期末考试看到这道题的时候,我直接交白卷了,太凶残了。。。擦# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
number of bankcard accounts grew too fast
too many requests for new credit in the past 3 months
not enough accounts opened for more than 2 years
too few satisfactory accounts opened greater than 5 months
我今年一月申请的boa secured card,五月在chase开户后申请到freedom,六月办了
costco会员卡后申请了amex costco.现在刚开个淘宝小店,想想也算有business了就申
请了ink plus,结果悲剧.这种情况要求reconsider有用吗,说些什么理由呢,我在chase
number of bankcard accounts grew too fast
too many requests for new credit in the past 3 months
not enough accounts opened for more than 2 years
too few satisfactory accounts opened greater than 5 months
我今年一月申请的boa secured card,五月在chase开户后申请到freedom,六月办了
costco会员卡后申请了amex costco.现在刚开个淘宝小店,想想也算有business了就申
请了ink plus,结果悲剧.这种情况要求reconsider有用吗,说些什么理由呢,我在chase