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Attorney Work Life Balance CalculatorTM
Purpose: The purpose of the calculator below is to help you determine on
how many total hours you must spend in your office during the week (Monday
through Friday) in order to meet the billable hour requirements of your firm
(taking into account vacation, personal and other "days off"), and
the amount of time you'll need to spend working at home after work or on
weekends if you can't meet you
Attorney Work Life Balance CalculatorTM
Purpose: The purpose of the calculator below is to help you determine on
how many total hours you must spend in your office during the week (Monday
through Friday) in order to meet the billable hour requirements of your firm
(taking into account vacation, personal and other "days off"), and
the amount of time you'll need to spend working at home after work or on
weekends if you can't meet you
急问律师朋友,关于“不在美国本土申请H1-B工作签证”的问题,谢谢!有人被cas算错过分吗?帮帮我,请问这个官司怎么打?紧急求助,关于买新房想退出合约。 (转载)请问没有考过bar能让律所帮申请h1b吧?哪种经历对申请Law School有利:postdoc vs. running a start-up? [求助]与ETS纠纷问一个做义工的问题请问LSAC要国内本科成绩单的表一定要填吗?大牛们,帮我看看关于条款的解读和上法庭求助,非常感谢!!!帮忙看看这两家law firm怎么样?电子邮件的法律效力?我要怎样去追究保险公司的责任!Re: 就最近的验血的争论,说两句大家可以讨论一下“推荐信”制度的合法性吗?(续)想状告ets.请求帮助。To the mom: Flying (云): six month baby after vacinne and fabout patent attorney这儿律师多,问个问题。