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耶鲁创投俱乐部(Yale Venture Club, YVC)以“相互成就”为主旨,聚集耶鲁大学社群的创业者,行业专家,VC/PE投资人,以及潜在创投人才。对内建立强联系,对外链接创业投资资源,凝聚耶鲁华人力量,助力创投人才成长,项目孵化,提升耶鲁华人在各个领域的新兴影响力。
耶鲁创投俱乐部成立于2021年11月,是耶鲁大学第一个华人创业与投资社群,目前已有70多位活跃成员,由来自耶鲁大学本科、硕士、MBA、PhD、在校研 究/教职人员以及各届校友组成。
加入我们和获取更多活动信息,请关注耶鲁华人创投俱乐部(YVC) 公众号,或联系:[email protected]
Yale Venture Club (YVC) is an independent, non-political, and non-profit organization dedicated to promoting social and intellectual networking for all students within the Yale community, particularly for graduate students who are interested in equity investment and entrepreneurship. The club unites entrepreneurs, industry experts, VC/PE investors, and all others who have genuine interests in the venture field among the Yale community.
YVC aims to connect investors and startups within and beyond the Yale community to further help the growth of venture capital talents and startup founders, thus further enhancing the influence among different communities beyond Yale campus.