2/18今天晚上5:00到10:00是第一次”出游” ,小陈4:30就来接我,没有堵车,我们5:00多就到了…….坐在大厅里”观望人来人往”, 大家都忙着找位子,穿的”漂漂亮亮的招待” 找到了我们应该坐的第二座VIP. 跟许多”表演”的人坐在一起,觉得不对劲,就只有等请我去做客的好朋友,她姗姗来迟⋯⋯小陈是非常孝顺的儿子,他的父母也是90多岁,在家等他做饭,可是他还是陪了我很久,怕人太挤,被人闯倒!他心地善良!我又被换到一个跟新闻记者坐在一起的一桌,也有两个很可爱的小朋友和爸爸妈妈坐在一起,非常温馨的一家!我很喜欢坐在Rose Hall 旁边, 跟好多老朋友一起照相, 可惜坐了一半,就被他们”绑架” 到另外一个桌子上去了,因为那个百岁老头我们曾经一起去加州,没有人跟他讲话,他又喜欢”开玩笑” , 我再回来原位的時候,其实我喜欢坐在rose hall 小朋友旁边,进出自由,可以随时起来在旁边照相……见到20多年没有见面的跳舞的老朋友,当年他们还是老师,居然一点没有变!节目方面,其他记者一定报告过了,不必我重复…..总之吃的玩得开心,人头拥挤,照了很多像,大家看起来都非常开心!几百个人都穿的非常时髦,只有我比较老古板……广东朋友的春宴实在办的非常热闹⋯⋯我好高兴,我今天去了。2/17From my window I could see Trapelo Road, on the right side, going directly to Lincoln Center , Concord ,Sudbury…… passing the highway and a beautiful pond, if you make a left turn on one of the Streets , I remember the two Lee brothers( Li and Lee) used to live there (李詩頴,李耀滋) old-timers in Boston area of course remember the 2 family . Both MIT professors . The old grandmother used to live there too. The two sons taking real good care of the old grandmother. I happen to know their younger sister from New York city李禾穎and husband王英保 while I was in college in Riverdale New York. I got invited to their house For Chinese food and pastry. I also know their cousin. 林同祥( 李耀滋的太太林同端)we were in 南開junior high school in Chung King and graduated from high school together in Taipei Taiwan. Whenever they’re in town I always get invited to the lingqin Lee household. The end稿件:赵钟英