一段时间以来,经济全球化遭遇了“逆风”,面对新冠肺炎疫情及俄乌冲突的冲击,中国市场与世界分享发展机遇的决心未曾改变,中国市场正与世界各地友人携手推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展。10月26日晚上5点,在上海 “罗斯福公馆”颁发了首届科拉蒂诺·阿斯卡尼欧(Corradino D’Ascanio)创新奖,中国企业东鹏瓷砖和意大利企业瓦拉格罗荣获奖项。
The economic globalization meets adversity, to face the pressure of the COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine conflict, Chinese market still glad to share the business opportunity with international partners. In the afternoon of October 26th the ceremony for the "Corradino D'Ascanio for Innovation" Award took place at the House of Roosevelt in Shanghai. Chinese company Guangdong Dongpeng Ceramics Co., Ltd and the Abruzzo company Valagro S.p.A. win the award.
图 | 科拉蒂诺·阿斯卡尼欧(Corradino D’Ascanio)创新奖颁发
This award from Italy came to Shanghai, China's frontier city of opening up to the outside world, and promoted the deep links between China and Italy in the fields of economy and trade, tourism, science and technology, agriculture, culture and other fields.
图 | 胡润百富CEO兼集团出版人吕能幸受邀参加颁奖典礼,与中意各界人士交流
科拉蒂诺·阿斯卡尼欧(Corradino D’Ascanio)创新奖的命名来源于意大利中部阿布鲁佐大区世界知名的航天工程师科拉蒂诺·阿斯卡尼欧(Corradino D’Ascanio):二战之后他用设计飞机的实力打造了踏板车,《罗马假日》电影里女神赫本骑的那辆Vespa踏板摩托车就出自工程师阿斯卡尼欧之手。出于对工程师阿斯卡尼欧的敬意,阿布鲁佐大区政府特设科拉蒂诺·阿斯卡尼欧(Corradino D’Ascanio)奖,对在工业领域的创新项目(产品或服务)比如智能制造、数字转型和能源转型上有卓越的表现,并对中意两国交往起促进作用的企业授予奖项。在评选中聚焦企业在工业创新方面做出的贡献,首先是设计理念的创新性,其次是参考市场的适用性及其潜力,设计生态可持续性,项目实施的成本等相关可行性,以及开发团队的多样性。
图 | Vespa 踏板摩托车
The Award, which takes its name from the Abruzzese engineer Corradino D'Ascanio, the famous inventor of the helicopter and the Vespa, was awarded in recognition of two companies - one based in Abruzzo and with interests in China, the other one based in China and with interests in Italy - which have made an exceptional contribution in the field of design innovation, in the industrial sector, in the areas of intelligent production, digital transformation.
图 | 阿布鲁佐大区和世界阿布鲁佐大区委员会主席 Marco Marsilio 先生通过视频致辞
意大利阿布鲁佐公司瓦拉格罗Valagro S.p.A.,以高水平的创新、每年持续不断的研发活动,为它所在的生物刺激剂领域作出突出贡献,在竞争激烈的中国市场中坚守科技创新,不断拓展。
The Abruzzo company Valagro S.p.A. keeps high level of innovation, made the important research and development activity conducted on an annual basis and above all for the leadership achieved in the field of biostimulants, establishing itself as a highly technological company in a complex market like the Chinese one.
图 | 意大利驻上海总领事 Tiziana D’Angelo 女士为意大利阿布鲁佐企业瓦拉格罗 Valagro S.p.A.颁奖
As well as to the Chinese company Guangdong Dongpeng Ceramics Co., Ltd, as the leader in the ceramics sector, in recognition of the commitment in the research and development of innovative solutions with low carbon dioxide emissions and environmentally friendly, also through synergies and interests in Italy and Abruzzo, where the town of Castelli, which boasts a centuries-old tradition in ceramics and is recognized as one of the most important ceramic centers in Italy, is located.
图 | 意大利驻上海总领事 Tiziana D’Angelo 女士为中国企业东鹏瓷砖颁奖
该奖项是在意大利阿布鲁佐大区、意大利驻上海总领事馆和世界阿布鲁佐大区委员会的大力支持下,由“在中国的阿布鲁佐人”协会执行委员会:Fabrizio Ferri先生、Pierluigi Gorgoretti先生、Claudio Neroni先生、Carlo D'Andrea代开乐先生和 Riccardo Verzella先生发起的。
It is a project born from an initiative of the executive committee of the Abruzzesi Association in China - Fabrizio Ferri, Pierluigi Gorgoretti, Claudio Neroni, Carlo D'Andrea and Riccardo Verzella - with the support of the Abruzzo Region, the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai and the CRAM (Regional Council of Abruzzo in the World).
图 | “在中国的阿布鲁佐人”协会主席 Fabrizio Ferri 先生现场致辞
图 | “在中国的阿布鲁佐人”协会副主席,评估委员会主席 Pierluigi Gorgoretti 先生现场致辞
图 | 阿布鲁佐特色产品,包括有DOC
The award ceremony was followed by a Gala Dinner, enjoy the beauty of the Bund, during which the guests could have also a tasting of the typical products of the Abruzzo region, including the Montepulciano, Cerasuolo and Pecorino “Rieccolo” wines.
图 | “在中国的阿布鲁佐人”协会司库主管 Avv. Carlo D’Andrea 代开乐先生
图 | 意大利驻沪领事馆领事 Alessandra Palumbo 女士
图 | 中意各界人士欢聚上海外滩
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