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At the start of this administration, the PRC was convinced that the United States was in terminal decline.
From the beginning, our approach has been consistent. We are in competition with China, but we do not seek conflict, confrontation, or a new Cold War. We are for managing the competition responsibly.
We have strengthened America’s ability to outcompete China by rebuilding the economy from the bottom up and middle out, by enhancing our ability to innovate, rejuvenating our industrial capacity, protecting our technology, and – critically – by deepening our relationships with allies and partners around the world.
Our approach has had a number of specific components.
First, we recognize the importance of a bipartisan approach, and we’ve sought to build bridges across the aisle on this challenge – many calls, lots of interactions, and deep dialogue with partners across the aisle.
Second, we’ve made historic investments to bolster manufacturing – including related to foundational technologies – to create good-paying jobs at home, and to support more resilient supply chains.
Third, we’ve deepened our alliances and partnerships abroad in ways that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.
Fourth, we’ve aligned with countries around the world to set the rules of the road for the twenty-first century. [...]
And fifth, we’ve pursued an approach to the PRC that is competitive without veering into confrontation or conflict.
We’re clear-eyed about the PRC. We know efforts to shape or reform China over several decades have failed. And we expect China to be around and to be a major player on the world stage for the rest of our lifetimes.
As the competition continues, the PRC will take provocative steps – from the Taiwan Strait to Cuba – and we will push back.
But intense competition requires intense diplomacy if we’re going to manage tensions. That is the only way to clear up misperceptions, to signal, to communicate, and to work together where and when our interests align.
After investing at home and strengthening ties with allies abroad, now is precisely the time for intense diplomacy.
This is not a strategic shift or something new to American statecraft. We have decades of experience talking to and even working with competitors when our interests call for it.
We are not going to take a step back from our interests and values or from securing an enduring competitive advantage.
In just the last few months, we’ve taken actions against the PRC entities involved in human rights abuses, forced labor, nonproliferation, and supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine.
We’re continuing – we’ve continued to uphold freedom of navigation in the region by flying, sailing, and operating wherever international law allows. And we’ll continue to take additional steps in the period ahead in economics, technology, security, and other arenas to advance our interests and values.
At the same time, there is nothing inconsistent with competing vigorously and talking with the PRC on a range of issues.
We have an interest in setting up crisis communication mechanisms to reduce conflict risk. The world expects us to work together on climate, health security, global macroeconomic stability, and other challenges. We can’t let the disagreements that might divide us stand in the way of moving forward on the global priorities that require us all to work together.
So we will seek to manage the competition and work together where our interests align from a position of confidence in ourselves and in the importance of consistent, clear, and high-level communication with other great powers.
Secretary Blinken’s trip will advance this approach, and we expect a series of visits in both directions in the period ahead.
Let me conclude by noting that there has been – noting that there has been a lot of speculation on what end state that we seek. But this competition is not going to resolve in a decisive, transformative state.
What we seek instead is a positive steady state, one where our interests and those of our allies and partners are protected.
Thank you.
This will be the first time that the Secretary has been to the PRC in his current role. This will be the first Secretary of State visit to China since 2018 and the first U.S. Cabinet visit since 2019. There is no substitute for in-person meetings, and, as Kurt said, the United States has deep experience talking with and even working with our competitors when our interests call for it. And as Kurt noted, intense competition requires intense diplomacy if we are going to manage tensions.
The Secretary’s trip builds on other recent engagements since President Biden’s meeting with President Xi in Bali, where they committed to keep channels open to, at a minimum, prevent miscalculation. As you know, the Secretary met in Munich in March with State Counselor – well, then-State Counselor Wang Yi. And National Security Advisor Sullivan also recently met with now-Director Wang Yi in Vienna. We also had Commerce Secretary Raimondo and USTR Katherine Tai’s recent meetings with the PRC Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao in Washington last month.
During this two-day visit, from June 18-19, the Secretary will have a series of meetings with senior PRC officials in Beijing. We do not at this time have more detailed information on the Secretary’s schedule, but we will provide updates as they become available.
Secretary Blinken has three general goals for his trip.
First, he wants to establish communication channels that are open and empowered – to discuss important challenges, address misperceptions, and prevent miscalculation – so as to manage competition that does not veer – excuse me – into conflict.
Second, as he always does, the Secretary will stand up and speak out for U.S. values and interests. He will raise clearly and candidly our concerns on a range of issues, and he will also discuss a host of regional and global security matters.
Third, the Secretary is committed to exploring potential cooperation on transnational challenges when it is in our interest – in areas such as climate and global macroeconomic stability. We also hope to discuss ways to increase exchanges between the American and Chinese peoples.
Our primary focus, again, is to have candid, direct, and constructive discussions on all three of these fronts.
I think it’s also important to note that diplomats on both sides have invested many hours preparing for these meetings, separately and in early rounds of face-to-face talks. That process is an essential component of our diplomatic communications, and we hope that these communications will facilitate substantive dialogue in the days ahead. Both on this trip and in the days that follow, we expect those discussions to continue – again, so that we can manage responsibly the competition between our two countries, because that’s what the world expects of us
Read the full text here:


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