Hi2 Global(纽约)招聘人力行政助理,法务合规经理

Hi2 Global(纽约)招聘人力行政助理,法务合规经理


HR Admin Assistant 

(Mandarin Bilingual) 

Salary: $30-$35/hour 


1. Provide administrative support for the day-to-day operations of the People team, including administrative support for employee onboarding procedures, terminations, employee changes, maintaining employee files and HR/People systems administration; 

2. Assist with coordination of all background checks, mandated trainings and benefits enrollments/inquires; 

3. Maintain employee records and ensure accuracy and compliance with company policies and federal and state regulations; 

4. Assist with the onsite coordination of new hire orientations and employee trainings. 


    1. Bachelor degree or above, Human Resources related majors preferred; 

    2. 0-2 years of work experience in human administration, finance, technology, and start-up experience preferred; 

    3. Familiar with recruitment process, experience in performance management, organizational development, human resource planning preferred. 

    Legal and Compliance Analyst/Manager

    (Mandarin Bilingual) 

    Salary: $35-40/hour 


    1. Responsible for regulatory compliance with SEC, FINRA, and other relevant agencies, encompassing the timely and accurate update of regulatory filings; 

    2. Coordinate and oversee communications with external legal counsels, consultants, and registration agents, managing fund establishment processes and conducting comprehensive legal due diligence; 

    3. Continuously monitor and assess the legal and regulatory landscape to ensure alignment with compliance standards. 


    1. Law degree is required, LLM is highly preferred; 

    2. 0-3 years of legal and compliance experience in the financial industry, US experience is preferred.  

    Investment Operations Manager

    (Mandarin Bilingual)

    Salary: $40-50/hour


    1. Responsible for the operational management of funds, including accounting, and financial processing of equity, credit, and venture capital funds;

    2. Communicating with fund administrators, custodians and auditors.


    1. Bachelor’s degree or above, majors in accounting、finance, or related disciplines;

    2. 3-5 years of experience in fund operations is preferred;

    3. Understanding of regulations, policies, and regulatory requirements in the field of fund investment.


    (Mandarin Bilingual)

    Salary: $25-30/hour


    1. Record financial transactions through multiple sources including accounts payable,  accounts receivable, bank activity, credit cards, and payroll;

    2. Prepare consolidated financial reports through collection, analysis, and summarization  of data;

    3. Conduct reconciliation of all accounts on an as needed basis;

    4. Assist in completing all reporting requirements with our third part auditors,  administrators and accounting firms.


    1. Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, or other related field;

    2. 1-3 years relevant experience working in accounting and book keeping preferably in the financial technology industry;

    3. Proficiency in Quickbooks, and Microsoft Excel required;

    4. Strong communication skills, proficient in English and Chinese.

    Public Relationship Assistant 

    (Mandarin Bilingual)

    Salary: $30-$35/hour


    1. Managing financial media relationship;

    2. Managing social media content and platforms;

    3. Organizing marketing events.


    1. Bachelor’s degree or above, majors in communications, finance, economics or related disciplines;

    2. Marketing experience in financial institutions.

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