old xing 辛苦了.

【在 A*****o 的大作中提到】
: 我注意到这一定是几年前的经典,因为它始终在亚马逊向我推荐的书籍列表上。但我从
: 来没有想过我会抓住它,从而了解故事的奥秘。
: 我决定读它,主要是因为我和我的一个学生的谈话。她告诉我,她的英语老师让他们读
: 这本书,分析这本小说中描绘的人物,然后写一篇关于它的文章。(她正在一所国际高
: 中读书)。她用几乎宏大的手势生动地向我展示了她对她的老师所崇拜的这本书的赞赏
: ,这位老师声称这是她最喜欢的书之一。
: 出于纯粹的巧合,有一天当我在书店查看输入的英文书时,我查到了这本书。当时我正
: 在和我的朋友谈论“我之前的我”一书。我告诉她,我想阅读这个爱情故事,因为这部
: 电影绝对是催人泪下的。然后从我的余光中,我看到这本书静静地坐在书架的一个相对
: 黑暗的角落里。与一些精装书相比,这本书看起来很简单,很薄。

是《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)这本书吗?
([email protected])
回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-02-13 ~ 03
[email protected]
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
先祝三八妇女节快乐!!~~三八节快乐!!~~。。。:))… … ..
“---本来打算周一周二(2018-03-05 & 2018-03-06)回帖的,结果周日晚上(2018-03-
04晚上)俺的电脑(dell inspiron 6400 laptop及其电源线和电路接线板和若干13A, 5A
的电阻丝突然组合起来。。:((。。555。。了 霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要
脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。。555… … ..让俺
受到了比较大的井下,欧不,惊吓一下子。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。555。。 (2018-03-
[email protected])” ([email protected])
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,
哈哈,内天(2018-02-28)读到。。Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师的这个帖子(Wed Feb
28 10:23:45 2018, 美东)的时候,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智
文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺 想到的好像是和gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师 在 [4]楼(
Tue Mar 6 12:41:19 2018, 美东)说的 -----
“是《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)这本书吗?”-----
------几乎一样的问题呢??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。----- 霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚
颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺 想到的好像是类似于 -------
-----您这儿说的是 Lord of the Ring(s),欧不,Lord of the Flies。。么??~~。
。@@[email protected]@。。----
。。。啊啥的这样的问题。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。,然后还想到2016年。。的。。
封信。。,。。等等等等~~~~。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))… … .. ([email protected])
([email protected])

---- (more to follow。。。。) ([email protected])------”
([email protected])

------对不起,Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各
,这个先暂时记写到这儿??刑部??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。------俺跟俺们家的内俩熊瞎
,现在都”@[email protected] GMT,这才把。。:((。。555。。准备先占个坑儿,
估计今儿24点GMT之前把三个回帖暂时都是先占个坑儿。。,([email protected]

然后这两天就把这仨回帖都补充完全。。@@[email protected]@。。([email protected])
”([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
再次祝您们,(也借您们的宝地。。:))。。)也祝 神通广大的,欧部,广大的。
。。。------ 三八妇女节快乐!!~~三八节快乐!!~~。。。:))… … .. (2018-
[email protected])
([email protected])
想到什么,再跟贴、回贴、写帖子、添加什么的吧~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))... …
祝新年好新年快乐新春愉快!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。
王天舒/Tianshu WANG
@[email protected] GMT
To be posted @[email protected] GMT.
([email protected])
([email protected])

[回复] [回信给作者] [本篇全文] [本讨论区] [修改] [删除] [转寄] [转贴] [收藏]
[举报] [ 1 ]
发信人: Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 苍蝇之王zz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 28 10:23:45 2018, 美东)

【在 A*****o 的大作中提到】
: 我注意到这一定是几年前的经典,因为它始终在亚马逊向我推荐的书籍列表上。但我从
: 来没有想过我会抓住它,从而了解故事的奥秘。
: 我决定读它,主要是因为我和我的一个学生的谈话。她告诉我,她的英语老师让他们读
: 这本书,分析这本小说中描绘的人物,然后写一篇关于它的文章。(她正在一所国际高
: 中读书)。她用几乎宏大的手势生动地向我展示了她对她的老师所崇拜的这本书的赞赏
: ,这位老师声称这是她最喜欢的书之一。
: 出于纯粹的巧合,有一天当我在书店查看输入的英文书时,我查到了这本书。当时我正
: 在和我的朋友谈论“我之前的我”一书。我告诉她,我想阅读这个爱情故事,因为这部
: 电影绝对是催人泪下的。然后从我的余光中,我看到这本书静静地坐在书架的一个相对
: 黑暗的角落里。与一些精装书相比,这本书看起来很简单,很薄。

old xing 辛苦了.

【在 A*****o 的大作中提到】
: 我注意到这一定是几年前的经典,因为它始终在亚马逊向我推荐的书籍列表上。但我从
: 来没有想过我会抓住它,从而了解故事的奥秘。
: 我决定读它,主要是因为我和我的一个学生的谈话。她告诉我,她的英语老师让他们读
: 这本书,分析这本小说中描绘的人物,然后写一篇关于它的文章。(她正在一所国际高
: 中读书)。她用几乎宏大的手势生动地向我展示了她对她的老师所崇拜的这本书的赞赏
: ,这位老师声称这是她最喜欢的书之一。
: 出于纯粹的巧合,有一天当我在书店查看输入的英文书时,我查到了这本书。当时我正
: 在和我的朋友谈论“我之前的我”一书。我告诉她,我想阅读这个爱情故事,因为这部
: 电影绝对是催人泪下的。然后从我的余光中,我看到这本书静静地坐在书架的一个相对
: 黑暗的角落里。与一些精装书相比,这本书看起来很简单,很薄。

是《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)这本书吗?
([email protected])
回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-02-13 ~ 03
[email protected]
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
先祝三八妇女节快乐!!~~三八节快乐!!~~。。。:))… … ..
“---本来打算周一周二(2018-03-05 & 2018-03-06)回帖的,结果周日晚上(2018-03-
04晚上)俺的电脑(dell inspiron 6400 laptop及其电源线和电路接线板和若干13A, 5A
的电阻丝突然组合起来。。:((。。555。。了 霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要
脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。。555… … ..让俺
受到了比较大的井下,欧不,惊吓一下子。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。555。。 (2018-03-
[email protected])” ([email protected])
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,
哈哈,内天(2018-02-28)读到。。Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师的这个帖子(Wed Feb
28 10:23:45 2018, 美东)的时候,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智
文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺 想到的好像是和gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师 在 [4]楼(
Tue Mar 6 12:41:19 2018, 美东)说的 -----
“是《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)这本书吗?”-----
------几乎一样的问题呢??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。----- 霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚
颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺 想到的好像是类似于 -------
-----您这儿说的是 Lord of the Ring(s),欧不,Lord of the Flies。。么??~~。
。@@[email protected]@。。----
。。。啊啥的这样的问题。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。,然后还想到2016年。。的。。
封信。。,。。等等等等~~~~。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))… … .. ([email protected])
([email protected])

---- (more to follow。。。。) ([email protected])------”
([email protected])

------对不起,Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各
,这个先暂时记写到这儿??刑部??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。------俺跟俺们家的内俩熊瞎
,现在都”@[email protected] GMT,这才把。。:((。。555。。准备先占个坑儿,
估计今儿24点GMT之前把三个回帖暂时都是先占个坑儿。。,([email protected]

