Npj Comput. Mater.: 超快斯格明子的光激发:微观机制
拓扑的磁激发不仅对于基础研究至关重要,更是构建小型、高效计算存储器件的重要组成单元。其中,最值得关注的是磁性斯格明子,它可以在磁交换作用、Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM)相互作用与各向异性之间的竞争下稳定存在。然而,出于工业应用目的,磁拓扑的激发需要在短时间尺度和高空间精度下实现有效的写入、擦除和操作。有相关实验证明,飞秒激光脉冲照射手征磁性薄膜是一种极具前途的方法,可以有效地产生斯格明子。尽管目前已有部分工作阐明了拓扑激发的过程,详细的微观机理依旧缺失。
Magnetic skyrmions are topological excitations of great promise for compact and efficient memory storage. However, to interface skyrmionics with electronic devices requires efficient and reliable ways of creating and destroying such excitations. In this work, we unravel the microscopic mechanism behind ultrafast skyrmion generation by femtosecond laser pulses in transition metal thin films. We employ a theoretical approach based on a two-band electronic model, and show that by exciting the itinerant electronic subsystem with a femtosecond laser ultrafast skyrmion nucleation can occur on a 100 fs timescale. By combining numerical simulations with an analytical treatment of the strong s-d exchange limit, we identify the coupling between electronic currents and the localized d-orbital spins, mediated via Rashba spin–orbit interactions among the itinerant electrons, as the microscopic and central mechanism leading to ultrafast skyrmion generation. Our results show that an explicit treatment of itinerant electron dynamics is crucial to understand optical skyrmion generation.