WSJ: France Drops Monsanto Challenge (转载)
WSJ: France Drops Monsanto Challenge (转载)# Biology - 生物学
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发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: WSJ: France Drops Monsanto Challenge
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 22 16:34:04 2012, 美东)
PARIS—The French government said Monday that it had no reason to challenge
Monsanto Co.'s MON +0.20% license to sell a genetically modified corn in the
European Union after the country's food-safety agency ruled that a study
linking the crop to cancers in rats was flawed and inconclusive.
A month ago, the French government had said it would seek an immediate ban
on EU imports of the corn made by the St. Louis-based chemicals giant, and
known as the NK603, if the study conducted by the French university of Caen
was deemed of scientific value.
But French food-safety agency ANSES said Monday that the study failed to
provide scientific evidence to support its claim that rats fed for two years
on the NK603 corn had developed more tumors and other severe diseases than
a control group fed regular corn.
"The conclusions reached by the authors are insufficiently backed by data,"
ANSES director Marc Mortureux said. The agency said the number of rats
included in the study was too small to make any finding statistically
The French government said would follow ANSES's conclusions regarding the
study but added that it would commission new research on the long-term
impact on animals and humans of genetically modified crops.
Monsanto officials reiterated they didn't believe the study presented any
information that justified any change on the approval of NK603 imports or
the views on the safety of the genetically modified products.
Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, the author of the study, said he stood by
the results of his two-year research.
The NK603 corn is widely used in countries such as the U.S. and Brazil and
the EU has authorized its imports, though not its cultivation.
France has been locked into a fight with its EU partners over another
genetically modified corn made by Monsanto. French authorities have been
blocking the use of the MON810 variety, which is allowed in the rest of the
EU, even though the Conseil d'Etat, France's top administrative court,
ordered the French ban to be lifted.