然后这两天就把这仨回帖都补充完全。。@@[email protected]@。。([email protected])
”([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
再次祝您们,(也借您们的宝地。。:))。。)也祝 神通广大的,欧部,广大的。
。。。------ 三八妇女节快乐!!~~三八节快乐!!~~。。。:))… … .. (2018-
[email protected])
([email protected])
想到什么,再跟贴、回贴、写帖子、添加什么的吧~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))... …
祝新年好新年快乐新春愉快!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。
王天舒/Tianshu WANG
@[email protected] GMT
To be posted @[email protected] GMT.
([email protected])
([email protected])

[回复] [回信给作者] [本篇全文] [本讨论区] [修改] [删除] [转寄] [转贴] [收藏]
[举报] [ 1 ]
发信人: Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 苍蝇之王zz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 28 10:23:45 2018, 美东)

【在 A*****o 的大作中提到】
: 我注意到这一定是几年前的经典,因为它始终在亚马逊向我推荐的书籍列表上。但我从
: 来没有想过我会抓住它,从而了解故事的奥秘。
: 我决定读它,主要是因为我和我的一个学生的谈话。她告诉我,她的英语老师让他们读
: 这本书,分析这本小说中描绘的人物,然后写一篇关于它的文章。(她正在一所国际高
: 中读书)。她用几乎宏大的手势生动地向我展示了她对她的老师所崇拜的这本书的赞赏
: ,这位老师声称这是她最喜欢的书之一。
: 出于纯粹的巧合,有一天当我在书店查看输入的英文书时,我查到了这本书。当时我正
: 在和我的朋友谈论“我之前的我”一书。我告诉她,我想阅读这个爱情故事,因为这部
: 电影绝对是催人泪下的。然后从我的余光中,我看到这本书静静地坐在书架的一个相对
: 黑暗的角落里。与一些精装书相比,这本书看起来很简单,很薄。

