



The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival Global Film Collection Announcement


The Global Film Collection Launch Ceremony of the 5th HIIFF


The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival (the 5th HIIFF) will be held in December 2023, with thousands of films competing for the Golden Coconut Awards. The "Golden Coconut Awards" competition of the 5th HIIFF is divided into three categories: feature-length fiction films, documentary films and short films. There are 10 awards in total: Best Picture, Best Director, Special Jury Prize, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenwriter, Best Artistic Contribution, Best Children's Film, Best Documentary and Best Short Film.



This "Golden Coconut Awards" registration period will end at 24:00 on October 15, 2023. The official website of the Hainan Island International Film Festival ( now includes a film collection channel. The selected films will be screened during the festival, and the winners will be announced and awarded at the closing ceremony.


Golden Coconut Awards Submission Guidelines

▲金椰奖 Golden Coconut Award




The Competition Section includes feature-length fiction films, documentary films, and short films.


1. 剧情长片和纪录片片长不少于70分钟;

2. 短片片长需在12分钟以上;

3. 2022年8月15日以后制作完成的影片,且未以任何版本报名过本竞赛;

4. 剧情长片和纪录片放映规格须为符合商业映演影院放映标准之DCP (Digital Cinema Package)。

Only films that meet the following requirements will be considered:

1. Feature-length fiction films and documentary films must be at least 70 minutes in length.

2. Short films should be at least 12 minutes in length.

3. Films made after August 15, 2022 that have not been previously submitted to any version of this competition;
4. Feature-length fiction films and documentary films accepted for the competition must be in DCP (Digital Cinema Package) format, which is the industry standard for theatrical screening.


Registration Methods

1. 报名参与竞赛影片需在报名窗口开放的规定时间内在电影节官网注册报名,逐项填写报名影片的必填项信息,并提供样片下载链接。

Films submitted to the competition must be registered on the festival's official website within the specified timeframe when the registration window is open. Filmmakers should provide all required information for each entry and include a download link for the preview version of the film.

2. 请正确填写报名表,如有错漏由报名者自行承担相关责任。未完整及未准确填写信息的影片,本节有权撤销其参赛资格。

Please complete the registration form in its entirety; any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the entrant. The festival reserves the right to disqualify any film that does not complete the form completely and accurately.

3. 本节仅接受在线样片下载链接,需符合以下标准:

The festival only accepts preview videos that meet the following requirements:

(1) 视频文件限MOV或MP4格式,最低分辨率为1920*1080;

Video files are limited to MOV or MP4 format with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080;

(2) 文件大小不超过5GB;

The file size should not exceed 5GB;

(3)  可以添加水印;

A watermark can be added;

(4) 若影片对白语言为英文以外的语言,须配有中文或英文字幕

Films in languages other than Mandarin Chinese must have Chinese or English subtitles;

(5) 样片递交版本需与实际影片一致。本节有权取消任何样片与实际影片有出入的影片参赛资格。

The submitted version must be the same as the actual film. The festival reserves the right to exclude any film whose dailies differ from the actual film.

4. 报名截止后,递交的影片将无权参赛,已报名影片不可撤回报名。

Entries submitted after the closing date for registration will not be considered for the competition, and registered films will not be eligible for withdrawal.

5. 报名影片参加竞赛的申请人代表他/她已经通过影片版权所有人、创作人以及其他影片授权代理人的同意,并已经阅读、理解及同意条款。对于违反此条而造成的纠纷,本节不负责任。

By submitting a film to the competition, the entrant certifies that he/she has obtained the consent of the copyright owner, creator, or other authorized representative of the film and has read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions. Hainan Island International Film Festival will not be responsible for any disputes arising from any violation of these terms and conditions.

6. 海南岛国际电影节有权拒绝任何不符合中国国家法律和文化政策规定的作品。

The Festival reserves the right to reject any film that does not meet all or part of the above requirements, as well as any film that does not comply with Chinese laws or related cultural policies.

7. 海南岛国际电影节保留对本章程条款及其未尽事宜的最终解释权。

The Hainan Island International Film Festival reserves the right to a final interpretation of the terms and conditions of these articles and any matters not covered herein.

*最终解释权归海南岛国际电影节所有 All conditions and terms are subject to change


Adhering to the concept of "year-round screening, island-wide screening, film viewing for all people, and the whole industry chain's development model", the 5th HIIFF will focus on the principles of "internationalization, specialization, and marketization" to make full use of the Hainan FTP's resources, adhere to market-oriented operations, explore its own unique direction of development, and create a cultural exchange window for China to further deepen reform and open up to the outside world and for Hainan to accelerate the construction of the FTP.


The 5th HIIFF is hosted by the China Media Group and the People's Government of Hainan Province, co-organized by the Publicity Department of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee, the Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television, and Sports of Hainan Province, the Hainan Federation of Writers and Artists, and the People's Government of Sanya City, and implemented by Sanya Golden Coconut Film Co., Ltd.

来源:Sanya Media & Film Group、GoSanya微信公众号


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