八大投行 |Bank of America 低年级Women's Program开招
即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态
招聘要求 …
开放职位:2024 Bank of America Campus to Careers Women's Forum
工作地点:New York
岗位职责 …
Whether you are in the early stages of exploring or have decided on a career path, Bank of America invites interested sophomores to apply for the chance to meet our team of recruiters and professionals this Spring.This forum is designed to help individuals navigate the transition between being on campus as a student and confidently entering the corporate workforce. As an attendee, you will receive business-specific seminars, join dynamic discussions on diversity and inclusion, interview for Summer 2025 internships, while building your professional network along the way!
Selected students will enjoy an all-inclusive experience in New York City on February 21-23, 2024.
At Bank of America, we realize the power of our people and value our differences - in thought, style, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, culture, ethnicity and experience - recognizing that our diversity makes us a stronger company. Diversity and inclusion are central to our company's values, and we are proud to be widely recognized for our workplace practices and initiatives that promote inclusion.
This diversity and inclusion forum supports the bank's commitment to equity and inclusion by recognizing top campus talent from historically underrepresented backgrounds in the financial services industry; specifically Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, women, LGBTQ+, military veterans and people with disabilities, for the fast-paced internship recruiting process. While our goal is to create a workforce that reflects the communities and clients we serve, all eligible students regardless of background are encouraged to apply. Selected students will be considered for 2025 summer programs.
Our global banking client-facing businesses inMarket Makersprovide financial solutions to individuals, institutions, and companies of all sizes.
任职要求 …
Candidates are required to be pursuing a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with a graduation timeframe betweenDecember 2025 and June 2026. Students who have accepted a Summer 2025 internship offer at Bank of America are not eligible to apply
Applicants chosen for consideration will be invited to (a) complete a pre-recorded video submission and (b) indicate the internship programs from the list of businesses above for which they would like to be considered
This process will help determine which business-specific seminars and small group sessions participating students attend
While student applications are limited to one career path, we will consider applicants for all businesses based on capacity.
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