([email protected])
回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-03-08 ~ 03
[email protected]_1633-.docx
([email protected])
回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-03-08 ~ 03
[email protected]_2224-.docx
([email protected])
回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-03-08 ~ 03
[email protected][email protected]_2330-_.docx
([email protected])
回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-02-13 ~ 03
[email protected] (Repaired)[email protected][email protected]
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,machineman (来自秦安的器男)前辈老师,nola1998 (
cougar2012),gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
对不起,上次2018-03-08那天晚上回帖匆匆忙忙,没来得及记写完。。@@[email protected]@。。:(
(。。555。。现在接着[5]楼(Thu Mar 8 18:55:17 2018, 美东)的记写------
([email protected] – [email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,machineman (来自秦安的器男)前辈老师,nola1998 (
cougar2012),gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。不得
不说,不得不承认,------没有读过 Lord of the Flies这本书,但是知道这本书,而
且。。在各方面。。等等等等。。,有比较深的印象,如 --------
([email protected])
… … ..
… … ..
PS 3) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that
it is increasingly a bit …:((… as time passes during the waiting between
2016-02-08 and 2016-03-05, for receiving back the CONFIRMATION OF THE NON-
Agency (UKBA) of Home Office (Form NQ, and there is a sticker on it with a
number of NA 0478###, and it is signed by Ms or Mr P ### (or ###? or ###??
– sorry about my Chinese English and short eye sight, though this signature
is quite clear, I still find it a bit…:((… ) on behalf of UKBA on 29/02/
2016, and with a stamped/mark/seal which has ‘HOME OFFICE’ ‘UK BORDER
AGENCY’ and ‘148’ (??) etc on it…), which we have received back on 2016-
03-05. And Miss ### WANG (###)’s mum has asked me to check for at least a
couple of times, e.g. ---
PS 3-1) On 2016-02-24, after our younger daughter ### comes back home from
school in the afternoon (on 2016-02-24 Miss ### WANG (###) and her fellow
Year 9 students in school (Thistley Hough Academy (THA)) have been taken by
their teachers/staffs of THA to watch a performance/show of The Lord of the
Flies at Warwick Arts Centre (????) and will come back later on that
afternoon), Miss ### WANG (###) and ###’s mum asks me to check the progress
of the documents etc sent to UKBA of Home Office, and says that I could
check our ### bank account to see whether the fees of 162 GBP have been
debited from our ### bank account thus means the cheque has gone through the
system…, thus at [email protected], I have used the ### telephone banking
facility (03457 ###) to make an enquiry, and following the instructions etc,
the ### telephone banking system (03457 ###) tells me that on 2016-02-18,
an amount of 162 GB of the cheque number ###, have been debited from our
PS 3-2) On [email protected] BST (= Nanjing, China time [email protected], yes
, 04:23am in the morning…), our home telephone (0044 ###, UK) rings, and
it turns out to be called from Miss ### WANG (###) and ###’s mum, and
during the following QQ (kind of Skype service in China) internet call, she
asks me about the progress(es) etc of the documents etc in the UKBA of Home
Office…, and I have been grilled…:((….
BTW 3-2-1) Later…, I think that I have checked…, that at [email protected]
BST (= Nanjing, China time [email protected], yes, 0423am in the morning…),
when Miss ### WANG (###) and ###’s mum makes the telephone and internet
calls from Nanjing, China, I am just browsing on the internet viewing a news
item of
沈阳大学生零首付购房政策尚在调研 暂不会出台_沈阳_零首付_大学生_新浪新闻_2016
[email protected]
沈阳大学生零首付购房政策尚在调研 暂不会出台_新浪新闻[email protected]_2016年
03月01日2324 新京报 _原标题:沈阳大学生“零首付购房”政策闹乌龙_
http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2016-03-01/doc-ifxpvzah8520082.shtml ([email protected])
which says about a policy in Shenyang (capital city of Liaoning Province in
China) --- for university graduates to pay 0%/none deposit when they start
to buy a home --- that this policy is still under the process of
consultation(s) etc……; however, I think that just a few hours ago/ealier
on 2016-03-01, I think I have seen another news saying that this policy is
already in place… ------
沈阳房产新政:在沈阳大学生可零首付买房|房产|农民工_新浪新闻[email protected]_
2016年03月01日16:31 新华网
http://news.sina.com.cn/c/nd/2016-03-01/doc-ifxpvysv5067398.shtml ([email protected])
----- In any case, there is NO way that I am saying that it is, in any way,
a bit like, eh, some situation(s) like in -----
‘with ###_18sep2014_1259pm BST.doc’ in
‘###[email protected],02may2013,[email protected]_sa [email protected]_sa [email protected]
2118.rar’ in the two shared folders on the internet:
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that
probably in China, the developments and mass buildings of new houses and
apartment in the framework of the (so called?) property market(s) and
mortgage system(s) etc are established in mid-late 1990s (at least in
Nanjing, Jiangsu Province China?), and I think Miss ### WANG (###) and ###’
s mum (and I?) is (are?) amongst some of the firsts (or a bit like at the
tail(?) of the first few (5?) years?) to buy an apartment, the home
apartment in Nanjing (###, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China) has been bought
mainly using the mortgage scheme etc calculated based on of Miss ### WANG (
###) and ###’s mum’s salary etc at work/company around year 1999.
BTW 3-2-2) On 2016-03-01 afternoon, one of our neighbours ### knocks our
door and asks me to help ###…###
And I think the previous time before 2016-03-01 ### knocks on our door is on
2016-01-15, she asks me to help ### to move a furniture (a second hand
cabinet which is from ###…; and the previous time before 2016-01-15 is on a
day before Christmas 2015, just done a search on BBC website, google and
wikipedia etc……, and I think it is on 2015-12-17, and at about (mid?)
afternoon of 2015-12-17, ### knocks on our door and asks me have I done/
repaired ### electrical paper shredder which ### has asked me to help with
some months (…:((…) ago ---- And I think that I have told ### that I have
tried to clean the shredder a bit (there are pieces of papers in it and
have jammed it…:((…) and tried some new fuses etc, but it still does not
work, so ### ### says that if it does not work then need to get a new one, (
help me) to buy a new one (on the internet…) ---- as I have help ### to buy
some other things on ebay.co.uk and Amazon.co.uk etc on the internet before…
BTW 3-2-3) In any case, it is said that Tuesday of 2016-03-01 is somehow
called/regarded/branded (??) as ‘Super Tuesday’?...
BTW 3-2-4) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit
that Miss ### WANG (###) and ###’s mum, in Nanjing, China, has called us (
and has grilled me?…:((…) at various times of the day, but has never ever
before called at a time like in 2016-03-01, @2023 BST (= Nanjing, China time
[email protected], yes, 04:23am in the morning…) ------ No offence and no
disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that this is the very first
time --- so probably cannot even call it ‘rare’, surely?...:((……
BTW 3-2-5) @[email protected], I go onto the internet, and see that at about
[email protected] BST, there are........., which …… is/are while I
BTW 3-2-6) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit
that when Miss ### WANG (###) says that she wants to (take the chance/
opportunity??) to watch the performance/show of The Lord of the Flies at
Warwick Arts Centre (????), I am a bit reluctant as it cost 16 GBP, which I
think is a bit too much…:((…… and later after have signed the parent
consent form from THA and then go on the internet to search about the
background information etc of The Lord of the Flies…… ------- No offence
and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that one of the first
thoughts in mind is that this is ……..like…… laundering…:((……
In any case, when Miss ### WANG (###) comes back home on 2016-02-24, she
tells us with the excitements (kind of afterglow?) that the performance/show
of The Lord of the Flies they have watched is just wonderful, she feels
arts’ effects are amazing and spectacular, which she has never seen before,
and she tells that some of the movements of the actors and actresses et al
are just like in some slow motion mode in some replays of some difficult and
quick/fast movements and actions etc during Live sport broadcasts on TV etc
…. ------ and from her descriptions I feel it must need the actors and
actresses et al to be very athletic to be able to perform such movements and
actions etc in such ways etc ------ and indeed, during World Book Night
2016-04-20, in the library in THA, when reading the latest Thistley Times (a
student newsletter, by the students, for the students…), which are put
onto our table by one of the teaches/staffs/librarians(?) of THA (Ms B###?),
I see a report about their attendance of watching the performance/show of
The Lord of the Flies at Warwick Arts Centre (????) on 2016-02-24, and have
seen a picture on it which indeed shows that the actors (and the actresses
et al?) are very fit……
”////// ([email protected] – [email protected] – [email protected])
[written on 2016-04-26 and 2016-04-27, as part of email sent to ,,. on 2016-
06-23] ([email protected] – [email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。([email protected]@0007b)
([email protected])
BTW 1 (**1)
还像是在World Book Night 2016-04-20,在THA的图书馆的活动,其中的一项是一位俺
。让同学们都。。:))。。^_^。。@@[email protected]@。。的声音和。。啊啥的。。@@[email protected]@。。。
:))… … ..,。。,
们???。。)。。@@[email protected]@。。之后。。:((。。555。。了的。。事情(?典故??
。。@@[email protected]@。。([email protected])------
学校之一的St Joseph’s College,当时好像说是男生学校,Thistley Hough High
School是女子学校(好像Thistley Hough High School/THA的前身当年1937/1938年左
。。,。。的男生们都。。特。。Thistley Hough High School Musical,欧部,
Thistley Hough High School,是Thistley Hough High School,是 ------
之一的St Joseph’s College,当时好像说是男生学校,Thistley Hough High School
是女子学校(好像Thistley Hough High School/THA的前身当年1937/1938年左右建校
。。的男生们都。。特。。Thistley Hough High School的女生们。。,说是一直都想
到Thistley Hough 。。里面来看看。。啊啥的。。------结果这么多年过去了,今天
