Book a Campus Tour in March! 上海耀中三月校园招生开放日开启,欢迎报名!

Book a Campus Tour in March! 上海耀中三月校园招生开放日开启,欢迎报名!


Click the poster to register


YCIS Shanghai would like to invite prospective parents to attend our on-campus Open Days in March in both Puxi and Pudong.


On Open Days, we will introduce our history and network, our educational philosophy and curriculum, our teachers, and our academic achievements


Following a presentation, visiting families will be guided by our admissions team to visit our classrooms and Learning Communities to experience children's real learning environment and gain a deeper understanding of how your child can be part of this vibrant international community.


Contact us at [email protected], telephone 021- 2226 7666, scan the QR code or click the poster to book your school visit! With limited seating, parents are recommended to register for a space as soon as possible.


家长们也可发送邮件至[email protected]或电话咨询我们专业的招生教师团队:021-2226 7666,了解更多探校详情。

We look forward to seeing you at the campus!


YCIS Shanghai was the first international school in Shanghai officially registered with and recognised by the Chinese government, and the only international school in China to have received the Cambridge Award for Excellence in Education. Backed by 90 years of experience and history, the first Yew Chung School was established in 1932 by our founder, Madam Tsang Chor-hang, with a mission of making China stronger through education. The school is also devoted to helping students acquire diverse skills, multilingualism, multicultural understanding, and strong values. With six campuses in prime locations in Puxi and Pudong (including Lingang New Area), YCIS Shanghai provides a world-class international education experience for children aged 2–18 years old from over 50 countries and regions. Each year, YCIS Shanghai students excel in internationally recognised examinations, with more than 50% of graduates receiving the bilingual International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP), leading to offers at top universities and institutions worldwide.



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