Invitation to Mr. Yih’s 90th Birthday Party

Invitation to Mr. Yih’s 90th Birthday Party


We are happy to invite our fellow alumni to join the 90th Birthday Party of Frank Yih叶守璋先生.

Frank YIH, undergraduate in London U, Chem Eng, MSc Course 10 in MIT 1960, is an established entrepreneur in semiconductor industry, and a passioned philanthropist as the founder of Rotary Club in China.

In his early career, He joined mother of Silicon Valley Fairchild as a Processing Engineer in October 1960. He was really the first Microchips Chinese Executive started Fairchild HK Ltd in 1962. And he successfully introduced plastic packaging hence brought prices of Microchips down to affordable level for commercial application. He founded Philco-Ford Microelectronics in KEPZ Kaohsiung, Taiwan 1965 – 1970, and founded Intersil Singapore Ltd. with one of the 8 Scientists’ Founders in Fairchild Dr. Jean Hernie. In 1973, he came back to Taipei and established wholly own Asionics Taiwan Inc. and from 1980, started expansion to Manila, Philippines until 1992 when he landed in Shanghai & changed his profession from Microchips High Tech to Philanthropy and brought Rotary into China.


叶守璋先生,英国伦敦大学化工理学士,美国麻省理工学院化工系硕士。曾任美国加利福尼亚山景市仙童公司总工程师,全球第一个IC小组成员,参与制作世界首创采用氧化硅过程的整体电路。1962年到1992年间,叶先生先后创办香港仙童公司,美科电子有限公司,台湾高雄General Micro Electronics有限公司,新加坡Intersil Singapore (Pte) Ltd.有限公司,台湾国峰有限公司,菲律宾国峰公司,上海国峰电子有限公司,是东南亚半导体行业中最具经验的开拓者和企业家。1992年回到上海,从高科技芯片公司转型到慈善业务,并Rotary Club带回中国。

Date and Time 时间:

Nov 17, 2023, Friday, 5:00 – 9:00pm

2023年11月17日, 周五晚5点开始

Venue 地点:

Asionics Penthouse, 6 Lance 1279 Zhongshan West Road, WuZhong Road exit.


Agenda 日程:

5:00 – 6:00 pm Tea / Social

6:00 -- 9:00 pm Dinner, Sharing, Networking 晚餐,分享,自由交流

20 seats available, please register ASAP. Alumni from SJTU and Rotarian will also join the party.

座位有限(20席),请大家尽早报名。上海交通大学的校友和Rotary Club的朋友也会参加生日聚会。



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