总算实现了自己的当年的夙愿!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))… … .. ([email protected]
------in any case, 现在THA和St Joseph’s College都是男女生混合都录取的学校。
。@@[email protected]@。。([email protected])
BTW 1 (BTW 1 (**1))
白天中午星期六Saturday 2018-03-10中午的时候听到姐姐妹妹出门,打开楼上窗户问
她俩去哪儿,她俩说到学校帮忙。。------不知道怎么搞得,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜
无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。觉得她俩去学校帮忙的。。
活动可能是。。THA(每年一度的??)。。老校友们的聚会活动??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。
------好像每年差不多都是在这个时候。。??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。 ([email protected]
BTW 1 (BTW 1 (BTW 1 (**1)))
地上有信。。其中的一封,好像是给姐姐的,好像是来自St Joseph’s College的。。
Joseph’s College的信(??~~。。高中的。。预录取通知书。。??~~。。@@[email protected]@。
。)--------哎呀,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。
。各种盲 俺。。没用的俺,一时间小心脏就有点儿跳。。------哎呀。。这个心理素
质。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。。555… … .. ([email protected] – 2018-
[email protected])
-------然后等姐姐妹妹回来之后一问,果真果然是St Joseph’s College的高中的。
书上面的日期是2018-03-08//08 March 2018。。([email protected] – 2018-03-
[email protected]) ------
-----不得不说,不得不承认,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲
电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。一看到这日期是2018-03-08//08 March 2018。。三月八号。
三八妇女节。。三八节。。等等等等~~~~。。。啊啥的这??!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。---
---what IS going on??!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。-------这帮大妈们还有和大妈们同伙
儿的暗黑坏的家伙们!!!!~~~~。。。@@[email protected]@... … .. ([email protected])
([email protected])
PS 4-4) In the afternoon of Saturday 2016-03-05, we walk, via Hanley Park,
to city centre of Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent to do some shopping (e.g. visit the
vegetable stalls and shop in the open market and inside the potteries
shopping centre…), and Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG also want to
visit the book shops and the second hand book stall in the shopping centre
there (e.g. to see whether they have a copy of Lord of the Flies…). No
offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that, just
before coming out of the indoor market in the potteries shopping centre,
kind of start to think/quip in mind ----- that such a business like form NQ
etc (to pay 162 GBP just to have a (customer(s)? self?) completed form to
have a stamp/mark/seal, with a signature and time, and a sticker etc…) is/
are probably even more …… than printing money/bank note(s) etc?...:((…;
then I come out of the doors of the indoor market of the potteries shopping
centre, and see that it starts to dropping hails, then kind of thinking that
thankfully that it is not (lunar calendar?) the 6th month of the year time
BTW 4-4-1) It is said in a classical Chinese literature, that if there is/
are (phenomenon of?) flying snow(s) in the (lunar calendar?) 6th month of
the year (which is equivalent to some time in June, July or August of mid-
summer time…, north hemisphere?...), then it could mean and/or indicate and
/or prove that there is serious injustice(s) and/or grievance(s) inside (and
/or outside?) the court(s)/justice system(s) etc…… ------- I think it is
from Dou4 E2 Yuan1 (commonly translated as The Injustice to Dou E, according
to wikipedia; and Dou4 E2 is a lady…), a play written by Mr Hanqing Guan
in Yuan Dynasty, and there is a extract from this play, which includes the
part about the above flying snow phenomenon in the (lunar calendar?) 6th
month of the year…, is used as one of the texts in our Chinese Language/
Literature textbook during junior school time (when I am about 12-14 years
BTW 4-4-2) And I think that, (at least here in Penkhull, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4
7### where we live?), I can see that at least, on afternoon/early evening
time of 2016-04-25 and 2016-04-26, there are some hails and some snows; and
there are some small snows and/or hails during the day of 2016-04-27 and
around mid-day of 2016-04-28 ----- No offence and no disrespect to any one
and any body, must admit that, when seeing these hails and snows at this
time of the year (end of April), I am kind of thinking/wondering that what
is going on there? ---- is it supposed to be already into spring and getting
[written on 2016-05-03, as part of email sent to ,,. on 2016-06-23] (2018-
[email protected] – [email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。([email protected])
([email protected] – [email protected])
PS 6-8) then on 2016-05-25&26(?), see news etc that …… (a consultation etc
?) is (are) launched/will be taking place and the final date of surrender,
oh NO, submission, the final date of submission (?) of …… is on 2016-06-23
(as well?) …:((… (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36384508, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36388178 and https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/british-steel-pension-scheme etc).........
BTW PS 6-8-1) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must
admit that the consultation etc mentioned in PS 6-8) above does makes me to
remember one of the quizzes have seen before ---
--- No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, I think it is a
quiz from Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), which is …… to find the
solution(s) etc to the cliffhanger (situation?) in the final scenes in the
iconic British film The Italian Job (1969) and the time is about Dec 2008/
Jan 2009.
--- And people who have possible/potential solutions etc (might/could not
just be in the liquid phase, or is it?) could/might submit their …… via
post and/or email etc, and there is online forms etc, to RSC, as well?......
BTW PS 6-8-1-1) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must
admit that I think I have read on RSC’s website that there are as many as
more than 1000 possible/potential(?) solutions etc have been submitted by
the time of (mid?) Jan 2009? ……
BTW PS 6-8-1-2) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must
admit that I think I have read on RSC’s website that one (at least one?) of
the team members of the RSC team who organise the quiz (The Italian Job (
1969) Cliffhanger Solution, Dec 2008- Jan 2009) is a member of a music band;
and/or can play musical instrument(s) like guitar; and/or is a graduate in
chemistry … :((… ; and/or, no offence and no disrespect to any one and any
body, just do not know whether or not what I am going to say is about to
shoot myself, again …:((… ------ I think there is one gentleman (at least?
) in the …… is one of the graduates of Warwick Castle, oh NO, Warwick
University, there is one gentleman (at least?) is one of the graduates of
Warwick University …:((… ---
--- and as you might know (e.g. from previous correspondences etc), no
offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that since …
…., things like ‘Warwick’ etc do look/appear to be a bit suspicious, oh
NO, a bit ‘medieval’ etc to me (at least?) …:((……
BTW PS 6-8-1-3) In any case, in the film The Italian Job (1969), in the
final scenes of the (getaway?) bus/coach, there are several …… which could
/might have possible/potential ….. to be on the (getaway?) bus/coach that
is/are not there ----
e.g. BTW PS 6-8-1-3-1) Ms Lorna (a ‘Fast Car reserve driver’, here ‘Fast
Car’ = one of the three minis?) ---- Somehow, Mr Charlie Crocker …… her
to take a flight from Italy to Switzerland, and then to the U.K., just
before the job is about to take place …… and the reasons etc are probably
reason 1 of BTW PS 6-8-1-3) one of the guesses (NOT ‘bets’! definitely!...
:((…) is probably that …… have already had this in mind all along, once
know that Big William IS the driver (?) on the (getaway?) bus/coach, and it
seems that there is NO any other driver/reserve (getaway?) bus/coach driver
in the job …:((… ----- so, this action (……to Ms Lorna…) is just
extremely noble, gentleman and courageous etc (and even a bit in the spirit
of Titanic etc etc etc…?) …:((… ---
--- think about it --- Mr BIG WILLIAM IS (highly likely?) a true equality/
equalities (including ‘gender equality’~~, definitely!!~~...:((…) driver
(?), when he is on his best, oh NO, worst, worst form …:((…, it (i.e. the
consequences, the serious consequences etc…:((…) will/could/might just be
truly equal (?) to any of the passengers on the (getaway?) bus/coach (which
Mr Big William IS driving?...:((…) ------ even whether the passenger(s) is/
are a suffragette/suffragettes, or not, …… (even including Mr Big William
himself?) are still going to suffer …:((…
BTW reason 1 of BTW PS 6-8-1-3) And no offence and no disrespect to any one
and any body, must admit that probably female bus/coach driver(s) is(are)
probably not entirely unprecedented, and probably do have seen a couple/a
few times before?..... ----
--- also, there is even one time, I think it is on one morning a couple of
years ago, when coming back home from one of the appointments ### (###P) in
Newcastle-under-Lyme ….. ----- when walking to the traffic lights at the T
cross at London Road/The Avenue, I see there is a big/huge lorry IS driven
down (it’s a bit down the slope kind of the road there…) on The Avenue and
stops at the traffic lights, then when the traffic light is turned into
green (for the lorry’s driving direction), the lorry goes through the
traffic lights at the T cross of The Avenue/London Road and turns onto
London Road (sorry about my bad memories etc, have forgotten which direction
it goes…:((…) ----- in any case, when the big/huge lorry stops at the
traffic lights at the T cross at London Road/The Avenue, I see that it seems
that the driver of the big/huge lorry IS a lady …… ---- really?! I just
could not believe my eyes and have a few more looks…:((….frankly speaking,
the driver just looks to be a lady …… (and nowhere near the type of the
TERMINATOR(s) (e.g. the type of the Arnold Schwarzenegger’s TERMINATORs ?)
etc, at all!!...:((…), and if on the ground, I think I just would not think
/imagine such a person (a lady?) could be a lorry driver in any
circumstances…:((… ---- however, that it seems that it is what I see …:((
