Ph.D./post-doc advisor or someone who you’ve
recently published with (as many editors check PubMed or other databases
before contacting referees) – even if there is no actual conflict of
interest, many editors avoid a situation where there could be a perceived
conflict of interest. These lists tend to be useful starting places when
contacting referees (especially if there is a special technique involved or
if the paper involves a discovery in a relatively small field).
7. Nature allows authors to submit a short list (usually two or three names)
of people working on related work (or people who the authors feel may not
be able to act as an impartial referee). This is very useful information, as
(unfortunately) competition and bias exist, and it’s best to know this
before we start contacting referees. But please keep the list short – I’ve
seen entire departments or schools listed in this section – or you may get
an email from the editor asking you to revise your list.
Hmm – I think that’s it. I guess I’m a few shy of 50 – any other NPG
editors want to add their thoughts?
Joshua Finkelstein (Senior Editor, Nature)
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
16 Apr 2007 | 12:39 BST | Posted by Joshua Finkelstein | Category: Other
Kyle’s blog entry on writing scientific papers got me thinking about an
important – and underappreciated – part of submitting your work to a
journal. So I thought I’d write down a few of my thoughts about cover
letters. A caveat, of course, is that these are just my opinions – maybe
other NPG editors can chime in and let me know if they agree/disagree with
the items on this list…
1. You don’t need to discuss much, but always submit a cover letter (unless
the journal doesn’t allow it) – I obviously can’t speak for editors at
other journals, but I always read the cover letter. It’s often the first
thing an editor reads, so don’t miss out on a chance to make a good
2. You don’t need to be coy, Roy – the cover letter should contain a brief
summary of the work, but be careful not to over- or underplay the discovery
. If there are other key papers that have been recently published (i.e.,
this work refutes the model proposed in that paper), then point them out in
the cover letter too – this part of the letter can be used to put your work
into a broader context and highlight certain aspects that were unexpected/
3. Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation – it’s fine to assume the
reader is a Ph.D.-level scientist, but I think it’s worth remembering that
they may not be intimately familiar with every detail of your particular
system. For this reason, I think it’s worth taking the time to highlight
the main points/the major implications of the work (see #2, though) without
getting too bogged down in the technical details. If it’s the first time
anyone’s shown X, then that’s worth highlighting – just don’t forget to
explain why X is so important…
4. Eats, Shoots & Leaves – Microsoft Word’s spell-check can be very
helpful, but I think it’s worth asking someone outside of your immediate
field to read through your cover letter (and paper) to see if they notice
any spelling/grammatical errors or confusing sentences/paragraphs. (But don
’t get too worried – you don’t need to buy a Chicago Manual of Style to
write a good cover letter…)
5. If you’ve talked with an editor about the work (at a meeting, for
example), definitely mention this in your cover letter. This is less
important if the team of editors is fairly small (but I think it’s still
worth doing) – at Nature, there’s a fairly large editorial team and your
paper may not be assigned to the person you talked with (this is especially
true for multidisciplinary work). Though we circulate new submissions to
editors who handle papers in related areas, it’s always good to know if you
’ve talked with someone else on the team, as this will ensure that they see
the paper before any editorial decision is made.
6. Always suggest referees – most journals let you list a few potential
referees that you feel are particularly qualified to review the work. But
don’t put down your old Ph.D./post-doc advisor or someone who you’ve
recently published with (as many editors check PubMed or other databases
before contacting referees) – even if there is no actual conflict of
interest, many editors avoid a situation where there could be a perceived
conflict of interest. These lists tend to be useful starting places when
contacting referees (especially if there is a special technique involved or
if the paper involves a discovery in a relatively small field).
7. Nature allows authors to submit a short list (usually two or three names)
of people working on related work (or people who the authors feel may not
be able to act as an impartial referee). This is very useful information, as
(unfortunately) competition and bias exist, and it’s best to know this
before we start contacting referees. But please keep the list short – I’ve
seen entire departments or schools listed in this section – or you may get
an email from the editor asking you to revise your list.
Hmm – I think that’s it. I guess I’m a few shy of 50 – any other NPG
editors want to add their thoughts?
Joshua Finkelstein (Senior Editor, Nature)
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
67 楼
The most important thing is your first founding and also this/these result/s
and relative discussion is/are different to that field almost PI' already
known truth, i mean without your manuscript published human academic field
will lose one change for better understood that field.
Otherwise without one second last author holds your manuscript authorship
and he/she is always belong to CNS authors' list before, you never think
about that you can pass through first selection round to outside reviewers
before you or your PI already hold EMBO J or similar IF level papers annually/biannually records for at least
one decade.
反倒是wendell lim这两年势
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢多谢哈~
and relative discussion is/are different to that field almost PI' already
known truth, i mean without your manuscript published human academic field
will lose one change for better understood that field.
Otherwise without one second last author holds your manuscript authorship
and he/she is always belong to CNS authors' list before, you never think
about that you can pass through first selection round to outside reviewers
before you or your PI already hold EMBO J or similar IF level papers annually/biannually records for at least
one decade.
反倒是wendell lim这两年势
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 多谢多谢哈~
68 楼
69 楼
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 正在看Nature的要求,他说,
: This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries:
: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the
: paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather
: than for a single-discipline or archival journal;
: and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-
: scientific) audience.
: 请问版上各位大牛,是不是在cover lettre里面要从多大的big picture着眼呢?要强
: 调得多么topical呢?是不是一定点出来,我们的文章义无反顾的跳了某某某的热坑,
: 这种?
急问一个endnote format的问题,在线等~~请教一个简单的数据统计问题[合集] 要离开bench了,分享用过的资料[合集] 是否可以禁止Hanempire在本版发言?Cofirst aothor 中的第二位作者,和列第一位的有没有分别?求一本书的电子版R language 好学吗?peptide identification in ms15万美元一年的博后,不好吗?Gold Biotechnology的化学品价格都非常便宜生物博士读了MBA后,又能干什么呢?版面上有case western的前辈么?在申请那里的graduate program,没有消息有点焦急nature上关于中国科研的讨论(ZZ from NYTimes) Research Ties Diabetes Drug to Heart Woeswestern reprobe考了cfa还没转行成功的生物男分享自己的经历请教:关于在zebrafish里tissue specific表达GFP请推荐一下retrovirus 的研究进展Transcription factor codeRe: 读PHD期间自己养娃是不是很辛苦? (转载)