集中展示特色优势产业产品 ABB集团亮相第六届中国国际进口博览会

集中展示特色优势产业产品 ABB集团亮相第六届中国国际进口博览会




Eyeing an innovation uptrend in China, ABB Group, the Swiss-Swedish multinational corporation, has brought more than 50 cutting-edge products to the ongoing the sixth China International Import Expo in Shanghai.


In addition to launching its new measurement product with Ethernet-APL technology, smart electrification products and smart manufacturing solution in process industries at the grand event, ABB and business partners have signed multiple Memorandums of Understanding in joining efforts to accelerate digital transformation and green development.



“As an old friend of the CIIE, we are full of expectations for each edition of the expo. In the past five years, ABB has demonstrated more than 210 innovative products and cutting-edge technologies at the expo, with a few new product launches,” said Gu Chunyuan, chairman of ABB China.
“It has also provided an excellent platform for us to better understand the market demands and gain more business opportunities including the signing of nearly 90 MoU.” Gu said.



With the strong influence and visibility of the CIIE, Gu said that the group looks forward to more ABB products and technologies taking off from the platform and landing in the country this year, while deepening cooperation with customers to explore the pathway to green, low-carbon and sustainable development.


Under the theme of Partner of Choice for Sustainable Development, ABB has presented more than 50 innovative products and technologies from all over the world with a focus on clean energy, smart manufacturing, smart city and smart transportation at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, the venue of CIIE, in Shanghai.



Its exhibits include ABB’s next generation of collaborative robots, high-voltage air circuit breakers and a gas-insulated ring main unit, smart DC charger, energy-efficient motors, frequency converter and ABB Cloud Drive, a range of automation solutions for the process and hybrid industries, and marine offerings.



ABB’s booth is showcasing a range of new products, including advanced measurement devices, digital electrification products and smart manufacturing solutions for the steel and non-ferrous metal industry.




As fast data transmission over long distances is essential for industrial digital transformation, ABB has witnessed the global debut of its measurement product with Ethernet-APL technology at the CIIE this year. 
Through the seamless connectivity of field equipment and Ethernet-APL, it presents a higher level of digital instrumentation. To better meet the demands of its clients, ABB has integrated the Ethernet-APL technology into its distributed control system to provide industrial users with seamless communication.




作为ABB可持续发展产品方案的一部分,ABB在第六届中国国际进口博览会上展示了其全系列最新电气化产品和解决方案,以支持绿色发展。展品包括Emax 2/E高电压空气断路器、Safe 40.5kV气体绝缘环网柜和紧凑型开关柜、ABB建筑光储直柔、数字化能效与资产健康管理等,以创新的电气技术赋能低碳未来。

As part of ABB’s portfolio to enable sustainability, ABB has presented its full range of latest electrification products and solutions for green development at the sixth CIIE. 
The exhibits include the new Emax 2/E HV Air Circuit Breaker; Safe 40.5 kilovolt ring main unit and switchgear; flexible solar energy storage solution for buildings; EAM energy and asset management, which can enable a low-carbon future.


继去年展出液冷系统的480kW液冷大功率充电桩之后,ABB正在展出新一代Terra CA II安全智能直流充电桩,因为便捷的充电基础设施对电动车普及和可持续交通至关重要。该充电器的输出电压在300-1000V,适用于集中充电场站和高档建筑配套,可高效满足电动出租车、电动物流车、电动大巴等多样化的充电需求。

Following the exhibition of the 480 kilowatt DC HP power charger with a liquid-cooled system in 2022, ABB is exhibiting a new generation of Terra serial charger — the Terra CA II smart DC charger — as the convenient access to charging infrastructure is essential for electric vehicle adoption and sustainable transport.
With wide output voltage range from 300 volts to 1,000 V DC, the charger is ideally suited for centralized EV charging stations and high-end building parking facilities, and can meet the diversified charging needs of electric taxis, logistics vehicles and buses.


China is ABB’s second-largest market as well as its important R&D and manufacturing center globally. ABB has been a participant of the CIIE since the first edition in 2018. 
The expo has become a showcase of China’s new development paradigm, a platform for high-level opening-up and a public good for the whole world, providing a broad platform for Chinese and foreign enterprises to present their innovative technologies and share development opportunities, the company said.



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