4/19/2023居然有时间吃了一个简单的”素菜火锅”……大儿子买的”专门用电的车”因为来回要6小时长途,还特地找地方在我们”看秀的时候去充电”,一切顺顺利利,安安稳稳,开开心心的度过一个快乐的晚上!人生太匆忙,亲情,爱情,友情都要”尽量保持联系和珍惜”…….两个高大儿子小时候最喜欢吃爸爸做的”飯飯肉肉”(红烧蹄膀拌的飯)每次去MuLan木蘭我総一定要叫那个小蹄膀使他们开心!他们淘气的时候总记得轻轻的被关到小房间问該打几下”屁股”, 警告要不要”吃栗子”?…… 一切都记忆犹新,好像还是昨天,年华老去已白头,百寶箱里的”琐琐碎碎”想起来还是很可爱的,使你永远年轻!多尋快乐少发愁,夕阳近黄昏,仍舊无限好!4/22/2023I had my tax accountant, delay filing my income tax this year, had paid my estimated quarterly payment on time before April 18th, worked very hard last night into wee hours, preparing all the materials to be mailed out , thinking I would be able to sleep Saturday morning! ….. you know what? I don’t know about you” older women” friends, I almost never heard my “elder men” friends complaining,—— three boyfriends bothering me all night: arthritis( Arthur) , Charlie horse,( Charles) and BenGay( Benjamin)—-only the last one made me feel very good! But it needs a lot of” hard work” to keep me comfortable….. How many readers can get this joke? Honestly! ! Especially the young ones who do not have this experience….. but I am very excited in getting up this morning as my young NanKai school mates are coming to visit me this noon time, tomorrow, another young friend Meng is coming to visit….. the grand children are coming tomorrow also. It’s always nice to have people” thinking “ of you. Since I do not drive anymore, having visitors coming is a wonderful thing. Hope the weather is good that we can sit on the porch under the sun for some tea and coffee, snacks etc. etc.. Have a good day to enjoy our spring time in new England.今天在家帮朋友解决了”几个问题” 。 小朋友看得起我,需要我的意见,我当然尽力相助。南开小学妹马上在哥伦比亚要碩士毕业了,何去何从?他自己条件姣好,学业上乘,选择男朋友等等。另外一个”不太识相”的妈妈嫁了外国老公,有两个非常活躍的女孩八岁四岁。常常在公眾地方不受欢迎,受人指責,总以为我们中国朋友对他们歧视。有意给他难堪。许多地方她应该有自知之明!”人在做,天在看” 小孩子管教的不好,当然給人反感!不受大家欢迎,例如两星期前很正式的钢琴演奏會,应该是”鸦雀无声”, 坐不安稳的小朋友根本就不应该来的,怎么能够怪主办单位对你歧视?一而再,再而三,还说了请你以后不要再来。吃点心的时候,大家客客气气,害怕僧多粥少,应该把小孩管教好,不要爬上爬下,吃不完, 兜着走,像上海人说的”吃相难看”!不必到我这里来兴师问罪,我平常是”喜欢打抱不平” 的,但我哪里管得了这么多我不能控制的事物?只能让他自己反省檢討一下。送走了人間最美的四月天,欢迎五月来临!疫情三年,许多文艺节目和社區活動都活躍起来了⋯⋯人的时间精力有限,”鱼与熊掌不可兼得” ,交通,停车和同去朋友的票務安排都在考虑之中。这星期一4/24决定要去波士顿美术馆的展览和”SargeantSociety lunch”,星期六 4/29 被林會長特請的,向往已久的”中国音乐家协会的演出”, 5/3 波士顿歌剧院的百老汇演出”Beetlejuice “, 爱儿子会陪我去。5/6 是一年一度我不要错过的在”牛頓的台湾日” , 晚上和小女𠒇也要去majestic theater看 Boston lyric opera-“ Omar “ , 星期天 5/7 上完教堂, 下午3:00和瑪琳,蘇菲亞同去王中心看”Alvin Ailey “舞蹈….. 5月中旬和下旬的再慢慢來. 我绝对不能错过台北建国中学21號中午在牛頓的同学聚餐会。The End稿件:赵钟英