


In 2022, the world population crossed 8 billion people — and we felt the scale of this monumental milestone in hundreds of ways. After over two years of lockdowns and quarantines, people eagerly restarted their lives, but there were certainly growing pains. Weddings and travel skyrocketed, but so did lost luggage and global inflation rates. Taylor Swift broke Ticketmaster. Cryptocurrency was headed toward a great year until it really, really wasn’t. 2022 tested the world population as we tested out life in a new phase of the pandemic.


Russia invaded Ukraine, and aid relief flooded into the war-torn country. Refugees were welcomed into surrounding countries, and those who stayed behind inspired people around the world. Global protests cried out for justice in Iran. Football teams stood up for migrant workers and the LGBTQ+ community at the World Cup. Cuba legalized same-sex marriage. The world froze for a moment when England’s longest-reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, died. And we all watched a lot of TikTok.  As we head into 2023, take a moment to look back at the events that defined this year.



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The world will mark an important milestone  as the global population surpasses 8 billion people. 

Weddings are back. 

Experts are predicting weddings to reach a 40-year high. 

We have been waiting to do this for two-and-a-half years. 

After weeks of flirtation and fighting  the new couple has officially done the deed. 

Full-on crypto crash. 

$32 billion dollars just vanished…  My money don’t jiggle jiggle. 

BTS are going on hiatus. 

Taylor Swift fans waited hours online only to find the website crashing. 

I’m going to the concert!  The final seconds before impact. 

Have a corn-tastic day. 

Ah, stunning! Yeah. 

The blockbuster legal saga between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp…  My favorite thing about the movie is like,  it feels like a…  like a… movie. 

The Russian president says a military operation is now underway in eastern Ukraine. 

Explosions and air raid sirens ringing out in cities across this country. 

Soaring new numbers from the UN on Ukrainians fleeing the fighting. 

We cry — we all have the feeling that we’ve no home. 

[In Russian] We are ready for any outcome. 

Russia, now the target of more than 2,700 new sanctions. 

And the world bracing for food shortages  Russia has now suspended all gas supplies to Germany. 

Possible explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines. 

Gas prices — soaring to the highest average ever recorded. 

Amazon,  Microsoft,  Meta announced 11,000 employees laid off  [Twitter notification]  1,200 Twitter employees calling it quits. 

I quit is what’s going on. 

Ah, ****  Inflation  is much too high. 

Everything has doubled up. 

Do you heat or do you eat?  These prices are totally outrageous. 

I do not have time for this! It’s been the most incredible ride and journey I’ve ever been on. 

We have finally achieved equal pay for our men’s and our women’s national team. 

It’s about damn time. 

It is the most controversial World Cup in the history of football. 

The gulf state’s been under intense scrutiny over the treatment of migrant workers. 

The 2022 Winter Olympics are underway. 

Jamaica will compete in the four-man bobsled. 

China’s snow princess is the queen of big air!  Russian figure skater testing positive for a banned substance. 

I have tested positive for Covid-19. 

I will have to withdraw. 

BA.5 is fueling yet another wave  Covid vaccines for children under 5 began today. 

Someone’s getting vaccinated. 

Airline passengers can now decide for themselves to wear a mask. 

Summer travel this year comes with some baggage. 

Kylie Jenner takes a three-minute flight and yet they’re telling me to recycle cans!  Soaring temperatures. 

40.2 degrees

Get out of there, please!  Pakistan reeling from the devastating floods caused by monsoon rains. 

We are on a highway to climate hell  with our foot still on the accelerator. 

Hurricane Ian has changed Florida forever. 

This wall could not contain it because the water was too much. 

We are seeing tragedy unraveling in front of our eyes. 

We were working here, and suddenly, we heard mortar explosions near this mosque. 

This crater hints at the size of the explosion in western Ghana. 

The government of Burkina Faso averted a plot to take over the country. 

Today, we have fought for our freedom from the greedy politicians. 

154 people were killed in a crush in South Korea. 

Another mass shooting…  At a fourth of July parade,  In a Walmart,  At a hospital complex,  At a gay nightclub,  An elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. 

They let our baby get slaughtered. 

A major Supreme Court ruling that could make it easier to obtain a firearm license. 

Antisemitic incidents…  Black transgender deaths are rising. 

Critics call it the “don’t say gay” bill. 

We will not go back!  The nation’s highest court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade. 

Our body, our choice!  22-year-old Mahsa Amini was taken into custody by Iran’s morality police. 

Amini’s death has sparked outrage. 

The Iranian squad chose not to sing the country’s national anthem. 

Please be our voice and don’t let the evil regime kill innocent people. 

Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has been shot dead. 

Thousands gathered for her funeral procession. 

[Speaking Ukrainian] The citizens are here. 

We are here. 

I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world. 

I am resigning as leader of the conservative party. 

I am prepared to give everything I have. 

Jair Bolsonaro defeated by former president Lula da Silva. 

Gabriel Boric will become Chile’s youngest ever president. 

Republicans were hoping for a red wave, which didn’t really pan out. 

Giorgia Meloni’s “Brothers of Italy” party winning this weekend’s election. 

India’s first tribal person elected to the highest office of the land. 

Buckingham Palace has announced the death of her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. 

This is the end of an era. 

Ukrainian forces are now on the offensive. 

They’ve taken more territory in the past week than Russia has since April. 

Nobody’s gonna break us. 

We are strong. 

We are Ukrainians. 

WNBA star Brittney Griner is headed home. 

I’m about to sign the Inflation Reduction Act…  …The largest US commitment ever to fighting climate change. 

Cuba holding a landmark referendum to legalize same-sex marriage. 

Yes! Argentina!  Champions of the world!  Every image is a new discovery and each will give humanity a view of the universe that  we’ve never seen before. 

Thank you to the Academy for letting our Coda make history tonight. 

And don’t you ever, ever give up on you. 

It is a long journey to this moment. 

In my family, it took just one generation to go from segregation to the Supreme Court  of the United States. 

History is not about statistics and memorizing dates and boring quotations. 

History is about people. 

It’s about human beings.


— 往期精彩英语演讲集 —





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