


Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech Wednesday at Welcome Dinner by Friendly Organizations in the United States in San Francisco.


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San Francisco has borne witness to exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples for over a century. A hundred and fifty-eight years ago, a large number of Chinese workers came all the way to the United States to build the first transcontinental railroad, and established in San Francisco the oldest Chinatown in the Western Hemisphere. From here, China and the United States have made many achievements — $760 billion of annual bilateral trade and over $260 billion of two-way investment, 284 pairs of sister provinces/states and sister cities, and over 300 scheduled flights every week and over five million travels every year at peak time. These extraordinary accomplishments were made jointly by our peoples accounting for nearly one quarter of the global population.

2023年5月10日,美国加利福尼亚州副州长埃莱妮·库纳拉基斯(右三)在旧金山举行的“铁路华工历史中心”揭幕仪式上讲话。新华社记者 吴晓凌 摄

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San Francisco has also borne witness to the efforts by China and the United States in building a better world. Seventy-eight years ago, after jointly defeating fascism and militarism, our two countries initiated together with others the San Francisco Conference, which helped found the United Nations, and China was the first country to sign the UN Charter. Starting from San Francisco, the postwar international order was established. Over 100 countries have gained independence one after another. Several billion people have eventually shaken off poverty. The forces for world peace, development and progress have grown stronger. This has been the main fruit jointly achieved by people of all countries and the international community.

这是2015年9月15日在美国纽约联合国总部拍摄的“世纪宝鼎”。“世纪宝鼎”是中国在1995年联合国成立50周年之际,赠送给联合国的礼物。新华社记者 李木子 摄

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During World War II, our two countries fought side by side for peace and justice. Headed by General Claire Lee Chennault, a group of American volunteers, known as the Flying Tigers, went to the battlefield in China. They not only engaged in direct combats fighting Japanese aggressors, but also created "The Hump" airlift to transport much-needed supplies to China. More than 1,000 Chinese and American airmen lost their lives on this air route. After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States sent 16 B-25 bombers on an air raid to Japan in 1942. Running low on fuel after completing their mission, Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle and his fellow pilots parachuted in China. They were rescued by Chinese troops and local civilians. But some 250,000 civilian Chinese were killed by Japanese aggressors in retaliation.

The Chinese people never forget the Flying Tigers. We built a Flying Tigers museum in Chongqing, and invited over 1,000 Flying Tigers veterans and their families to visit China. I have kept in touch with some of them through letters. Most recently, 103-year-old Harry Moyer and 98-year-old Mel McMullen, both Flying Tigers veterans, went back to China. They visited the Great Wall, and were warmly received by the Chinese people.

The American people, on their part, always remember the Chinese who risked their lives to save American pilots. Offspring of those American pilots often visit the Doolittle Raid Memorial Hall in Quzhou of Zhejiang province to pay tribute to the Chinese people for their heroic and valorous efforts. These stories fill me with firm confidence that the friendship between our two peoples, which has stood the test of blood and fire, will be passed on from generation to generation.

2023年10月29日,飞虎队老兵莫耶一行人在北京八达岭长城合影留念。当日,美中航空遗产基金会访华代表团成员陆续抵达北京。新华社记者 任超 摄

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In 1971, the US table tennis team visited Beijing — a small ball moved the globe. Not long after that, Mr Mike Mansfield led the first US Congressional delegation to China. This was followed by the first governors' delegation including Iowa Governor Robert Ray and then many business delegations, forming waves of friendly exchanges.

这是中美混双组合在2021年11月下旬举行的休斯敦世界乒乓球锦标赛期间合练。中美选手在休斯敦世乒赛上联合组队出战混合双打比赛,纪念中美“乒乓外交”50周年。新华社记者 吴晓凌 摄

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During my first visit to the United States, I stayed at the Dvorchaks in Iowa. I still remember their address — 2911 Bonnie Drive. That was my first face-to-face contact with the Americans. The days I spent with them are unforgettable. For me, they represent America. I have found that although our two countries are different in history, culture and social system and have embarked on different development paths, our two peoples are both kind, friendly, hardworking and down-to-earth. We both love our countries, our families and our lives, and we both are friendly toward each other and are interested in each other.

这是2015年9月17日在美国艾奥瓦州马斯卡廷市拍摄的“中美友谊屋”外观。新华社记者 鲍丹丹 摄

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Recently, the three pandas at Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington DC have returned to China. I was told that many American people, especially children, were really reluctant to say goodbye to the pandas, and went to the zoo to see them off. I also learned that the San Diego Zoo and the Californians very much look forward to welcoming pandas back. Pandas have long been envoys of friendship between the Chinese and American peoples. We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States on panda conservation, and do our best to meet the wishes of the Californians so as to deepen the friendly ties between our two peoples.

2023年9月30日,在美国华盛顿史密森学会国家动物园,游客体验大熊猫主题书法活动。新华社记者 刘杰 摄


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