【九零后老妈随笔】1/7/2023 必须集中精力尽快好起来

【九零后老妈随笔】1/7/2023 必须集中精力尽快好起来



In the process of  being discharged to the Rehab —-Meadow Green in Lexington where my daughter in law , Jiliana works , almost next to their house  this afternoon . Do not know how many days I would stay . Hope not too long . The team of the  excellent doctors and Patrick and my  family don’t want me to be at home alone as I need more care and physical therapy. I am well, don’t worry about me. Thank you for asking . Will keep you posted. 
I was Discharged from Beth Israel hospital from Brookline by ambulance to this skilled nursing facility Meadow Green rehabilitation center In Waltham last night 6 PM. Arriving safely by 2 young  EMT, Joseph and Christopher, had wonderful conversation with them on the way here. Had been a social worker in the health service Is always interested in what’s going on with our current situation. I was giving probably one of the best Private rooms facing south with a great porch, quiet and  charming  place .  Guess what ? $450 a day if I have to pay privately which  is twice  as more than Winchester Gable assistant living. Working 25 years for the department of public welfare for the Commonwelth Of Mass certainly is  paying off. Medicare will cover but if I went to  the festivity last night or go out for the theater tonight, medicare will stop paying. I must concentrating Of  getting better soon . The hospital doctors had Ordered nine kinds of medicine for my high blood pressure and “pain in the neck”….… to take with me. I was lucky to be able to avoid my little heart procedure. We certainly live in a wonderful free world and you better appreciate and thanking God for it every day.

The end

编辑:Yvette Lu


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