莱斯大学Lei S. Li教授实验室招收博士生、博士后

莱斯大学Lei S. Li教授实验室招收博士生、博士后





  • 莱斯大学Lei S. Li教授实验室现有多个博士生和博士后职位开放申请。 

  • Dr. Li实验室的主要研究方向是生物医学成像,包括光学成像,光声成像,超声成像,以及基于深度学习的各类医学成像的应用。

  • 具体的研究方向和课题请参看实验室的主页和Dr. Li的TED Talk。

  • 感兴趣的申请人可将个人CV发送到Dr. Li 的邮箱 ([email protected])。

Our lab focuses on the development of cutting-edge optical, photoacoustic, and ultrasonic techniques for structural, functional, metabolic, and molecular imaging at high spatiotemporal resolution in vivo and the applications in fundamental biomedical research and clinical trials.
Postdoctoral research associates and graduate students will have abundant opportunities to interact and collaborate with researchers across the engineering schools at Rice University and Texas Medical Centers and beyond. Also, they will have the opportunity to supervise trainees, write research proposals, and potentially practice entrepreneurship. Postdoctoral research associates are fully funded for the first time, and the contract can be renewed after evaluation. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University provides financial aid for all first-year graduate students. Dr. Li provides research assistantships from the second year onward.
If you are passionate about advancing global health through the development of innovative medical imaging and sensing techniques, please contact Dr. Li ([email protected]).

Dr. Lei S. Li简介
Dr. Lei S. Li will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University in January 2023. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering at California Institute of Technology in 2019. He received his MS degrees at Washington University in St. Louis in 2016. His research focuses on developing next-generation medical imaging technology for understanding the brain better, diagnosing early-stage cancer, and wearable monitoring of human vital signs. He was selected as a TED fellow in 2021 and a rising star in Engineering in Health by Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University (2021). He received the Charles and Ellen Wilts Prize from Caltech in 2020 and was selected as one of the Innovators Under 35 by MIT Technology Review in 2019. He is also a two-time winner of the Seno Medical Best Paper Award granted by SPIE (2017 and 2020, San Francisco). He has published over 40 (16 first-authored) peer-reviewed articles, including 11 (7 first-authored) in Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Methods, Nature Photonics, Nature Protocols, Science Robotics, Nature Communications, and Science Advances.

Rice University 简介
Rice University is a comprehensive research university located in Houston, Texas. Rice produces the next generation of leaders and advances tomorrow’s thinking. Boasting a 300-acre tree-lined campus in Houston, Rice University is ranked among the nation’s top 20 universities by U.S. News & World Report. Rice has a 6-to-1 undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio, and a residential college system, which supports students intellectually, emotionally and culturally through social events, intramural sports, student plays, lectures series, courses and student government. Developing close-knit, diverse college communities is a strong campus tradition, which is why Rice is highly ranked for best quality of life and best value among private universities. Rice is an intimate community that places a high value on personal interaction. 




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