1. 《天神下凡:詹姆斯·卡梅隆的电影人生》,丽贝卡·基根著,朱沉之译,法律出版社,2010-05
2. 《詹姆斯·卡梅隆的科幻故事》,兰德尔·弗雷克斯著,潘志剑译,新星出版社,2020-04
3. 《看见 柴静专访卡梅隆》,CCTV,2012-05-06
4. ‘Avatar 2’ Renews Push for 3D Format in Movie Theaters. By Carolyn Giardina, Pamale Mcclintock, The Hollywood Reporter, 2022-05-16
5. Pressure Dive. By James Cameron, National Geographic, 2013-06
6. Voyage to the Deep.James Cameron. By Bruce Barcott, National Geographic, 2013-06
7. Dream Capturers: James Cameron's Brave New World of Filmmaking. By Michael Kunkes, Cine Montage, 2010-01-01
8. The ‘Avatar’ Architect: A Conversation with the Performance Capture Guru Joe Letteri. By Bill Desowitz, Indie Wire, 2022-12-22
9. Avatar 2: What is the future for visual effects? By Hanna Flint, BBC, 2022-12-28
10. James Cameron Likens 3D Technology to the Introduction of Color Movies. By Kevin Mccall, Collider, 2022-09-05
11. Why It Took So Long for James Cameron to Make Avatar: The Way of Water. By Eliana Dockterman, Time, 2022-12-06
12. 13 years ago, ‘Avatar 2’ was impossible. Inside the groundbreaking plan to pull it off. By Jen Yamato, Los Angeles Time, 2022-12-16
13. How ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ Solved the Problem of Computer-Generated H2O?By Darryn King, The New York Times, 2022-12-16