Hi2 Global(纽约)招聘行政助理、另类信贷分析师

Hi2 Global(纽约)招聘行政助理、另类信贷分析师


Administrative Assistant

(Mandarin Bilingual)

Salary: $25-$28/hour


1.Manage office files and documents, including filing, copying, scanning, and organizing documents. 

2.Handle phone calls, process emails and faxes, and promptly relay messages to the relevant departments or individuals.

3.Assist in organizing company events, meetings, and training sessions, including venue reservations, materials preparation, and logistical support.

4.Take charge of office supplies procurement and inventory management, ensuring proper functioning of office equipment.

5.Support the HR department in handling employee onboarding, offboarding, and other personnel-related tasks.

6.Assist in communication with vendors and manage contracts.


1.Bachelor’s degree or above, major in Administrative Management or a related field preferred.

2.1-2 years of experience as an administrative assistant or in a related role.

3.Strong communication skills for effective handling of phone calls, emails, and other daily communications.

Private/Alternative Credit Analyst
(Mandarin Bilingual)

Salary: $35-$45/hour

1. Conducting investment research on private credit markets;
2. Sourcing, conducting due diligence on and negotiating with private credit borrowers;
3. Managing investments and operations of private credit funds.

1. Bachelor’s degree or above, major in finance, economics and related disciplines;
2. Understanding of financial market and fixed income product, consumer credit experiences preferred;
3. Self-starter with global vision, strong research, and analysis capabilities, able to independently complete investment research projects.

Investor Relations Analyst 
(Mandarin Bilingual)

Salary: $35-$40/hour

1. Maintaining and actively expanding institutional investor relationships;
2. Managing fundraising processes of equity, credit, venture and capital funds;
3. Preparing fund introduction materials and investor reports.

1. Bachelor’s degree or above, major in finance or related disciplines;
2. Client facing experiences at financial institutions;
3. Strong communication and process management skills.

Investor Relations Intern
 (Mandarin Bilingual)

Salary: $15/hour

1. Maintaining and actively expanding institutional investor relationships;
2. Managing fundraising processes of equity, credit, venture and capital funds;
3. Preparing fund introduction materials and investor reports.


1. Bachelor’s degree or above, major in finance or related disciplines;
2. Client facing experiences at financial institutions;
3. Strong communication and process management skills.

Private/Alternative Credit Analyst Intern
(Mandarin Bilingual)

Salary: $15/hour

1. Conducting investment research on private credit markets;
2. Sourcing, conducting due diligence on and negotiating with private credit borrowers;
3. Managing investments and operations of private credit funds.

1. Bachelor’s degree or above, major in finance, economics and related disciplines;
2. Understanding of financial market and fixed income product, consumer credit experiences preferred;
3. Self-starter with global vision, strong research, and analysis capabilities, able to independently complete investment research projects.

Public Relationship Intern 
(Mandarin Bilingual)

Salary: $15/hour

1. Managing financial media relationship;
2. Managing social media content and platforms;
3. Organizing marketing events.

1. Bachelor’s degree or above, majors in communications, finance, economics or related disciplines;
2. Marketing experience at financial institutions.

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