Postdoctoral Fellow Positions, University of Alberta

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions, University of Alberta


Postdoctoral Fellow Positions, Adolescent Development Lab, University of Alberta

The Adolescent Development Lab at the University of Alberta, led by Dr. Yao Zheng, has openings available for up to 2 full-time postdoctoral fellows. The starting date is negotiable. The initial appointment is for one year, renewable up to three years depending on performance and grant funding. Salary will be commensurate with experience.

The successful candidate will help coordinate research projects that investigate adolescents' and young adults' daily experiences and well-being. Primary responsibilities include overseeing project progress, conducting data analysis, preparing for conference presentations and scientific manuscript writing for publication in peer-reviewed journals, and supervising research assistants. Postdoc fellows will have opportunities to work on daily parent–adolescent dyadic data, adolescent ecological momentary assessment data, as well as twin daily diary data (prior experience required). There will also be opportunities to work on conventional multi-wave longitudinal data, EEG data, and data from measurement burst designs.

Required Qualifications:

•A doctoral degree in developmental psychology, humandevelopment, and family studies, quantitative psychology, applied psychology, educational psychology, or a related area

•Strong background/interests in adolescent socioemotional development and diaryresearch
•Strong analytical skills such as structural equationmodeling and multilevel modeling using Mplus, R, and/or  SAS
•Evidence of independent scholarship, strong interpersonal and communication skills, and outstanding academic English writing skills

Preferred qualifications:

•Prior 1st author publication experience at peer-reviewed journals
•Experience with collecting and analyzing diary and other intensive longitudinal data
•Experience with dynamical systems, control system, GIMME, Graphic VAR, and longitudinal network analysis are especially welcome
•Experience of lab management and data collection management

To Apply

Please submit a cover letter (2-page maximum) that describes your relevant training and career goals, up-to-date CV, research statement including your training goals for the position (3-page maximum), up to 3 representative publications, as well as the name and contact information of 3 references in ONE pdf file to [email protected] with "PostdocApplication" in the subject line. Review of the applications will begin immediately until the positions are filled. For more information, please contact Dr. Zheng ([email protected]).


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