…. And do a bit wondering since, what is/are going on there? ….:((… ---
--- BTW, I think if put me up there sit in the driver’s seats of the big/
huge lorry, I think probably my foot/feet (any of THEM/MEHT…:((…) probably
just could not even reach the pedals, either the petrol one or the brake
one or the …… etc, ….:((… ----- having said that, no offence and no
disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that, as said before, I do
not drive a car, however, there are indeed people saying that I drive them
crazy (and from …..’s points of views, probably drive some people, who is/
are already crazy, crazier??~~…:((…)…:((….
reason 2 of BTW PS 6-8-1-3) ---- that …… (to have Ms Lorna ……) is not
allowed/approved by ……. (NOT the godmothers! Definitely!...:((…) ----- in
any case, do wonder (and/or amazed by?) that without the permission/
approval etc of ……. (NOT the godmothers! Definitely!...:((…), the plan
and the draw-up of the plan etc of the Italian Job (1969) would/could/might
just not be started at the first place, and let alone have ‘survived’ (?)
……, would/could/might it? …:((…
e.g. BTW PS 6-8-1-3-2) the two/paired metal (iron/steel?) rails …:((… ----
which make it possible for the three minis (loaded with gold bars, and
have the team members of the job in the minis) to get through the door
opened at the back of the (getaway?) bus/coach and get onto/inside the (
getaway?) bus/coach …… ----- during the job, the two/paired metal (iron/
steel?) rails both have hooks at one end that can hook to the two/paired
metal (iron/steel?) rails, and linked by some metal (iron/steel?) chains etc
….., while the other end of both the two/paired metal (iron/steel?) rails
are (sliding?) on (the surface of?) the ground/road/earth; and when the two/
paired metal (iron/steel?) rails ….. in the middle of the road, it is a bit
like a shape of V ……
e.g. BTW PS 6-8-1-3-3) The three minis …:((…
e.g. BTW PS 6-8-1-3-4) Professor Mr Simon Peach …:((… ----- the final
scenes/situation in The Italian Job (1969) are called/regarded as a cliff-
hanger situation, and there is NO way in anyway it can be said that the job
is kind of gone pear-shaped…:((…; and certainly, of course, there is NO
way in anyway, it can be said that the job is kind of gone peach-shaped,
either! ----- since Professor Mr Simon Peach IS NOT even there on/inside the
(getaway?) bus/coach …:((… ----- and what IS he doing at the time
somewhere, IS probably any one and/or any body’s guess (NOT ‘bet’!
definitely …:((…) …:((…
e.g. BTW PS 6-8-1-3-5) any one and/or any body and/or any … else?......
[written on 2016-06-22 & 23, as part of email sent to ,,. on 2016-06-23] (
[email protected] – [email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。(2018-[email protected])
([email protected])
BTW 1 (**3)
另外请见下面的若干新闻链接网页及其。。@@[email protected]@。。:
网页 1)
China ambassador Wu Jianmin's death sparks foreign policy debate - BBC News_
on 2016-06-22_最早在bbc新闻主页上面看到标题(没有打开看当时) on 2016-06-23_
[email protected]@0042
等等~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:
2016年06月18日17:59 新华网
新华社武汉6月18日电 (记者冯国栋) 18日凌晨,外交学院前院长、前驻法国大使
吴建民(男、77岁,外交学院前院长、前驻法国大使)、刘 锋(男,54岁)、朱晓驰(男、
车头撞击路中隔离花坛,发生单方交 通事故,造成车内五人受伤。吴建民、朱晓驰经
责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222
文章关键词: 吴建民 车祸
”////// ([email protected] – [email protected])
吴建民最后合影曝光 曾言人生第四个20年最美好|吴建民|最后合影_新浪新闻
NB,该新闻(??)。。报道。。开篇第一句话。。等等等等~~~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:
2016年06月18日17:36 长安街知事
吴建民最后合影曝光 曾言人生第四个20年最美好
撰文|耿诺 刘柳
6月18日凌晨4时许,。。。 。。。 。。
。。。 。。。 。。
。。。 。。。 。。
”////// ([email protected] – [email protected])
Jo Cox MP death: Man charged with murder - BBC News
Jo Cox MP death: Thomas Mair charged with murder
(看+存。。@18/06/2016 01:43)
NB里面的岁数。。等等等等~~~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:
。。。 。。。 。。
Thomas Mair, 52, is appearing before Westminster Magistrates' Court charged
with the murder of the 41-year-old.
He faces other charges including GBH, possession of a firearm with intent
and possession of an offensive weapon.
Speaking on Friday, temporary Chief Constable Dee Collins said a 77-year-old
。。。 。。。 。。
”////// ([email protected] – [email protected])
([email protected])
PS 7) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit that
I am very sorry that it seems that there are a lot to write about…; and it
seems that there are so many things etc are happening around, so feel/think
that better to be a bit cautious before the final surrender, oh NO, the
final submission of …:((… ---
PS 7-1) Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom has chased me to submit
the NQ form for Confirmation of the non-acquisition of British citizenship
for Miss ### WANG (###) many times during March-April 2016, and since and I
still writing this letter/email, sometimes there are so many things
happenings around, so that I feel/think that probably I have to …:((…. ---
- e.g.
PS 7-1-1) on afternoon of 2016-03-24, after Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ###
WANG have come back from school (THA) and they start to chat with their mom
on the internet using their ipad and ipad mini in the small room upstairs,
and in the next door, I am lying there using mobile wifi on the internet.
PS 7-1-1-1) when lying there, I can hear that Miss ### WANG (###) tells her
mom that she has seen/heard in school (THA) during the day (2016-03-24) that
there are some schemes for the pupils to live in one of the universities/
colleges etc for one week or two in the summer (to experience university/
college environment/life etc?)….. however, it needs to pay some charge (
cost about 200 pounds?) for each pupil for each stay ----- Miss ### WANG (##
#) tells her mom she is interested in these schemes and I think she says
that she is kind of interested in the one of Warwick University, and asks
her mom what kind of upper limit of cost/charge will be OK? ……
PS 7-1-1-2) then ……, must be after a while, hear that Miss ### WANG (###)
and Miss ### WANG’s mom says, in such happy and sweet voices (could get
diabetes etc, psychologically, if hear more …:((…) to them that she wants
to have a few sentences to speak to WANG, Tianshu ----- That is me?! Miss ##
# WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom wants to speak to me?! That is not
good …:((… so I immediately screenshot the mobile to record the time (it
is [email protected] GMT) and hide myself under the quilt/cover as if I am
sleeping …:((…
PS 7-1-1-3) I can hear that Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG are a bit
reluctant to let mom and dad to speak since ……. In the past few times, and
they know it will be about the submission of the NQ form for Confirmation
of the non-acquisition of British citizenship for Miss ### WANG (###), again
, however, Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom is still insisting
to speak to me, in her happy and sweet voices…:((…
PS 7-1-1-4) then …:((…. Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom asks
me when I am going to submit/send the post to ……. I says that I cannot in
the next few days, there are so many things are happening at the moment…:((
…. Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom asks me keeps pressure me
about when I am going to send it ….. I say I just cannot at the moment, …:
((…, and I say that, take an example, just see a news in the early morning
(2016-03-24?) that in the next few days …. et al are going to Czech
Republic (for a state visit? During 2016-03-28 ~ 2016-03-30?) and then go to
USA for the meeting of the Nuclear Security Summit (2016-03-31 ~ 2016-04-01
?) and I just do not feel it quite all right at the moment etc…:((…
Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom says she does not know about
the meeting of the Nuclear Security Summit in USA (2016-03-31 ~ 2016-04-01?)
….. I says that I just see it in the morning (UK time?)……then, after (a
couple more? ….:((….) …., Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom
just switches off the internet talk ……
PS 7-1-1-5) after some 15-20 minutes, Miss ### WANG (###) brings back the
iPad or iPad mini to me and Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom
asks me that when I am going to send the post to …… after …… et al have
come back from the visits to Czech Republic and the Nuclear Summit in USA (
2016-03-28 ~ 2016-04-01?)? I think I said that I am not sure at all …:((…
it depends/is to see how they behave …:((…. ---
--- Though, no offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit
that once I have said that ‘…it depends/is to see how they behave …:((…
.’, I am a bit regret and a bit of thinking that ---- am I asking too much?
? …:((…. ----- since from my own observations and experiences (yes, my
very own observations and experiences) etc, things like these (like the
state visit and ….. summit etc) are kind of always fixed …:((…, and
usually it could be just so fixed! ---- from my own observations and
experiences (yes, my very own observations and experiences) etc, it could/
might even be fixed to the point that no matter however whatever one does,
and/or I do, and/or we (?) do, it would/could/might just be WRONG!!...:((……
PS 7-1-1-6) Then Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom keeps asking
me …:((… and I keeps the stance of not giving an exact date etc …:((…,
……, then Miss ### WANG (###) and Miss ### WANG’s mom switches off the
internet talk on the ipad or ipad mini ……
PS 7-1-1-7) Before leaving the room, Miss ### WANG (###) asks me what the
nuclear summit has anything to do with you? ----- and I am kind of a bit
shouting that you don’t know that the original draft of Niels Bohr’s very
first paper of nuclear structure is in the ……! William Bragg gives/passes
it to …….’s (PhD) supervisor (one of the supervisors?) Arthur Vick! And
Arthur Vick is last in Warwick University, so the original draft of Niels
Bohr’s very first paper of nuclear structure is in Warwick University, the
very Warwick University you have just talked about!! ……
PS 7-1-1-8) Then after a while, I think I go downstairs and tell Miss ###
