- 【LEAPxADCCxCSSA】「ADCC」Consulting Careers Panel - 拷贝
活动介绍UCLA Advanced Degree Consulting Club将于太平洋时间6月28日晚上8-9:30举办线上Consulting Panel,届时将邀请来自one of MBB、四大和boutique consulting firm的咨询顾问交流与讨论各种长短期咨询策略。参加活动
- 【AAIA x LEAP - 讲座报名】VC Talk: 创投十戒
你是否想避免创业的常见错误,从而实现华丽转身呢?在这个瞬息万变的时代,投资创业路途充满着机遇和挑战。创新企业难免会面对错误并导致不可逆转的后果。避免常见错误并规避潜在风险成了创业者和投资者们的制胜法宝。 别担心!武林宝典来啦!参考了摩西的十戒,AAIA特别邀请了硅谷TSVC的创始合伙人
- A Heartfelt Tribute to Mrs. Elizabeth Kay-Im
Editor’s NoteIn this heartfelt tribute written by Dr. Yutao He, Co-founder and President of the LEAP Career Development Forum, 2012 President of CES
- Sign Up | 2024 LEAP STEAM Summer Academy
2024 LEAP STEAM Summer AcademyAre you ready to embark on a journey that will ignite your curiosity and fuel your passion for learning?How would you li
- 【友情转发-讲座报名】创投论坛:创新企业的退出战略和税务考量
在当今充满变革和挑战的经济环境下,创新企业的崛起为整个产业带来了新的活力和动力。在这个充满机遇与挑战的创业旅程中,创业者和投资者们都面临着一系列重要的决策与挑战,其中包括创新企业的退出机制与策略、转变为上市公司的规则与流程,以及在IPO过程中税务的准备与策划。 为了帮助各位更好地理解和
- 【Reminder】| Sign-Up the LEAP Consulting Boot Camp
4-Week AI Business Plan and Strategy ProjectAre you ready to take the leap into the world of consulting and accelerate your career development? Look n
- 【LEAP ACE】| Sign-Up the Consulting Boot Camp
4-Week AI Business Plan and Strategy ProjectAre you ready to take the leap into the world of consulting and accelerate your career development? Look n
- 【倒计时2天】LEAP 12.0 | 南加州职业盛会
2023年精心设计筹备的LEAP 12.0南加州职业峰会就在本周日开幕。现在揭晓峰会详细内容。LEAP诚挚邀请您抓住2023年的最后机会,立即点击注册!https://leap12.eventbrite.comLEAP 12.0 - Dare to LEAP亮点一:行业大咖云集主题演讲主题:Embr
- 【倒计时6天】LEAP 12.0 |南加州职业发展峰会 SoCal NextGen Career Forum
LEAP 12.0: SoCal NextGen Career Forum▪Are you struggling to land your first full-time job or internship amid the volatile job market? ▪Are you despera
- 【LEAP eSalon】 Level Up Your Career in Financial Services
LEAP eSalonAre you ready to embark on a journey to supercharge your career in the dynamic realms of Financial Services, E-Commerce, and more? Join us
- 【LEAP eSalon】Nailing a Career Pivot: Engineer to Consultant
LEAP eSalonHave you ever wondered about the transformative power of a career transition?Are you a STEM major student interested in the consulting indu
- 【LEAP eSalon Recap】 Successful Job Search Strategies
Ace Your Job Search & Career Change With Successful StrategiesAs a former international student, I have been in your shoes. I know firsthand the chall
- 【LEAP eSalon】Success Strategies on Job Search & Career Change
Feeling swamped by job searches or contemplating a career transition?Seize this distinctive opportunity to discover your path forward!We're excited to
- 【LEAP-BREC-Meetup】Limp Forward with Dr. Libo Meyers
From being a little girl with polio in rural China to a tech executive at Apple, Dr. Libo Cao Meyers (曹力波) has had quite a journey in life—a journey s
- The Ultimate College Panel | Get In and Stand Out in Top Schools
The Ultimate College Life PanelAre you a high school studentDreaming of an exceptional college experience?Wondering what it takes to thrive in the bes
- 【友情转发】VC论坛: 风险投资条款精讲
P 当今经济环境下,初创企业蓬勃发展,风险投资成为了推动初创企业成功的重要力量。然而,对于初创企业和风险投资家来说,面对复杂的投资条款和估值方法,以及如何保护投资者利益,都是具有挑战性的任务。 在这样的背景下,我们特别邀请了业内专家为大家讲解最新的风险投资趋势和最佳实践。本次讲座将涵盖
- 【友情轉發】就在周六,南加州中華科工學會61周年慶,我們不見不散!
ired, 4/161周年慶2023 CESASC南加州中華科工學會第61屆年會將於4月1日周六在Hilton San Gabriel召開,年會主題為Innovation for a Better World。下午論壇免費入場,語言為英文。晚宴更有重磅嘉賓分享主題演講,歡迎各界人士參與,一起來見證、
- 4.1职业论坛大咖嘉宾揭秘|Sign up Now!
We are pleased to announce the distinguished speakers and mentors who will be joining us at the upcoming Career Forum that will take place from 3:30 p
- 【友情转发|讲座报名】推动医疗创新:与诺和诺德和强生创新的合作战略
P 你是否想了解医疗和生物技术领域的最新发展?欢迎加入我们的活动,听听来自诺和诺德和强生创新高级总监们的分享,这两家公司是医药行业的全球领导者。我们的特邀嘉宾们将讨论他们公司的关注领域,以及初创公司和全球知名医药公司建立成功合作伙伴关系的关键因素。 无论你是初创公司创始人、医疗专业人
- 【Career Forum|4.1】Fight the Career Winter in the Tech Industry!
Feeling lost about your career in the wake of recent mass layoff in the tech industry? Wanting to survive the "career winter” and achieve success on y