科技巨头|Meta 全职岗校招开启,超高薪酬福利
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Meta Platforms, Inc.(商业名称:Meta)是美国一家经营社交网络服务、虚拟现实、元宇宙等产品的互联网科技公司,总部位于美国加州门洛帕克,旗下拥有Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp等社交软件。
招聘要求 …
开放职位:Production Engineer (University Grad)
工作地点:Bellevue, WA | Austin, TX
岗位职责 …
Develop a strong understanding of relevant product area, codebase, and/or systems
Demonstrate proficiency in data analysis, programming and software engineering
Produce high quality code with good test coverage, using modern abstractions and frameworks
Work independently, use available resources to get unblocked, and complete tasks on-schedule by exercising strong judgement and problem solving skills
Master Meta’s development standards from developing to releasing code in order to take on tasks and projects with increasing levels of complexity
Actively seek and give feedback in alignment with Meta’s Performance Philosophy
任职要求 …
Minimum Qualifications
Experience in *nix (Linux, BSDs, or another UNIX-like OS)
Currently has, or is in the process of obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, relevant technical field, or equivalent practical experience. Degree must be completed prior to joining Meta.
Experience coding in an industry-standard language (e.g. Java, Python, C++, PHP)
Experience picking up software, frameworks and APIs
Must obtain work authorization in country of employment at the time of hire, and maintain ongoing work authorization during employment
Preferred Qualifications
Understanding of TCP/IP networking fundamentals
Experience with an RDBMS like MySQL or Postgres
Knowledge of internet service architectures (such as load balancing, LAMP, CDN's)
Experience performing 'guerrilla capacity planning' for internet service architectures
Experience solving complex problems and comparing alternative solutions, tradeoffs, and diverse points of view to determine a path forward
Experience working and communicating cross functionally in a team environment
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筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波人才服务中心战略合作伙伴,并荣登福布斯全球华人精英TOP100及胡润百富创业领袖榜单,至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G 等企业 offers。我们的服务包括:求职咨询、背景提升、名企内推、海内外招聘等;商务合作请联系:[email protected]
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