WANG (###) that should be careful about those schemes etc, which need to pay
some cost which are not cheap (at least to me…:((…) and I think I says
something like that …..should consider who/which …… should pay for it…..
; and further says something like that think that it should be money
following people, especially pupils etc, not the other way round which I
just do not think as being quite all right …:((……
PS 7-1-1-9) then …… I go back upstairs, and using mobile to ……, then go
onto the internet, and on BBC website seeing that there is a breaking news
that football/soccer legend, one of the best players in history, Johan
Cruyff ‘dies’ (?) …:((….
PS 7-1-1-10) later, check that while …………, ………… @[email protected] GMT
and @[email protected] GMT etc……
BTW PS 7-1-1) no offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must
admit that on my passports, apart from the stamps of the passport checks of
border controls of China and the UK, I think that the most stamps I have got
on my passports are from the passport checks of border controls of Czech
Republic ……
[written on 2016-06-22 & 23, as part of email sent to ,,. on 2016-06-23] (
[email protected] – [email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。([email protected])
([email protected])
**5) 关于 Warwich University,欧步,Wariwick Castle。。是 Wariwick Castle。
。,是------关于 Wariwick Castle。。@@[email protected]@。。:
PS 6) Dear Ms ###, thank you for your notes through the door on Friday 03rd
June 2016 and Monday 06th June 2016. And thank you for your email on 2016-06
[email protected] BST regarding …… ---- I have them uploaded to the two shared
folders on the internet:
from ###[email protected]_s [email protected]
fr ###_CYP services_SOT_ST4 4###_rcv 2016-06-03&06.rar
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, after reading your
email at [email protected] BST, I do have a look at Warwick Castle on the
internet and read about it on Wikipedia etc……
PS 6-1) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit
that one of the first impressions of the histories of Warwick Castle (a
medieval castle?) etc is that it seems to me that it is a little bit like
Tai Cheng (a historical and significant place?......if translated, literally
means platform city/castle) in Nanjing?...:((…
More about Tai Cheng (a historical and significant place?......if translated
, literally mean platform city/castle?), please see PS 3 part etc in:
to Education Dept andor Section, SOT City Council etc_from TSW_08feb2014_
part2of2_downloaded [email protected]
PS 6-2) then when reading to the part -----
‘……Whilst the castle was undergoing repairs, it was peripherally involved
in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. The conspirators involved awaited news of
their plot in Dunchurch in Warwickshire. When they discovered the plot had
failed they stole cavalry horses from the stables at Warwick Castle to help
in their escape……’
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, when read to here, one
of the first thought is that when ‘…they (the plotters? NOT the ‘potters
’……) stole cavalry horses from the stables at Warwick Castle to help in
their escape……’, where do they ride to with the cavalry horses?...... ---
-- they are not trying to say that they (the plotters? NOT the ‘potters’…
…) ride to Penkhull in Stoke, Stoke-on-Trent etc etc etc etc with the
cavalry horses, are they?...:((…
----- No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, somehow, I do
find this/these …. attract …:((… ---- just cannot help it…:((……. -----
a bit like mouse(s)/rat(s) etc smells the cheese(s) etc (even the cheese(s
) etc is(are) placed on the mousetrap(s) etc!!~~...:((… ----- in any case,
no offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, I am indeed a mouse/
rat since I am born in year 1972 which is a year of Mouse/Rat …:((…
[written on 2016-06-15, as part of email sent to ,,. on 2016-06-15] (2018-03
[email protected] – [email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。([email protected])
([email protected])
([email protected] – [email protected])
欧们买了一个新的indesit gas cooker,
Buy Indesit I5GG1S Single Gas Cooker - Silver at Argos.co.uk - Your Online
Shop for Freestanding cookers, Cooking, Large kitchen appliances, Home and
------因为,家里面厨房的旧的capri的gas cooker好像在一月份的某天突然发现烘箱
oven里面的火能点着,但是火头上不来也就不能加热了,。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。555
--以至于2月初,international OFSTED//国际教育局的某胡同窜子从瑞士到我们家来
的烤鸭了!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。555。。([email protected] – [email protected]
2118) ---
---- international OFSTED//国际教育局的某胡同窜子,欧不,俺的高中同班同宿舍
555。。+。。等等等等~~~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。555。。)。。,结果到家之后就
在沙发上睡着了。。zzzZZZ。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))… … .;([email protected])
([email protected])
??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。)
~~。。回顾和自我教育。。等等等等~~~~。。的。。去了。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))… …
..([email protected] – [email protected])
烤鸭正面儿??。。和/或者。。烤鸭背面儿??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。)的皮肤
。。(那个capri gas cooker的grill的烤箱的火头是在上面)。。这。。尼玛(=NMD/
黑了,是都给烧黑了!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。555。。([email protected]
2329 – [email protected]) -------然后就赶快-----
”。。。,藕不,搞错了,这是“北京时间 1999-10-14 18:07:09”。。。@@[email protected]@。。
。:(((。。。555… … ..([email protected])-------应该是------
。@@[email protected]@。。------还好,幸好树皮是贴素的,欧不,幸好书皮是贴塑的,欧不,搞错
了,怎么又窜到“北京时间 1999-10-14 18:07:09” 。。去了???!!!~~~。。。
@@[email protected]@。。。:(((。。。555… … .. ([email protected])------应该是-----
-----然后就赶快,打开grill,把火关了,看那鸭子/烤鸭怎么样。。@@[email protected]@。。------
啊啥的好像也都在啊啥的??~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))… … ..-------然后就一
聚德的。。嫡传~~。。啊啥的来的??[email protected]@[email protected]@。。:))。。),擀。。,蒸。。,
。。等等等等~~~。。)([email protected])
@@[email protected]@。。([email protected] – [email protected])---
的。。了就是的了。。,但味道也还算可以,还算不错,还算能吃好象??~~。。@@[email protected]
---而且好像第二天还不第三天,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文
盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。发现内烤鸭一开始烧伤的,欧不,烧黑了的,欧不,烤黑
了烤焦糊了的皮肤。。,好像也能吃??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。------然后霉脸
垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。九八,欧
不,就把。。也都吃了到最后好像??~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))… … .. (2018
[email protected])
Anyway,in any case,2018-01-30王小宝和王大宝在线买了一indesit gas cooker,
一天??~~。。居然竟然竟??~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))… … ..)。。安装。
。,然后。。,然后。。,。。,然后 on 2018-03-08,收到两封来自indesit的信:
([email protected] – [email protected])
Dear Ms Wang,
Thank you for registering your cooker, which you purchased on 30th January
2018. Although it comes with a 10-year parts guarantee, your protection
against labout and call-out charges will only last for 12 months. That’s
why we recommend that you enhance your guarantee to include an additional 2
years of call-outs and labour with the Indesit Rrpair Plan.
... …..
… .. ..
([email protected] – [email protected])
([email protected] – [email protected])
Dear Miss Wang,
Thank you for registering your cooker, which you purchased on 30th January
2018. Although it comes with a 10-year parts guarantee, your protection
against labout and call-out charges will only last for 12 months. That’s
why we recommend that you enhance your guarantee to include an additional 2
years of call-outs and labour with the Indesit Rrpair Plan.
... …..
… .. ..
([email protected] – [email protected])
([email protected] – [email protected])
2018-03-08收到的第三封信是来自Thistley Hough Academy (THA),信本身的日期为“
7th March 2018”,里面说到-----
Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to let you know that Mrs H###, Head of Year 10, following a
period of ### has decided ###. Therefore, this letter is to inform you that
Mr Bud### will now become the permanent Head of Year, with immediate effect
; taking the lead for the pastoral care of all the Year 10 cohrt to ensure
that all achieve their full potential.
I am sure that you will join me in thanking Mrs H### for all her hard work
over the last few years and wish her well for the future.
If you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact
either Mr Bud### or myself.
Your Sincerely.
Ms Jesuit, oh NO, 对不起,打错了,是Ms J S###,应该是----
Ms J S###
Vice Principal
([email protected] – [email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。([email protected])
BTW 1 [@[email protected]]
2018-03-07傍晚/晚上好像还是姐姐的年级THA Year 11初中毕业班的最后一次家长会,
期三2018-03-07。 ([email protected])
BTW 2 [@[email protected]]
Mrs H###。。是姐姐妹妹TA们的RE (Religious Education)老师,也就是
(2018-03-[email protected])
(注:RE = Religious Education(直接翻译是叫 宗教教育课程??),在中国大陆
地区的中小学大学里面的学名儿好像是叫 政治课,和/或者 思想品德课,和/或者 妈
这,欧不,骂着,欧不,三哥(Microsoft Chinese Pinyin Simplied IME 3.0拼音输入
软件) 您这字懂得输出,欧不,这自动的输出。。这怎么越来越。。,anyway,马哲//
马克思主义哲学原理,和/或者 中国革命史(同时包括中国反革命史)。。等等等等~~~~
”//////([email protected]) ----- 见:
[版面:发考题][首篇作者:sincerity] , 2018年02月27日23:23:23 ,2052次阅读,12次
不得不说不得不承认,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲
。。各种盲 俺。。一直都非常非常敬重敬佩。。Mrs H###。。!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。 (
[email protected]) -------
------虽然好像觉得Mrs H###平时话不太多,比较沉静。。,但是不知道怎么搞得,因
(如,姐姐到THA的第一天(2014年二月还不三月的某一天??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。),放学
儿走路一边儿说。。的时候。。,好像姐姐就好像说到那一天就有Mrs H###的课。。)
。。,。。等等等等。。,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电
脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。,不得不说不得不承认。。------觉得-----Mrs H###。。(甚
至还有。。等等等等~~~~。。)。。都超meng!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。([email protected]
0020) ---
PS 6-1-4-1-2-3) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must
admit that do feel/think that people at the treasuries and DWP etc and the
No. 11 and Whitehall etc are some of the most idealistic extremely extreme
extremists (ieee or iEEE, NOT IEEE! Definitely!...:((…) …:((… ----- as
long as the immigrations, oh NO, the big …… launderings etc …, as long as
the big ……launderings etc… are going and going well (?)~~…., they just
could not care less, even about themselves …:((…… ---
([email protected])
[email protected]@。。,如,见:

