3/1East is east, West is west ——Home is best! Finally , I made home after more than 2 mo! 10 days in the hospital, two weeks in rehabilitation at Meadow Green, another 42 days in Waltham Crossing rehab. It is so wonderful to be able to sleep in my own bed tonight . Thanks to my lovely family and wonderful friends who have been back-and-forth to visit me. I’m so happy to be able to finish all my mail, now that I have to get to my computer to take care of all the emails and update information. 我在杭州的聪明小侄女儿每天都会写给我最喜欢听的句子,让我写在下面与你分享:山河依旧人渐老,余生只盼身体好,富贵贫穷都看淡,健康才是无价宝。珍惜当下好时光,健康快乐度年华!总算回家了,感谢天主,大家晚安!The end稿件:赵钟英