老姜忽悠人不好。 刷墙,如果是兑付,你就按老姜说的干。估计Y没少兑付别人。 自己家刷墙,先要兑付的是不平和接缝处(与天花和踢脚线),不平要用砂纸找平,接 缝要用胶磨平。 必须要预先清除灰尘,否则墙面会造成凹凸和色块,色点。 如果有以前墙纸留下的痕迹,就必须重写打磨,上腻子,再刮平。 home depot有关于刷墙的书,上边有各种需要的材料说明,根据你的经济能力,选择就 可以。 好的墙,真的叫篷壁生辉,
15 楼
agree. sand is a must. for houses already settle down (10 years), caulk everything that shows a crack. small nail hole also can be caulked. to see a paint job, is from the side, not from the from of the wall. if u don't sand it even, everything will show from the side view. a good paint job needs almost a professional help, that's my advice.