… … ..
… … ..
PS 6-1-4-1-2-1) if considering this is kind of a …… laundering, a big …
… laundering process …:((….
PS 6-1-4-1-2-2) if have watched some actions movies/army movies etc, at the
point of an action (of a team such as the special forces such as the
mercenaries and/or the SAS and/or the Seals etc) start at its full power at
the very beginning, anything (yes, anything...:((…) that have the short and
punching tone with exclaims etc ….. can be viewed as a signal like ‘Go!
Go!! Go!!!...’ kind of shoutings to the brothers (especially from the
senior ones to the junior ones?)…:((……
PS 6-1-4-1-2-3) No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must
admit that do feel/think that people at the treasuries and DWP etc and the
No. 11 and Whitehall etc are some of the most idealistic extremely extreme
extremists (ieee or iEEE, NOT IEEE! Definitely!...:((…) …:((… ----- as
long as the immigrations, oh NO, the big …… launderings etc …, as long as
the big ……launderings etc… are going and going well (?)~~…., they just
could not care less, even about themselves …:((…… ---
---- just as Professor Simon Peach has said to …… during …… (in his
sister’s house?) in the Italian Job (1969) ----- ‘Are they big? I like
them big....BIG’ …:((…
BTW PS 6-1-4-1-2-3) no offence and no disrespect to any one and any body,
must admit that, till this day (2016-06-22), I still do not know why (on
earth? For heaven’s sake? …:((…) in year 2014, our elder daughter, Miss #
## WANG (###), (somehow?) needs/is needed (?) and indeed comes to have
school (at THA) in the U.K. about half a year earlier than we have initially
planned years ago and for some years …:((…
PS 6-1-4-1-2-4) also, if situations like BTW PS 6-7-1-2-1-2) happens …:((…
… … ..
… … ..
BTW PS 6-7-1-2-1-2) it is said that the throw of the huge iron/steel hammer
‘wu4 zhong4 fu4 cheng1’, which means that it (the huge iron/steel hammer)
has erroringly/mistakenly (? missed the main (? target?) carriage and) hit
the associate/side (? Not originally targeted? Or ……) carriage …:((…… -
---- which is quite usual in history etc, isn’t it? …:((…
BTW PS 6-7-1-2-1-2a) in traditional Chinese, the character of the word qian2
, which means money has two parts, the left hand side part/sub-character is
character of jin1, which means gold and/or metal; and the right hand side
part/sub-character are formed by two same characters of ge1, which means
knife/sword, with one ge1 on top and the other ge1 on bottom (a bit like to
put two coins of ……, together?) ------ by the way, the hard money/
currency used at the time of Emperor Qin Shi Huang et al’s are also in the
forms of small shape of ge1 (knife/sword), and are called ge1 bi4, which
means knife/sword (shape/shaped?) money.
BTW PS 6-7-1-2-1-2b) regarding ‘…erroringly/mistakenly (? missed the main
(? target?) carriage and) hit the associate/side (? Not originally targeted
? Or ……) carriage…’ etc …:((… ---
--- No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must admit and
emphasise that it is purely (?) to mean what has happened some 2000+ years
ago, and it does not mean anything and/or as reference(s) (?) etc to …… at
present days ----- e.g. any target(s) etc of any of the department(s) of
the government(s) etc ----- e.g. …. of the treasuries etc …:((…… ------
and of course, certainly, any of ……’s foot/feet etc, particularly, my
foot/feet, …:((…, either/both of THEM/MEHT …:((…, definitely!...:((…
… … ..
… … ..
[written on 2016-06-22 & 23, as part of email sent to ,,. on 2016-06-23] (
[email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。([email protected])
([email protected])
BTW 3 [@[email protected]]
神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。,还凑上去(严重打
的这封信关于你们的。。(年级主任??)Head of Year 10。。,。。问了一下。。
,。。,妹妹说。。Mr Bud###。。是TA们的。。体育老师PE//Physical Education老
师。。之一。。好像??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))… … ..([email protected])
([email protected])
BTW 4 [@[email protected]]
封信之一的来自THA的信里面的。。Mrs H###。。RE。。teacher(??~~。。教师??
~~。。@@[email protected]@。。)宗教。。等等等等~~~~。。的时候,不知道怎么搞得,好像还突然
想到了想要回想要记写的。。回。。jiuselu (九色鹿) 前辈老师同学。。TA们的帖子
的回帖的内容草稿啊啥的。。如。。佛。。如来佛。。等等等等~~~~。。{{ 如,见:
//////“啊啥的。。这和这个。。能比啊!!~~啊??!!~~。。。@@[email protected]@... … .. -
------ 我考,如来佛 (下凡。。??。。下界。。??。。)。。在人间。。(至少
一分身??~~。。)。。是。。。。!!~~。。是一华人大妈AP!!~~~。。。@@[email protected]@..
. … .. (2018-0[email protected])---
”////// ([email protected])
[版面:发考题][首篇作者:jiuselu] , 2018年03月03日17:39:52 ,5099次阅读,33次回复
}} ([email protected])
of Year 10的名字 -----Mr Bud###。。 ------ 哲,欧不,这。。,这。。Mr Bud##
。。的名字。。怎么有点儿像是 佛。。(??~~。。)。。Buddha(??~~。。)。
的居然竟然竟。。可以可能能够能。。??~~。。。@@[email protected]@… … .. ([email protected])
([email protected])
第四封信是信上面的日期是7th March 2018,2018-03-09收到,信封上面的邮戳的日期
是“08-03-18 ”(=2018-03-08??~~。。@@[email protected]@。。),心里面,欧不,信里面说到-
Dear Parent/Carer,,
We are fast approaching the busy exam period for year 11, as a result of
this I am writing to inform you that all year 11 students will return frm
the Easter holiday on Thursday 12th April 2018.
Students are expected to attend in full school uniform with the correct
basic equipment and to arrive by 8.40am. Please note that this is different
to the term dates published on the academy website. It is vital that all
students attend.
During these two days the students will be operating on a collapsed
timetable focusing on English and Mathematics as well as Geography, History,
French or Sciences. The school day will include session 6 and students will
be required on site until 4.15pm,
Please ensure that your child is in school on time for the above sessions.
We appreciate your continued support and should you have any questions
please don’t hesitate to contact me at the academy.
Yours sincerely,
### T###
Miss T###
Head of Year 11
([email protected])
注:###为有编辑的地方。。([email protected])
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,machineman (来自秦安的器男)前辈老师,nola1998 (
cougar2012),gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
总之,in any case, anyway, .., however, no matter, whatever, … … ..
霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。,不
得不说,不得不承认 ------这。。-------从 霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸
+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲。。各种盲 俺。。的有限的观察和经验,欧不,经历。。啊啥
的来说。。------这。。????~~~~。。。。等等等等~~~~。。。啊啥的 -------
经常就是觉得。。-----我考。。 -----
//////“------- No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, must
admit that one of the first thoughts in mind is that this is ……..like……
”////// ([email protected])
------而且刚才好像还想到一句话是 ------这。。---
---//////“。。。走资派。。(阿还不杀的,欧部,啊还不啥的,是 ---- 。。。啊
??~~~)!!!~~~。。。)。。。!!!~~~。。。”。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))…
… ..([email protected])---
---。。。啊啥的好象还???~~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:(((。。。555。。。:))
)。。。:(((。。。555… … .. ([email protected]) ---
---//////“-------忒恐怖了。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:(((。。。555… … .. (2018-
[email protected])
”////// ([email protected]) --------如,见:
[版面:发考题][首篇作者:sincerity] , 2018年02月27日23:23:23 ,2052次阅读,12次
[回复] [回信给作者] [本篇全文] [本讨论区] [修改] [删除] [转寄] [转贴] [收藏]
[举报] [ 12 ]
发信人: BiggeyIssue (出大事儿了..(可算)出大事儿了...), 信区: Faculty
标 题: Re: 三年REVIEW请教
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 7 09:31:28 2018, 美东)
([email protected])
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,machineman (来自秦安的器男)前辈老师,nola1998 (
cougar2012),gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
对不起,回帖晚了。。@@[email protected]@。。:((。。。555… … ..
想到什么,再跟贴、回贴、写帖子、添加什么的吧~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))... …
祝你/你们成功!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。
祝新年好新年快乐新春愉快!!~~。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。
王天舒/Tianshu WANG
@[email protected] GMT
To be posted @[email protected] GMT.
([email protected])
@[email protected] GMT
To be posted @[email protected] GMT.
([email protected])
([email protected])

