新加坡管理大学 Antoine Ledent 老师招收博士生

新加坡管理大学 Antoine Ledent 老师招收博士生



新加坡管理大学(Singapore Management University),简称新大 (SMU),是新加坡政府于2000年设立的第三所研究密集型公立大学,是亚洲乃至世界顶级的财经类院校和计算机信息技术强校。

新大与美国宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)的沃顿商学院(Wharton School)及计算机信息科技教育与研究闻名于全球的卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)保持密切的合作关系。



I am Antoine Ledent, a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS), Singapore Management University (SMU). Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the department of computer science at TU Kaiserslautern in Prof. Dr. Marius Kloft's research group. I hold a Bachelor's and a Masters' degree in mathematics from Clare College, University of Cambridge. Previously, I worked on low-dimensional projections of high-dimensional stochastic differential equations at the University of Luxembourg (Mathematics Department), where I obtained my PhD in 2017.

I have broad interests in Machine Learning, mainly focusing on Statistical Learning Theory and Recommender Systems. I have provided generalization bounds for deep convolutional neural networks, advanced the state-of-the-art in the statistical theory of Inductive Matrix Completion, and proposed various theoretically-motivated algorithms. In addition, I have several application-oriented contributions in both recommender systems and computer vision.


I’m currently inviting applications for fully funded PhD studentships at the School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) at Singapore Management University (SMU).

Primary responsibilities include performing cutting-edge Machine Learning research in collaboration with me and other faculty members. Possible topics include various approaches to Recommender Systems, Matrix Completion, general Statistical Learning Theory, or Deep Learning topics.  The main requirement is a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, or a related discipline. Further details about my research interests can be found on my personal webpage: or

TO APPLY: Interested candidates should send their application by email to aledent[at] Applications should preferably include a Curriculum Vitae and the name of a reference contact, but initial informal enquiries are also encouraged.

The position can start in August 2023, but the final formal application must be submitted to the school by January, so it is encouraged to apply early.

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