这背后,是日方玩弄的一个个文字游戏,也是其为给核排污寻找合法性的小伎俩。今天双语君(微信ID: chinadaily_mobile)就给大家扒一扒。
日本政府与东电在官方文件中,都坚持把福岛水罐里的水称作“处理后的核废水”(treated nuclear wastewater)。
但中国与绝大部分国家、国际组织都称其为“核污染水”(nuclear contaminated wastewater)。
Both the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in their official documents insist calling it "treated nuclear waste water"; yet China, along with most other countries and international organizations prefer "nuclear contaminated wastewater".
However, the two are fundamentally different. Nuclear wastewater refers to the wastewater produced in the normal daily activities of nuclear power plants, such as the large quantities of water used to cool down the key parts of nuclear power plants. Because the water doesn't touch the radioactive substances in the nuclear reactor, it can be flushed out after strict processing.
While nuclear contaminated water means the water that directly touches the radioactive substances in the reactors in accidents, which has itself become highly radioactive. That water must also be strictly processed and evaluated by experts from all parties concerned before being expelled into the ocean. If not, ecological risk may irreversibly turn into ecological damage.
图源:中国日报 宋晨
In 1972, the year when the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea came into force, several countries agreed in London to adopt the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, referred to as the London Dumping Convention, which sets strict rules on dumping waste into the ocean.
4. 仅为故意处置目的在现场对平台或其他海上人工构造物作的任何弃置或任何倾覆。
The regulation is aimed at preventing some countries or regions from taking advantage of the loopholes. As a result, Japan has played fast and loose with the rules. At a meeting of the Protocol of the Convention in October 2022, the South Korean delegate noted that Japan had violated the convention, but the Japanese delegate cited the pipeline as an example, claiming that they were not "dumping" the nuclear contaminated wastewater and argued that the issue "should not be discussed" at such meetings.
This is a sheer sophistry. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, states should notify others and international organizations as soon as they become aware of an imminent risk of pollution of the marine environment. Wherever possible, cooperation should be maximized to eliminate the effects of pollution and to prevent or minimize damage. States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that activities under their jurisdiction or control do not expose other states and their environment, to pollution or harm beyond national jurisdiction.
4月13日,在日本东京,民众手举标语在日本国会众议院第二议员会馆前参加集会抗议。新华社记者 岳晨星 摄
Therefore, Japan cannot wait until after the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge is activated, or even later, to jointly organize experts to assess the extent of the damage under international pressure. By then, the damage will have been done and the situation will be irreparable. If waste management plans pose any risk to neighboring countries and the marine environment, stakeholders should be notified so joint measures can be taken.
视频:左卓 陈月华
实习生:李嘉薇 张笑妍 秦欣然
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