




欢迎加入莱镇高中经验座谈会,我们将向莱镇高中 2023届毕业生提问,了解他们在高中时的经历。在这个座谈会上,他们将分享他们在高中时光的心路历程,以及他们希望自己在高中时期能够做得不同的地方。通过这个多元化的嘉宾阵容,我们希望与会者能够认识我们的嘉宾,聆听他们的众多观点和建议。



8/12 周六美东时间晚上7:00-9:00

(8/13 周日北京时间早上7:00-9:00)



Audi Lin (CMU)

Eli Olcott (Harvard)

Ellen Wang (Stanford)

Jaime Yu (Stanford)

Lotem Loeb (Harvard)

Pria Sawhney (MIT)

Jason Alexander (UMass Amherst)

Isabel Li (Harvard)

Alicia Li (MIT)



Audi Lin (Lexington Youth STEAM Team)

Eli Olcott (Lexington Youth STEAM Team)




(Lexington Youth STEAM Team)






First Half Questions (high school experiences/what you did) 

What were your high school activities? What were your extracurriculars? 

How did you determine which activities you wanted to pursue?

What were your goals going into high school?

How did you take the initiative? (friends, opportunities, etc.)

How did/would you take advantage of the resources at LHS or surrounding LHS?

First Half Q&A 

Second Half Questions (looking back/what you wish you had done differently) 

Looking back, what is something you did well?

Looking back, what are some of your biggest regrets in high school? Or what would you have done differently?

What is some advice I wish I had known/taken more seriously?

Exercises and ways to see the value in this advice

What is some advice you wish you hadn’t taken as seriously?

Second Half Q&A 



主持人:Audi Lin

大家好,我是Audi Lin,将在卡内基梅隆大学就读计算机科学专业的大一新生。在我莱镇高中的时光里,我曾在校游泳队、Parity Bits(高中机器人队之一)和校内商店担任领导职务。在业余时间,我喜欢尝试新事物,比如缝纫和极限飞盘!

主持人:Eli Olcott

大家好!我叫Eli Olcott。我最近从LHS毕业,即将进入哈佛大学攻读计算机科学和哲学专业。在高中时,我曾担任莱镇足球队队长,进入过美国国家五人制足球队,参加过莱镇STEM青年团体,创办过自己的定制时事通讯和视频游戏(被学校禁止了),我对芭比娃娃的原声音乐着迷不已,最近还开始尝试攀岩。

嘉宾:Ellen Wang

大家好,我是Ellen Wang。我最近从莱镇高中毕业,曾担任校报的主编和班级干部。我是美国国际击剑队的成员,即将进入斯坦福大学就读。

嘉宾:Lotem Loeb


嘉宾:Jason Alexander


嘉宾:Jaime Yu


嘉宾:Pria Sawhney

大家好!我叫Pria,我是麻省理工学院的新生,计划学习化学工程。在莱镇高中,我曾是FIRST Tech Challenge 4029队的俱乐部队长,还是国家海洋科学碗队的队长。

嘉宾:Isabel Li


嘉宾:Alicia Li

大家好,我是Alicia Li,今年秋天将就读麻省理工。在LHS, 我是Math Team 和 LexMACS的成员,也是莱克星顿对话系列的发言人之一。我热爱数学和计算机研究,多次参加Math Prize for Girls,初中开始加入MIT PRIMES。在疫情开始,我创办了Watch To Donate, 我们的成员来自世界各地,通过制作有教育意义的视频,为非营利组织捐款。我从小喜欢舞蹈,是Legacy Dance Company的队员。

Scroll to read the English version

Scroll to read the English version

Join us for LPS High School Experiences Panel as we ask members of LHS’s graduated class of 2023 questions about their experiences in high school. In this panel, they will share what they’ve done and what they wish they would’ve done differently during their time at LHS. Through this diverse cast of experiences, we hope attendees will get to know our panelists and listen to the many perspectives and pieces of advice they have.


First Half Questions (high school experiences/what you did) 

What were your high school activities? What were your extracurriculars? 

How did you determine which activities you wanted to pursue?

What were your goals going into high school?

How did you take the initiative? (friends, opportunities, etc.)

How did/would you take advantage of the resources at LHS or surrounding LHS?

First Half Q&A 

Second Half Questions (looking back/what you wish you had done differently) 

Looking back, what is something you did well?

Looking back, what are some of your biggest regrets in high school? Or what would you have done differently?

What is some advice I wish I had known/taken more seriously?

Exercises and ways to see the value in this advice

What is some advice you wish you hadn’t taken as seriously?

Second Half Q&A 


Audi Lin

I’m Audi, a rising first-year studying computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. Throughout my time at Lexington High School, I held leadership positions within LHS’s swim team, the Parity Bits(one of LHS’s robotics teams), and the LHS School Store. In my free time, I enjoy creating and trying new things!

Eli Olcott

Hi! My name is Eli Olcott. I recently graduated from LHS and I’m an incoming freshman at Harvard planning on doing computer science and philosophy. I was Captain of the Lexington Soccer Team, got on the U.S. National Futsal Team, was part of Lex STEM Youth Group, created my own custom newsletter and video game (which got banned by the school), I liked Barbie’s soundtrack a little too much, and I have recently gotten into rock climbing.

Ellen Wang

Hi my name is Ellen Wang. I recently graduated Lexington High School, where I served as editor-in-chief of the school newspaper and class officer. I am on the US International fencing team and a rising freshman at Stanford University.

Jaime Yu

Hi people! I’m Jaime, a rising freshman at Stanford who loves all things engineering and earth science. I am the former captain of various STEM clubs at LHS (envirothon, science olympiad, ocean sciences bowl), student researcher, and past team member and current mentor of the US Earth Science Olympiad Team. I spend nearly all of my free time outside from hiking, climbing and running to building random shenanigans.

Lotem Loeb

Hi! I’m Lotem and am thoroughly experienced with LPS in the realms of academics, visual arts, civic action, extracurriculars, and community service. I enjoy reading, immersing myself in nature, and listening to all types of music; and doing all three is my favorite!

Pria Sawhney

Hi! My name is Pria, I’m a rising freshman at MIT planning to study chemical engineering. At LHS, I was a club captain for FIRST Tech Challenge team 4029 and a captain of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl team.

Jason Alexander

Hi, I'm Jason, I'm a rising freshman at UMass Amherst majoring in computer science and philosophy. Throughout my time at LHS, I had a lot of fun exploring different career paths, looking for ways to combine my interests with my skills. In my free time, I like working out and playing video games.

Isabel Li

Hi! I’m Isabel, a rising freshman at Harvard majoring in neuroscience. During my time at LHS I danced ballet, led cultural events/programs, and explored neurobiology through the realms of civic impact and research. In my free time I like rewatching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and losing at board games.

Alicia Li

Hi everyone, I’m Alicia Li, an incoming freshman at MIT. At LHS, I was part of Math Team and LexMACS, along with being the student spokesperson for Lexington in Conversation. I qualified for Math Prize For Girls 3x and have been researching and studying at MIT PRIMES for 5 years. In 2020, I founded the organization Watch To Donate, with members from around the world, using technology to allow people to donate to charity for free. In my free time, I love to dance!

编辑:Edison Zhang
 策划:Edison Zhang & 丁薇
 Lion Youth Editorial Board




Chinese American Association 

of Lexington

Cary Libary Foundation 


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