


“不要乱说,眉笔一直79元,国货品牌很难的” “带货直播现在都这么疯狂了吗”……近日,一些“众星捧月”般的头部带货主播们轮番陷入了“底价协议”和“低俗擦边”等舆论争议。

Livestreamers are going to ever wackier lengths to attract eyeballs and generate sales in China’s rapidly growing and competitive live online e-commerce market, leading some commentators to push for more regulation and stiffer standards.

前不久,某带货主播因在带货YSL气垫时的怪异行为招致非议。直播中,主播披头散发、妆容凌乱且表情狰狞,让观众直呼“低俗辣眼睛”,纷纷质疑YSL的市场定位,并在其账号下留言“品牌形象不要了吗?” “太low了吧”。



In late October, a female livestream sales host going by the name Honglvdeng de huang, who has 9.1 million followers on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, became the target of some criticism when she began selling YSL cosmetics while her hair and makeup were deliberately messy.


Another sales host, “Crazy Xiaoyang”, who has nearly 100 million followers on Douyin, has also stepped over into the absurdity in order to generate sales, donning the small children’s clothing he was selling in order to demonstrate the elasticity of the fabric.

Such antics have become more common, demonstrating just how fierce competition in the industry has become.


The number of digital-based flexible jobs, such as livestream hosts and ride-hailing drivers, has surged in recent years.

Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics show that China had around 200 million people in flexible employment by the end of 2021, and Ali Research, Alibaba’s business research arm, predicts that figure will rise to 400 million by 2036.


According to recruitment portal Zhaopin, 18 percent of vacancies in the first quarter of this year were for digital-based flexible jobs.

As livestream sales have become an important avenue of flexible employment in recent years, many livestreaming anchors have gotten creative, adding comical and absurd elements to their livestreams to help boost sales.



“我们也是没办法,你没有噱头就没有流量,观众为什么来你直播间买东西?别人(头部主播)可能一小时的收入就抵我们一年的工资了。而且这年头随时有更年轻更漂亮的主播来取代我们。” 在浙江杭州做主播的钟言清今年只有23岁,面容身材姣好,但她愈发觉得工作竞争压力大,常被压得“喘不过气”。

“We have no choice as we have a monthly evaluation system based on our sales, and we have to attract a bigger audience to sell products to earn a higher salary,” said Zhong Yanqing, a 23-year-old livestream host in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. “It’s easier to attract people’s attention with jokes or doing something funny.”

She said the competition among livestreamers at her company was very intense, and she sometimes felt exhausted.

“There are always beautiful people appearing on social platforms, and my company invites them to train to become potential internet celebrities for livestream commerce,” Zhong said. “There is also a big income gap between us unknown hosts and those top-tier ones, who may earn our full-year salary in just an hour of livestreaming.”

Last month, Ling Dale, known online as “Luha” and who is famous for imitating Lu Han, the former member of a South Korean pop group, said he earned 35 million yuan ($4.8 million) in seven months doing livestream sales.

智联招聘执行副总裁李强在接受《中国日报》记者采访时表示,“直播带货是电商新模式,对提高销量、扩大品牌知名度、增强与消费者的互动等方面有显著优势,企业纷纷加入其中,大量招募主播。” 但直播行业在创造大量就业机会的同时,因主播收入不稳定、不透明,可能不利于就业市场薪酬公平和税收管理。


Li Qiang, Zhaopin’s vice-president, said the fast development of the digital economy had incubated new ways of employment and transformed companies’ labor demands.

“Livestream sales are a new way of utilizing e-commerce, which can increase product sales, brand popularity, and interactions between brands and customers,” he said.

Li said that while the growing livestreaming industry had offered more job opportunities, it still faced many problems that were yet to be solved or regulated.

“The livestreamers have unstable and nontransparent incomes due to the lack of a State-level income management system, which may affect fair pay and tax management,” he said.



Some livestreamers have extraordinarily high incomes.

According to a recent report by the China Association of Performing Arts, 95.2 percent of livestream hosts who used the job as their main source of income earned under 5,000 yuan, whereas 0.4 percent earned over 100,000 yuan a month. Their nontransparent incomes have also led to difficulties in the supervision and gathering of taxation.



Some provinces and cities have taken exploratory steps to better regulate livestream e-commerce.

Hangzhou is soliciting public opinions on a draft guideline for live commerce regulation. The draft calls for livestreamers to be banned from engaging in inappropriate and vicious competition by requiring product manufacturers to sign floor-price agreements.


Li from Zhaopin said the government could better protect livestreamers’ rights by adjusting policies, so they were included in minimum wage cover, with regulated working hours and paid vacations.

“Digital technologies can be used in tax inspections of digital-based flexible jobs to better regulate the industry,” he added.


猕猴桃哪家强 陕西眉县找徐香

皮薄肉厚 水润香甜

齿留余香 沁人心脾


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