77.6% of e-commerce orders made on mobile devices (phones and tablets)
77.6% of e-commerce orders made on mobile devices (phones and tablets)# MobileDevelopment - 移动开发
【 以下文字转载自 NJU 讨论区 】
发信人: skyblue0 (头转星移), 信区: NJU
标 题: 冰岛的火山灰 -- 欧洲的TX们 还在吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 16 11:11:15 2010, 美东)
昨晚看新闻才知道冰岛的火山灰 快要占据整个西欧了
欧洲的TX 们 还要照常上班上课吗?
听说200 年前的火山事故 有毒气喷出,当时欧州大陆死伤超万
天灾人祸, 2010 不顺啊
The data points below are from The Custora E-Commerce Pulse, a free online
dashboard tracking over 100 US online retailers, 100 million online shoppers
, and over $40 billion in transaction revenue.
Highlights of the 2014 holiday shopping season so far:
1. The holidays are off to a strong start with e-commerce orders up 15.4% in
the first three weeks of the season (Nov 1 – 20) over the same period in
2013, and revenue up 15.0%. Average order value (AOV) didn’t change
compared to last year, indicating a stable retail environment with no
additional promotions compared to last year – at least not yet.
2. Mobile shopping is now over a fifth of online sales.
23.3% of e-commerce orders were made on mobile phones or tablets in the
first three weeks of the 2014 holiday shopping season, up from 17.1% in the
same period in 2013.
3. Apple devices dominate, but Android is stealing share.
77.6% of e-commerce orders made on mobile devices (phones and tablets)
happen on Apple devices – iPhones and iPads. Android devices (phones and
tablets) only account for 22% during the first three weeks of November –
but that is up from 16.4% in 2013.
4. Google is the engine powering online shopping.
Google search – free and paid – drove over 40% of e-commerce orders. Free
search (organic / SEO) drove 22.4%, and paid search (SEM / CPC) drove 18.6%.
Email marketing is also an important marketing channel this holiday season,
driving 16.8% of orders in the first three weeks of the season.
Social media networks (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest
) are not significant drivers of online shopping, at least not yet: They
drove only 1.5% of online orders in the first two weeks of the season.