【九零后老妈随笔】03/07/2023 Only the locals would know!

【九零后老妈随笔】03/07/2023 Only the locals would know!



Marlene and priscilla took me to a place in Chelsea on Williams Street under the Tobin Bridge named “Chio “ for pizza and salad last night. We didn’t try to get the pasta so good as we only have 3 people , would never be able to finish , next time . But Bay  got the desert anyway. So good too, chocolate moose with some fancy center . Much  better than our local Johnny’s nearby . Wait until Mark ,  Phyllis and “ cupcake” to try it. There is a 5 or 6 parking space nearby. I go again anytime anyone who wants to try it and see it for yourself. 
This week I will have “meals on wheels”  service by  Mystic Valley, just to try out as a new “shut in “ customer. I used to do that. Phyllis, our daughter in North Carolina has been in charge the program for many years. Mark , grandchildren and I went for delivery too ( when I was there visiting). I even donated money for their chapter when they were doing fundraising. Taxpayers are paying and bringing you the services you deserve but don’t abuse it and wasted it.

The end

编辑:Xiangning liu


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