[回复] [回信给作者] [本篇全文] [本讨论区] [修改] [删除] [转寄] [转贴] [收藏]
[举报] [ 5 ]
发信人: BiggeyIssue (出大事儿了..(可算)出大事儿了...), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: Re: 苍蝇之王zz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 8 18:55:17 2018, 美东)
([email protected])
回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-02-13 ~ 03
[email protected]
([email protected])
Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
。。。 。。。 。。
。。。 。。。 。。
[回复] [回信给作者] [本篇全文] [本讨论区] [修改] [删除] [转寄] [转贴] [收藏]
[举报] [ 1 ]
发信人: Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 苍蝇之王zz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 28 10:23:45 2018, 美东)

【在 B*********e 的大作中提到】
: ([email protected])
: 回帖_BiggeyIssue_to wonderingmm jiuselu Asdfeqo et al_mitbbs_2018-02-13 ~ 03
: [email protected]
: ([email protected])
: Asdfeqo (Asdfeqo) 前辈老师,gwsice (屋顶轻骑兵) 前辈老师,和各位前辈老师同学,
: 先祝三八妇女节快乐!!~~三八节快乐!!~~。。。:))… … ..
: 对不起,回帖晚了。。:((。。555。。---
: “---本来打算周一周二(2018-03-05 & 2018-03-06)回帖的,结果周日晚上(2018-03-
: 04晚上)俺的电脑(dell inspiron 6400 laptop及其电源线和电路接线板和若干13A, 5A
: 的电阻丝突然组合起来。。:((。。555。。了 霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要

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