5月21日,世界卫生组织发布声明称,5月13日以来有12 个未流行猴痘病毒的会员国报告了92 例实验室确诊病例和 28 例疑似猴痘病例, 包括英国、西班牙、葡萄牙、加拿大和美国等。
The World Health Organization said on Saturday that since May 13, it had identified 92 confirmed cases and 28 suspected cases in 12 non-endemic countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Canada and the United States.
1958年, 猴痘病毒首次在实验室猴子身上发现。1970年,中非国家刚果(金)发现首例人感染猴痘病例,是一名9岁男孩。现在,该病毒被认为起源于包括灵长类、啮齿类动物等在内的野生动物,全球大部分病例发生在中非和西非地区。
Scientists came up with the name monkeypox in 1958 after it was first detected in laboratory monkeys. The first known human infection was identified in a 9-year-old boy in Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970. The virus is now believed to originate in primates, rodents and other wild animals and most cases have been reported across central and western Africa.
Q: 猴痘会引起什么症状?
猴痘感染者的症状类似于天花患者, 但通常比天花感染者的症状轻很多。大多数猴痘感染者会出现发烧、疼痛、打寒战和皮疹等症状,且2-4周内会自愈,但严重患者也会死亡。近期,它的病死率预计为3%至6%。
The virus can cause a disease with symptoms similar to, but less severe than smallpox, which was eradicated in 1980. Most patients only experience fever, body aches, chills and rash, and can recover within two to four weeks without special treatment. But it can be deadly, with an estimated fatality rate of around 3 to 6 percent.
Q: 猴痘是如何传播的?
Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected person or animal, or with material contaminated with the virus. Human-to-human spread of the virus is usually caused by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials.
Q: 现在针对猴痘有疫苗或治疗手段吗?
Vaccination against smallpox was demonstrated through several observational studies to be about 85 percent effective in preventing monkeypox.
China has reported no human or animal cases of monkeypox, and the focus at present is preventing imported monkeypox cases from overseas, according to Tan Wenjie, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention.
Due to monkeypox’s limited transmission ability and milder symptoms in infected patients, the possibility for monkeypox to develop into an acute and fatal infectious disease like smallpox is “extremely low”.
— 已建立了多种可用于猴痘早期诊断的基因检测技术,可在24小时内鉴别样品是否为猴痘病毒或其他痘病毒,并对猴痘病毒的来源与传播链进行分子溯源;
China has created several testing technologies targeting monkeypox that can return results within 24 hours and enable genome sequencing of the virus;
— 中国疾控中心已制订了《猴痘疫情应急处置技术方案》,储备了猴痘分子检测试剂并对各省市疾控专业人员开展了猴痘核酸PCR检测培训;
The China CDC has formulated an emergency technical plan for monkeypox outbreaks, prepared testing kits and began training local disease control workers on laboratory testing;
— 我国长期进行天花疫苗的应急储备,可随时提供上百万支天花疫苗应急接种;
China also has an inventory of smallpox vaccines and can provide over one million doses amid a health emergency;
Contagious diseases are not bound by borders and the risk of seeing imported monkeypox infections always exists and has risen due to recent cases in Europe and America.
We should step up preparedness early on by launching education campaigns about the disease, intensify monitoring of relevant symptoms and developing diagnosis methods and testing kits, so as to detect imported cases in a timely manner and cut off its transmission.
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