“气候变化不是未来之事,气候变化就是此时此地之事,但我们也看到对气候变化,需要付出的深刻努力。” “Climate change is not the future, climate change is here and now, but also a deep commitment that we have to make this change.”
势在必行 以国际合作应对气候变化
自生效以来,《巴黎协定》通过设定目标并向世界宣告应对气候危机的紧迫性,推动了近乎全球普遍的气候行动。但是,尽管已经取得一定进展,各方仍需要投入更多努力。 Since its adoption, the Paris Agreement has driven near-universal climate action by setting goals and sending signals to the world regarding the urgency of responding to the climate crisis. While action is proceeding, much more is needed now on all fronts.
Food waste is not just the food that we throw in the garbage. It's the whole supply chain of all that energy, all the way right up to the dinner table.
The more I'm involved in this, the more I understand how fragile our environments can be. It's just as fragile as our lives. We have only one Earth.
猕猴桃哪家强 陕西眉县找徐香
皮薄肉厚 水润香甜
齿留余香 沁人心脾
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