The "two sessions" is not a specific institutional name. The term "two sessions" refers to the yearly plenary meetings of the National People's Congress (NPC) - China's top legislative body and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) - the top political advisory body.
They are held every year, beginning in 1978. Since the sessions basically coincide and are very important to the operation of the country, they are called "two sessions" for short.
Different from the bicameral and multi-party systems in Western countries, China has its own political system.
The NPC is the highest organ of state power in China, while local people's congresses at all levels are local agencies of state power.
The annual people's congresses are first held from the grassroots upwards at township, county, city, and provincial levels and finally at the highest national level, so that the people's wants and needs are reported to higher levels.
During the two sessions each year, NPC deputies gather in the presence of the Party and state leaders to discuss plans for national development and problems affecting people's lives.
Many of the motions and proposals put forward by the deputies have been carefully reviewed and then included into policy decisions of state organs.
But China's political system is not a system of one-party rule. One of China's basic political frameworks is the System of Multiparty Cooperation and Political Consultation Under CPC Leadership.
The CPPCC National Committee usually takes place one to two days ahead of the NPC. Members offer proposals to participate in the deliberation and administration of State affairs.
2023年,是党的二十大胜利召开后的开局之年,今年两会将有哪些新看点?如何向外国朋友介绍中国的两会?中国日报推出两会双语百科系列视频《这个老外是懂两会的》(The ABC of China's Two Sessions),跟随外籍记者Ryan的讲解,了解中国两会的方方面面。
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