


Palm trees MELT in Spain amid sweltering heatwave as temperatures hit 45C

Local media said that nearly a dozen palm trees in Alicante province fell due to the heat as parts of Spain reached cripplingly hot temperatures of nearly 45 degrees.

Shocking footage has laid bare the effects of climate change in Spain as palm trees are seen wilting and even snapping in the heat.

Local media said that between July 17 and 18, nearly a dozen palm trees in Alicante province met the same fate. Elche, Benidorm, and Torrevieja are among the places where palms have come crashing down amid the scorching heat.

Temperatures in Alicante were in the high thirties, but the Spanish met office (Aemet) recorded a maximum of 44.2 degrees in inland Álora and at the airport, which is the officially quoted weather station for Malaga, in Andalusia.

And temperatures on Tuesday peaked at 45.4 degrees Celsius in Figueres, in the Catalonia region, a record high for the northeastern region.
周二,加泰罗尼亚地区 Figueres 的气温达到了45.4摄氏度的峰值,创下了东北区的最高纪录。

Biology professor Manuel Crespo from the University of Alicante directly links the ongoing heatwave to the palms' deaths.

He told local media: "Should irrigation be reduced due to drought, the compacting of the soil can lead to root damage due to insufficient aeration, ultimately weakening the plant and possibly causing it to detach from the ground in extreme cases."
他告诉当地媒体: “如果由于干旱而减少灌溉,土壤的压实会因为通风不足而导致根部受损,最终削弱植株,在极端情况下可能导致植株脱离地面。”

He added that although palm trees are often present in deserts, "they are only found in oases with abundant groundwater".

Agronomist and Spanish Landscapers' Association president Jose Luis Romeu also told local media: "Palm trees can fall due to multiple factors, and one of them is lack of irrigation. The stiffer the trunk of a palm tree, the higher the risk."
农学家和西班牙园艺协会主席罗梅乌也告诉当地媒体: “棕榈树可能由于多种因素而倒下,其中之一就是缺乏灌溉。棕榈树的树干越硬,风险就越高。”

He added: "In the past, palm trees, especially in Elche, were located around irrigation ditches. Now, in parks with sprinkler irrigation, water only reaches the first few centimetres.
他补充说: “在过去,棕榈树,特别是在埃尔切,是位于灌溉沟渠周围。现在,在有喷水灌溉系统的公园里,水只能达到最初的几厘米。

"While it's true that there were significant rains in April, May, and June, providing important and sufficient irrigation, we are currently dealing with a lot of water stress and abrupt temperature changes, and the plant does not have the capacity for such rapid adaptation."


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